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Unit 6 I love learning English单元教案I.Teaching objectives 单元教学目标SkillFocus听 Listen to some simple telephone conversations and some news about English.说Talk about language difficulties in communication.Talk about the importance of learning English.读Read about some articles about the importance of English and the ways to learnEnglish well.写 Write about some simple letters and e-mails in English.LanguageFocus功能句式Making a phone callMay I speak to.?This is.speaking.Who is it/this/that?Is this/that.?Language Difficulties in CommunicationPardon?Please speak more slowly.Im sorry,I cant follow you.Please say that again.What do you mean by“United Nations”?Im sorry,but I know only a little English.I dont know how to make a sentence in English.词汇1.重点词汇idea,phone,encourage,follow,repeat,sentence,understand,language,exciting,main,meaning,pal,person,apartment,metre(=m eter),tongue,dictionary,ago,pronounce,story,job,company,around,foreign,worker,news,article,important,program,information2.认知词汇pardon,welcome,Mexico,Spanish,million,official,French,united,nation,still,pen pal,noun,verb,American,technique,translator,translate,diplomat,represent,communicate,business,programmer,computer,Internet,international,scientist,journalist,America,SouthAmerica,opportunity,professor,radio station,each other,television,most3.词组和句型have a good talk,have an idea,all over the world,official language,makea sentence,write to me,one more time,keep/stop doing,teach.someChinese,look it up in the dictionary,translate.into,around the world,communicate with,be interested in,on the Internet,encourage.to do,thedoor to the world,Tm sorry,but.What do you mean by.?语法Past ParticipleRegular Verb Formstalk-talked-talkedstudy-studied-studiedIrregular Verb Formsspeak-spoke-spokenblow-blew-blownbuild-built-builthave-had-haddo-did-doneII.Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和教材重组StrategyFocusRole playingTask-based learning1.教材分析本单元以I love learning English为话题,旨在通过单元学习,使学生了解学习英语的重要性,以及如何学好英语;帮助学生认识学好英语将为他们提供更多好的就 也机会。从而激发他们学习英语的积极性和热情,坚定学好英语的信.心,并通过阅读、讨论故事和报道性文章,试着找到适合自己的学习方法和策略。1.1 Lesson 41 A Phone Friend通过学习李明、王梅和Jenny打电话的一段内容,使学生掌握并能够熟练地用英语打电话。1.2 Lesson 42 Welcome to the World of English!从学习英语的人数、重 要 性(英语是至少 4 5 个国家的官方语言,是联合国的工作语言之一)等方面的介绍,使同学们认识到学习英语的必要性。1.3 Lesson 43 Write a Letter in English!通过阅读王梅给笔友Jessica写的一封英文信,学习英文信的写作。1.4 Lesson 44 Say the W ord通过这首歌,帮助同学们学习如何读一些比较难读的英语单词。同时.,让同学们讨论如何更好地学习英语。1.5 Lesson 45 Keep Trying!通过介绍Jessica学习英语的方法,使同学们养成勤查字典,多读,多说的习惯,并且要坚持不懈、持之以恒。1.6 Lesson 46 Your Future and English通过介绍几个与英语有关的职业,让同学们进一步体会学习英语的重要性。1.7 Lesson 47 Some News About English 让学生通过阅读报纸上一则题为 Open the Doorto the World的新闻,使同学们认识到英语是打开通往世界之门的钥匙,从而坚定他们学习英语的信心。1.8 Lesson 48 Unit Review包括词汇,动词过去式和过去分词以及电话用语三部分。通过练习帮助学生复习本单元所学的词和词组,动词过去分词的用法以及打电话的日常交际用语。2.教材重组2.1 Lesson 41 A Phone Friend2.2 Lesson 42 Welcome to the World of English!2.3 Lesson 43 Write a Letter in English!2.4 Lesson 44 Say the Word2.5 Lesson 45 Keep Trying!2.6 Lesson 46 Your Future and English2.7 Lesson 47 Some News About English2.8 Lesson 48 Unit ReviewIII.Class types and periods课型设计与课时分配1 st Period Lesson 41 Speaking2nd Period Lesson 42 Speaking and Reading3rd Period Lesson 43 Reading and Writing4th PeriodLesson 44Speaking and Singing5th PeriodLesson 45Speaking and Listening6th PeriodLesson 46Speaking and Reading7th PeriodLesson 47Speaking and Writing8th PeriodLesson 48ReviewingIV.Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 SpeakingTarget language 目标语言1 .Words and phrases 生词和短语:idea,phone,encourage,follow,repeat,sentence,understand,pardon,have a good talk,have an idea2.Key sentences structures 重点句式:May I speak to.?This is.speaking.Who is it/this/that?Is this/that.?Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to make phone calls with their friends in English.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn to how to make pho ne calls in English properly.Teaching important&difficult points 教学重难点Learn about the tips of making phone calls.Teaching aid s教具准备A tape-recorder,some slides,a multiple-media computer and a projector.Teaching procedures&ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead inLead the students to talk about making phone calls in English.T:How is it going,class!S:Fine,Mr./Ms.T:Good!But I was not so good last weekend.Do you know why?Let me tell you something.LastSaturday morning,I went to the bookstore as quickly as I could.Then,I took my handbag andhurried to the station.But when I got to the bookstore,I suddenly realized that I had forgotten tolock my door!What should I do?I thought of returning,but its a long way.Then I tried to callmy neighbor.Think what happened.S:You neighbor helped you.T:Yes,youre right.But try to think:he has no key at all.How could he?S:Your neighbor called your family members?T:Great!So you see,when we are in trouble,a phone call may be of great use,right?Show the students the following pictures on the slide.T:Well,look at the pictures.What are they doing?S:They are making phone calls.T:Yes.Do you often call your friends?S:Yes.T:How often do you make phone calls to your frie
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