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专题19 读后续写1. 热练掌握故事特点,根据题目要求,发挥想象写出内容丰富、句式多样的故事;2. 扎实复习句子写作是提高读后续写的根本。 读后续写 写作思路梳理1.阅读原文,确定文章类型,确定主旨大意通读全文首先要解决好五个W和一个H的问题,即理清人物who、地点where、时间when、事件what、原因why及怎样发展how。在阅读全文时,考生应将影响语义理解的词句进行仔细揣摩,结合上下文推测出它的准确含义。比如,A bright red cloud enveloped the animal,该句中的enveloped可以结合上下文,猜出它的含义大致为surround sb. or sth. completely。2.梳理已知段落,确定主要情节在了解文章大意后,确定文章每个段落的情节,可按“开端、发展、高潮、结局”思路作情节概括。3.借助段落开头及结尾,谋篇布局按照原文中事件发生的逻辑性,构思好情节发展,这个发展须符合情节内在的逻辑。因为这不是写科幻小说,不是写神话,因此应该符合现实发生的真实性。所以这个环节的主要任务是谋篇布局。布局谋篇最关键应利用好两方面的信息:文中的关键词语 续写部分所给的两段落的首句在情节的安排中,同学们必须按照叙述的顺序,继续紧密结合原材料中五个W的逻辑顺序发展下去。第一段和第二段要衔接紧密,相互关联,不能独立存在。4.理清逻辑,丰富表达这一部分侧重点为语言逻辑,词句结构都必须符合情景。写作不必追求高大上的词汇,相反,朴实自然、地道、贴切的词语便是好的词语。杨柳的美体现在纤细婀娜,樟树的美体现在挺拔繁茂,不同的写作对象应采用不同的语言风格,必须采用适当的描写侧重点。续写要抓住续这一核心,按照情节的发展进行延续,写作手法上必须以叙为主,描写上以动作描写为重心,情节的发展合乎逻辑地推进。02 读后续写 提分技巧1、微动作体现人物情绪(1) After hearing his sons words, the father frowned. 听了他儿子的话,这个父亲皱了皱眉。(2) The little girl winked her eyes,with the hope that her mother could agree.小女孩眨了眨眼睛,希望她妈妈能同意。(3) On the way home,he whistled while walking with a paper with full marks in his hand.在回家的路上,他边走边吹口哨,手里攥着一张满分卷。(4) When he saw her, he shrugged his shoulders ,and she knew that their demand was turned down. 当他看见她时,耸了耸肩,她就知道他们的要求被拒绝了。(5) The naughty boy scratched his head, so confused. 顽皮的男孩抓着自己的脑袋,很困惑。2、大动作推动情节发展1)副词的修饰 副词可以从程度、频率、方式、方向、时间、地点等方面修饰动作,让大动作描写更具体。(1) He packed the box carefully(with care)so as not to break the delicate vase inside.他小心翼翼地包装那个盒子,生怕打碎了里面的瓶子。(2) She stepped forward in spite of the fear in her heart.他不顾心中的恐惧向前走去。2)各种短语的辅助各种短语的添加,如名词短语、介词短语、副词短语等,能够使人物动作刻画更形象。(1) He practiced playing the violin, heart and soul. 他全身心练习小提琴。(2) She answered in a very low voice,I dont know.她用非常低的声音回答:,我不知道。(3) The old man rubbed his hands over and over again. 老人不停地搓着手。3)一连串动词的使用几个动词一起使用,使动作接连呈现在读者的面前,人物活动轨迹更连贯,动作场景丰富。(1) He paused for a while ,breathed some air and jumped with all his strength.他顿了一下,吸了一口气,然后用尽全力跳了起来。(2) The man sat on the long bench under the maple tree in the park, watching the kids playing, singing and cheering.那个男人坐在公园枫树下的长凳上,看着孩子们玩耍,唱歌,欢呼。3、具体动作增强画面感(1) The little girl walked quietly to the study while her father was working.那个小女孩静悄悄地走到她爸爸工作的书房。 The little girl tiptoed quietly to the study where her father was working.那个小女孩踮着脚尖走到了她爸爸工作的书房。(2) When he was about to enter the flower shop, she found a little girl crying at the corner of the street. 当他正要进入那个花店时,他看见了一个小女孩在街角哭。When he was about to enter the flower shop, he found a little girl weeping at the corner of the street. 当他正要进入那家花店时,他看见了一个小女孩在街角哭泣。(3) The kid ate the delicious ice-cream happily. 那个孩子快乐地吃着冰淇淋。The kid licked the delicious ice-cream happily. 那个孩子快乐地舔着冰淇淋。4.读后续写主题升华1. It dawned on me that if we never lose hope in adversity, there will be a way out.我逐渐明白如果我们在险境中不放弃希望,总是会有出路的。 (在险境中学会遇事不慌,沉着冷静)。2. Sitting in the guestroom, I found it really blissful / joyful to be accompanied by your beloved ones! 坐在客房里,我意识到有你所爱的人陪伴着,这是多么幸福的事啊!(脱险后亲朋相聚的喜悦)3. Its never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。4. Sometimes, a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference.有时候一些小小的善行可能足以带来巨大的改变。5. Sometimes, a small gesture of care will possible melt peoples loneliness.有时候表达一些小小的关爱也可能融化人们内心的孤单。6. One simple act of kindness is a blessing for both the giver and the receiver alike.一个小小的善行,无论是对施与者还是接受者,都是一份祝福。7. Never underestimate the power of your action. With one small gesture, you may not only spread love, but also positively influenced others lives.永远不要低估你的行为的力量。即使一个小小的表示,也可能不仅传播了爱,还对别人的生命产生了积极的影响。8. Heading toward(s) home, Rachel reflected on the day- a day of pure significance, for she seemed to be more confident and cautious.走在路上,Rachel回忆着当天的经历这真是有意义的一天,因为她开始变得更自信更仔细了。9. (Having been) back in the house, Rachel still couldnt contain her emotions. What a special trip! Maybe from that day on , her careless outlook was to change permanently.回到家,Rachel仍然无法掩饰她的激动之情。这真是一次特别的经历。她再也不会粗心了。10. My lungs and my comfort zone both expanded.我的肺活量和舒适区都扩大了。11. In the depth of my heart, I would keep these heartwarming moments forever.在我的内心深处,我将永远保存这些温暖的时刻。12. I saw clearly a flower of love is flourishing in the depth of my heart.我清楚地看到一朵爱与善良的花在我的内心深处盛开着。13. Never had I expected that a tiny white lie would have such a great influence on others and change their lives. 我从来没有想到一个小小的善意的谎言会对别人产生如此大的影响,改变他们的生活。14. Day in and day out, I immersed myself in the sea of knowledge and was bathed in the atmosphere of confidence, which bettered my values and morals and led me to a brand-new future.渐渐地,我沉浸在知识之海中,沐浴在自信的气氛中,这改善了我的价值观和道德观念,使我走向了崭新的未来。(从不适应美国不同的文化到逐渐适应并享受)15. Strength doesnt come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldnt.强大并不来自于你能做到什么,
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