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2023 北京海淀高三查漏补缺 英 语 2023.05 完形填空 My wife and I usually dont keep houseplants.Anything in pots gets either overwatered or underwatered.But after my diagnosis with a brain cancer,I loved the idea of having something green and 1 around us.Last year,my friend Mitch gave me a lucky bamboo plant.Tending to the plant gave me a sense of 2 at a time when I sometimes felt useless because my ability to move was limited.As a physician,I was used to being the one who 3 care.Watering the plant 4 me to a core part of my old identity and taught me I could still be a caregiver.However,after several weeks growing in perfect condition,the plant 5 began to show signs of stress.No matter what I did,the leaves kept 6 and dropping to the floor.“I cant even care for a simple plant!”I yelled.“If my lucky bamboo dies,I might die too!”Identifying with the green and growing plant had offered me comfort.But when the tree was struggling,I felt increasingly uneasy and 7 .It was several months later when I recovered from surgery that I realized I had wrongly linked my careful nurturing of the plantsomething over which I had at least some controlwith my own 8 something over which I had no control.As my 9 lessened,I began to study online tutorials to figure out how to care for the tree.I transplanted it to a larger pot,and when it was back in the sunny window,we both began to thrive(旺盛)again.Now whenever I look at the tree in its new pot,I make a point to relax and think of the things I can 10 .1.A.alive B.primitive C.delicate D.mature 2.A.warmth B.relief C.achievement D.security 3.A.valued B.needed C.provided D.lacked 4.A.added B.connected C.adapted D.compared 5.A.casually B.interestingly C.genuinely D.mysteriously 6.A.spreading B.browning C.waving D.dancing 7.A.fearful B.innocent C.faithful D.dishonest 8.A.dream B.success C.capability D.survival 9.A.discontent B.anxiety C.doubt D.sympathy 10.A.give B.share C.decide D.preserve 语法填空 第一组 A When Suki heard she was to be laid off,her first reaction was fear for what it could mean for her career.“I was initially scared because I 1 (see)layoffs happening all across the tech industry,so I worried I wouldnt be able to find another job.”A few days later,she put her video skills to use,sharing a video online that highlighted the new 2 (hobby)shed found time to take up after being laid off.The video struck a chord,3 (score)thousands of likes,and prompting a flood of recruiters to get in touch.1.had seen(时态,过去完成时)2.hobbies(名词,复数)3.scoring(非谓语,现在分词作状语)1 B While engagement has never been more challenging for schools to achieve,its also 4 (critical)than ever.Engagement is more than just ensuring that lessons are fun.Upon deeper examination,engagement and motivation 5 (drive)by several factors.Do students get an opportunity to help shape their goals and the process by which they are learning to achieve them?Does every student feel 6 (support)at school?Do students understand the value of 7 theyre learning and believe that this value outweighs the cost of effort?When these things are true,learning happens.C While China celebrates the year of the rabbit,many Vietnamese are buying new cat-themed decorations.How the cat substituted for the rabbit 8 (remain)debatable.Some suppose the custom has to do with language.In old Chinese,the word tied to the rabbit year is pronounced“mao(卯)”9 pronunciation is similar to mo,the Vietnamese word for cat.Some think it relates to landscape.Originally the Chinese preferred a lifestyle close to wilderness,choosing rabbit as an animal living in the wild fields.In contrast,the Vietnamese chose the cat because they treated cats 10 friends living in their houses.第二组第二组 A Six young men all responded to the calls for help from inside a wrecked car one recent morning when they 1 (walk)to school.A woman,2 (believe)to be in her 50s,collided with another vehicle.The impact jammed both her passenger and drivers side doors shut.Together,the young men worked to open the passenger door in an effort 3 (save)the woman trapped in the car.The group of guys succeeded in freeing the woman trapped in her car.And they have received significant attention 4 their heroic act.B The origin of volunteering can be traced back to the 12th century Britain,5 there were more than 500 hospitals operated by volunteers.The word“volunteering”,taken from the French volontaire,started 6 (use)in the 18th century when people were willingly joining the military service.However,today,the word is more connected with community service.It may surprise some that the biggest revolution in volunteering 7 (bring)by the invention of the Internet.Helpful platforms were raised,and more volunteers became interested when they found out about various opportunities.C Faced with health or nutrition questions,it is 8 (increase)common for people to go online and diagnose themselves.But the Internet is full of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to remove the wrong advice,some of 9 is extremely dangerous!Also,search engines r
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