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浙江省金浙江省金华华市市 20232023 年中考英年中考英语语真真题题一一、完完形形填填空空(共共 1515 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 1 分分,满满分分 1515 分分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My elder sister got a disease,locked in her own world.She could not look at people in the eye.She wouldrepeat the words in a very low voice.It turned my parents world upside down.1,they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me.I knew2about it until the age of ten.It was then that I started to notice my sister was different.I3to accept her as my sister in public.Then,an incident(小事)4how I viewed my sister.It changed me as well.One day,my sister had to put up a5,whether in a group,or by herself.As you can imagine,my sister was the only one left without a group.Ill6,she told my parents.Hearing this,I was completely7.How could my sister sing in front of the school?I must stop this happening,8she would make me lose face,one way or another.No!I cried out.My parents shot me a look.I knew I had to watch her performance.I prayed(祈祷)9that something would happen to stop her.No one knows she is your10.It is fine,you do not need to tell anyone.I remember telling myself the exact words as I sat in the hall,11the performance to start.Finally,my sister started to sing.She opened her mouth,and I was shocked againher voice was so12in its power.I felt really sorryshe could sing so beautifully!How could I have doubted her abilities?I had been so13.Regret and14filled my heart.Actually,my sister knew all things I had done to her,but she 15minded.I decided to love her unconditionally.It was as if a veil(面纱)had been lifted from my eyes,and my heart was full.1ASoBThenCHoweverDFinally2AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing3AdecidedBrefusedCexpectedDpromised4AsuggestedBshowedCexplainedDchanged5AperformanceBgameCpictureDsign6AdanceBsingCplayDdraw7AproudBpleasedCshockedDdisappointed8AorBandCthoughDif9AsilentlyBopenlyCexcitedlyDhappily10AclassmateBneighborCcousinDsister11Agoing overBtalking aboutCwaiting forDdreaming of12AspecialBbeautifulClowDstrange13AwrongBseriousCbusyDcareful14AshameBworryCsurpriseDfear15AsometimesBalwaysCeverDnever二二、阅阅读读理理解解(共共 1515 小小题题;每每小小题题 2 2 分分,满满分分 3030 分分)阅读理解Nowadays,many wild animals around the world are in danger.Some kinds of them are dying out at analarming rate(以惊人的速度).Between 150 and 200 species(物种)disappear every day.To make us aware of the serious problem and help save the animals in danger before its too late,our English teacher shared two posters with us.We are losing home!Like many other animals,we live in the trees.However,billions of trees are being cut down every year to make paper for humans.In this way,a lot of animals homes are being destroyed!Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?Elephants mostly live on the plain of Africa and in the forests of Asia.But today,they are facing a serious problem:large numbers are being killed for meat and skin,especially for ivory.They are in danger!Only when we stop buying elephant products can we stop the killing and save them.Lets say NO to sale!16.The English teacher shared two posters with his students to.Arecord the animals poor lifeBask questions about animalsCintroduce two lovely animalsDhelp protect animals in danger 17Why does the mother koala bear hold the tree tightly(紧紧地)on the left poster?A.Because she carries a baby on the back.B.Because she needs to look for food.C.Because she doesnt want to lose home.DBecause she is afraid of falling down.18.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.About 20 species disappear every day.B.Stopping buying helps save elephants.C.Trees are being cut down to build houses.DElephants are killed only for meat and skin.阅读理解Dear future Linda(or rather myself),I hope when you read this letter you dont find my writing too messy!At the moment,Im 15 years old and living at home with my family.I love school and have lots of good friends.We do lots of fun things together like parties,ice skating and swimming.My biggest worry is not doing well in my school exams,but Im working really hard so hopefully I have nothing to worry about.Theres so much I(you!)want to do.I hope youve travelled all over the world and seen lots of things and met lots of people.I hope youve visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt,shopped in New York City and in Paris,seen polar bears in Norway and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.Ive just remembered,you always wanted to see elephants in IndiaI hope youve managed to do that too.I promise myself Ill always try my best and have no regrets.I never want to forget where every step of my life has taken me.Already it seems as if so much has happened.Ive moved from primary to junior middle school(about to graduate),been taught to swim and dance(I love ballet dancing),learned to speak Chinese and French,and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.I really hope youre happy.I hope you have a successful career that you enjoy doing and look forward to each m
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