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浙江省宁浙江省宁波波市市 20232023 年中考英年中考英语语真真题题一一、完完形形填空填空(本本题题有有 1515 小小题题,每每小小题题 1 1 分分,共共计计 1515 分)分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My grandfather often said I wont to show his dislike of dishonesty(不诚实).When he was young,he worked1a furniture(家具)maker.One day,a neighbor invited him to make some furniture.When arriving,he noticed the wood provided was a little2,so he said,I wont start right away.He chose to let the wood dry for a month.He knew working with wet wood could cause3later on.Around the same time,another furniture maker was also asked for a4job by a different family.Unlike my grandfather,he5working right away.As a result,the neighbor started doubting my grandfather,thinking he was trying to make more money by6the work.However,my grandfather waited7.He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.A month later,the other furniture maker received his8and went back home.My grandfather began to9strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was completely dry.A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break.The neighbor then regretted10my grandfather and said sorry to him.People came to understand his11and skill,spreading his fame far and wide.Influenced by my grandfather,my father also follows the12of I wont.He always provides the freshest food,which makes his restaurant very13in town.Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father,he said No!and stopped the14.Now,my brother and I keep in mind15our grandfather and father taught us.Through ups and downs in life,weve come to deeply understand our family value behind this sayingto be truthful and honest.1AasBbyClikeDwith2AhardBlightCsoftDwet3AfireBillnessCpollutionDproblems4AmagicBnormalCsimilarDspecial5AbeganBcanceledCkeptDstopped6Achecking outBgiving upCputting offDturning down7AexcitedlyBpatientlyCsadlyDworriedly8AfoodBfurnitureCmoneyDwood9AcleanBmakeCmoveDrepair10AansweringBbelievingCcomfortingDdoubting11AfairnessBhonestyCloveDpoliteness12AjoyBplanCshapeDvalue13AbeautifulBconvenientCpeacefulDpopular14AbusinessBcompetitionCinterviewDsurvey15AhowBwhatCwhenDwhy二二、阅阅读读理解理解,阅阅读读下下面面材料材料,从从每每题题所所给给的的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四四个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选项选项。(本(本题题有有 15 15 小小题题,每每小小题题 2 2 分分,共共计计 3030 分)分)阅读理解How can I help you?Dr.Know will try her best to help with all your problems.Dear Doctor,I am a sixteen-year-old student and Ive been experiencing lots of back pain and headaches lately.Imunsure about the cause.Like some of my friends,I spend my evenings playing computer games and surfing the internet.Whats more,I carry a heavy schoolbag to school daily.Im just an ordinary student,but these health problems are starting to worry me.What can I do?AdamDear Adam,Im unable to tell you exactly whats wrong,but I can offer some advice.First of all,dont spend too much time on your computer,and stop using it late at night.Its important for teenagers to get enough sleep.Also,you get headaches from looking at computer screens for a long time.If you sit on a chair for long,it can make your back sore too.As for your schoolbag,its important to manage its weight.Take anything you dont need out of your schoolbag.If possible,leave some books or materials at school.I hope my advice is helpful.Anyway,I strongly recommend(推荐)you visit a local doctor for that.Dr.Know16.How does Adam probably feel about his situation?AAngry.BExcited.CHappy.17.Which of the following is Dr.Knows advice for Adam?DWorried.A.To see a local doctor.B.To leave all books at school.C.To take some medicine.D.To stop using his computer.18.In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear?AScience StudyBSports NewsCTeenagers LifeDTravel Stories阅读理解It was the last day of the school year.The classroom was filled with excitement.When our teacher,Mr.Johnson,walked in,holding a CD player,everyones face lit up with a smile.We knew that this wasnt going to be another normal day,but a special one.Please calm down and sit,said Mr.Johnson,Im glad everyones here for the final reading test of the year.When everyone cried,Mr.Johnson laughed,saying it was just a joke.Then he reminded us that we still had a job to do.You need to clean out your desks and put all your things into your backpacks.he added gently.As we began our task,Mr.Johnson turned on the CD player.The lively music made the room feel like a party.Some of us started singing along with the music,others were dancing around their desks while they were cleaning them out.Even Mr.Johnson showed us a few dance steps,making everyone laugh heartily.After we finished cleaning,someone asked,When is break time?Mr.Johnson took out some balls and started playing with them.Suddenly,he let the balls drop and said,Break time starts.now!Just as we were about to rush out,our headmaster,Mrs.Miller,appeared at the door.Mr.Johnson!she cried out.A moment of silence fell over the room as we thought,Mr.Johnson might be in trouble.However,to our surprise,Mrs.Miller couldnt help but laugh at the sight and left us to enjoy our break.During brea
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