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Lecture 1The Grammatical HierarchyI Teaching objectives:1.Help students to know the hierarchical structure of English grammar.2.Get students to learn morphemes words,phrases and sentences and theirclassification.II Teaching difflculties:1.Morphemes2.Four types of sentencesIII Teaching procedures1.IntroductionThe grammatical structure of English is a hierarchical one,which can be dividedinto five levels,i.e.Sentence,Clause,Phrase,Word and Morpheme.A sentence is thelargest unit and highest level in a grammatical structure while a morpheme is thesmallest and lowest one.2.MorphemesA morpheme is the smallest unit in English grammar,and also the smallestmeaningful unit of language.1)Free MorphemesFree morphemes are morphemes which can constitute words by themselves,e.g.boy,girl,work,water.2)Bound MorphemesSome morphemes like de-,dis-,-ness,-ly are never used independently in speechand writing.They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words.These morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are mostly affixes.Affixes are attached to free morphemeseither to form new words or to indicate grammatical categories.Affixes can bedivided into two types:prefixes and suffixes.3.Words1)Simple Word,Derivative,Compound Worda)simple words(morpheme words):at,far,hand,getb)derivatives:prefixes:dislike,unhappy,pronoun,prewarsuffixes:worker,widen,foolish,manlyc)compound words:handbook,outline,moreover,anybody2)According to grammatical function,English words can be classified intoClosed Class and Open Class.a)Closed ClassClosed class refers to all the Function words.The number of this type of wordsare limited.No new comers will enter into this class.Therefore,this kind ofwords are called Closed Class.They include:Preposition:in,on,withoutPronoun:you,he,one,thisDeterminer:a,the,his,that,someConjunction:and,or,but,whenAuxiliary:do,can,must,willb)Open ClassOpen class refers to all the Content Words.In this type of words,new wordsappear continuously.Therefore,they are called Open Class.They included:Noun:Smith,Paris,man,bookAdjective:old,big,cheapAdverb:here,fast,earlyMain Verb:work,make,give4.PhrasesA phrase is a grammatical unit which is formed by one word or more than oneword.A phrase is usually a string of words built up around a head word whichdetermines both the class that the phrase belongs to and the way the phrase isstructured.Noun Phrase(N P):all the college studentsthe tall boy sitting thereVerb Phrase(V P):looks palean-ived last nightAdjective Phrase(Adj P):very difficultcareful enoughAdverb Phrase(Adv P):very clearlyso slowlyPreposition Phrase(P.P):before the warin the north5.ClausesIn logical terms,a clause is a construction of a subject and a predicate.In viewof grammatical relations,clauses are divided into two broad categories,the mainclause and the subordinate clause,the latter of which may function as a nominalclause,a relative clause,or an adverbial clause.1)Nominal clausesHe said that he had done his best.What he said was true.2)Relative clausesThis is one of the best films Ive ever seen.He failed to pass the test,which was a pity.3)Adverbial clausesIf I were you,I would not quit.I was having dinner when he came.6.SentencesIn terms of sentence structure,sentences can be classified into three kinds:(1)simple sentences,(2)compound sentences and(3)complex sentences.(1)You throw a stone at the window.ril scream.(two simple sentences)(2)You throw a stone at the window and Ill scream.(two coordinate mainclauses in one sentence).(3)If you throw a stone at the window,Ill scream.(one main clause and onesubordinate clause within one and the same sentence)IV AssignmentMemorize English grammatical terminology.Lecture 2The Sentence StructureI Teaching objectives:1.Help students to know the structure of English sentence.2.Get students to learn the parts of sentence and the basic sentence of English.II Teaching difficulties:1.Parts of sentence2.The expansion and conversion of the basic sentenceIII Teaching procedures1.ClausesWe have said that a clause consists of one or more phrases.In logical terms,a clause is aconstruction of a subject and a predicate.As far as the structure is concerned,clauses fallinto seven major patterns:SV,SVC,SVO,SVoO,SVOC,SVA and SVOA.In view ofgrammatical relations,clauses are divided into two broad categories,the main clauseand the subordinate clause,the latter of which may function as a nominal clause,arelative clause,or an adverbial cause.Besides these,in the subordinate clauses,we alsohave finite,non-finite,and verbless clauses.For example,He complained that what you said was not true.2.Subject and predicateThe subject has a close general relation to what is being discussed,the theme of thesentence,with the normal implication that something new,the predicate,is being saidabout a subject.3.Clause patternsMany grammar books recognize five clause elements:subject(S),verb(V),object(O),complement(C),and adverbial(A).Verb is sometimes referred to as predicator.And aswe have mention ear
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