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2023年北京市中考英语试卷1.My sister enjoys singing and_ favorite subject is music.()A.his B.herC.your D.their2.Its a good idea to visit Beijing_ _O ctober.()A.at B.onC.in D.to3.-Must I stay here and wait for you?-No,you_.You can go home now.()A.needn*t B.cantC.mustnt D.shouldnt4.-Which do you l i ke,swimming or skating?-Swimming.()A.well B.better C.best D.the best5.-do you tidy your own room?-Twice a w eek.()A.How oftenB.How soonc.How muchD.How long6.It was difficult to climb the mountain,_ Sam got to the top at last.()A.orB.soc.forD.but7.-Lucy,what are you doing?-I a model ship.()A.make B.made C.am making D.was making8.The Shenzhou-15 astronauts to Earth safely on June 4,2023.()A.return B.returned C.will return D.have returned9.If you go to the concert with us tomorrow,you a great time there.()A.have B.had C.will have D.have had10.Erie many things since he became interested in science.()A.is learning B.was learning C.will learn D.has learned11.The park is getting more and more beautiful because more kinds of flowers every year.()A.are plantedB.were planted C.plantD.planted12.-Lily,can you tell me during the Dragon Boat Festival this year?-Sure.We ate zongzi and watched a dragon boat race.()A.what you will do B.what you didC.what will you do D.what did you doBe Whats MissingWhere was that cashierC 4攵?艮员)?Impatient,I quickly looked at my watch.I hardly had enough timeto eat a sandwich and rush back to work.I looked around the nearly empty(1),but the cashier was nowhere in sight.A woman stoodwiping(擦)the far end of the counter.She looked at me coldly with sad,dark eyes.I(2),getting angry.Td been standing there for at least three minutes!Controlling my anger,I remembered Mons words.Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasantsituation,just think about what is missing.If someone is unkind,then kindness is missing.If someoneis hateful,then(3)is missing.If we will be whats missing,then well provide whateverthe situation needs.And here I was in an unpleasant situation.How should I be whats missing?What was missing was(4).Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.Just then the woman walked slowly towards me.May I help you?she asked,still(5).Shelooked so tired.No doubt,she was overworked.I look a deep breath.With Mons words ringing in my head,I gave the woman my order*and smiled.How are you today?My question seemed to(6)her.She eyed me for a second before answering.Not too good.Fm sorry,n I said.MI hope it gets better starting right now.1She almost smiled as she looked at me.Thanks.I hope youre right.uI thought to myself as I ate my sandwich.Were all the same,really.We have problems and angers,we get tired and we hurt.We need to be(7)to each other.After eating,I wiped the table cleaner than usual,and put the tray(托 盘)back nicely on thestand.The woman was watching me,a big smile on her face.Be whats missing.It(8).13.A.restaurant B.street C.school D.office14.A.agreedB.finishedC.waitedD.left2 1.阅读下列课程介绍、请根据人物喜好和需求匹配最适合的课程,并将课程所对应的A、B、C、D选项填在相应位置上。选项中有一项为多余选项。15.A.trustB.loveC.patienceD.confidence16.A.hopeB.adviceC.moneyD.service17.A.nervouslyB.carefullyC.coldlyD.kindly18.A.disappointB.hurtC.troubleD.surprise19.A.nicerB.closerC.coolerD.fairer20.A.saidB.workedC.readD.endedShort Art CoursesAMWild Art!_ This course is about drawingand painting.Youll use your new skills tomake a wall poster of animals.And wevegot lots of picture books to give your ideas.B0Art MattersThis course teaches you different drawingskill.Well get you to draw the latest stylesof clothes.If you like designing clothes andwant to study it at college,join us!c而Creative Art 一Art Magic This course is about making bags to keepyour sports clothes in.We provide lots ofmaterials.And you*ll visit art museums toget some creative ideas.This course is about telling good stories inpictures.Therell be cartoon films towatch.and instruction in how to draw yourfavorite characters.(1)interested in designing clothes and want to study it at college.Alice(2)TonyI enjoy making wall posters of animals and Fd like to read picture books.(3)oy r.I like making bags and want to visit art museums to get creative ideas.Harry(1)(2)(3)oBetty was excited to show her brother David the basket filled with seashells.But David was busy helpingDad get everything back into the car.MWhat are you going to do with those useless things?he said.Youcant take them home.But I want these seashells,“Betty said unhappily.Each one is a different shape and size.They are allspecial.1Suddenly,David saw the water rising along the beach.He shouted to Betty,“The waves(海浪)are aboutto take your toys!1 As Betty ran to get her things,she called to David,Please put my seashells into thecar!”David was putting one of the beach chairs into the car when his foot accidentally knocked over thebasket.As David lifted a heavy box,he slipped(滑 倒)and dropped the box right on top of the seashells,breaking most of them into pieces.Betty came back with her toys.When she saw her seashells broken,she began to cry.Dav
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