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八年级英语下册期末基础专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 Units 12一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.Jane can look after herself while she is (独自)at home.2.In Beijing, peoples acts of k make me feel warm even inthe place far from home.3.Lets help the little kid f up the broken wheels of the bike.4.Yuan Longpings d made the whole country sad.5.More than 200 v in our university are sent to teach in thepoor areas every year.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.YesterdayAlice tried paragliding and she enjoyed (her) very much.2.To our (surprised) , he won the running race! He used to be a slow runner.3.We should learn to be responsible for (us), not alwayswaiting to be pushed.4.We are (excite) to see that traditional Chinese medicineis used around the world now.5.This is a machine to warm our (foot) in winter.三、翻译句子。1.别放弃!尽最大的努力,你会成功的。(give)Dont ! Try your best and youll succeed.2.警方在一小时前控制了糟糕的状况。The police the terrible situation an hour ago.3.无论你做什么事,应该学会自己做决定。No matter what you do, you should learn to 。4.我想知道你是否量了体温。- .Units 34一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.You had better (解释) it to our teacher, not to me.2.Last week Suzy (借)the four great classical Chinese novels from Henry.3.To avoid w food, our school held a “Clear Your Plate” activity.4.These two sweaters are so expensive that I can afford n of them.5.Sally always feels n when her teachers ask her questions.二、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。drop chore communicate sweep develop1.Matthew Chimudzi wants to study Chinese so that he can have a good with people in China one day.2.With the of science and technology, people can live a better life in the future.3.Peter, the floor is dirty. Could you please it?4.Her father her off at the school gate and then drove to work.5.Please do some in your free time.三、翻译句子。1.对青少年而言,学习一些生活技能以照顾他们自己是很重要的。 Its important for teenagers to learn some life skills to themselves.2.家长努力给他们的孩子提供干净舒适的环境。Parents try their best to their children with a clean and comfortable .3.能否实现你的梦想取决于你的努力程度。Whether your dream can come true or not how hard you work.4.浪费食物是一个坏习惯。- .Units 56一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.My daughters sweet (嗓音)always makes me relaxed.2.There is nothing (奇怪的)in the box.3.Jiuzhaigou is one of the most popular places in China and the number of the visitors keeps r .4.You can spread joy and happiness with a bright s . Its one of the best gifts that you can give to others.5.She has r her dream of becoming a doctor.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.When the storm ( sudden) came, my friends and I were walking home from school.2.When Mom came home, Danny (play) the piano in the living room.3.Now more and more people like the (silent) in the countryside.4.She fell (heavy) to the ground.5. People were (complete) shocked when they heard about Kobes accident.三、翻译句子。1.我最近参观了印度的一座不同寻常的博物馆。 Ive visited a very museum in India.2.昨天这个时候学生们正在谈论机器人。(talk)Students the robots at this time yesterday.3.出发前,记得给我打个电话,以便我能知道什么时间来接你。Remember to give me a call before you set off so that I can know when to you .4.这首歌听起来很甜美,使我想起我美好的童年。This song sounds so sweet that it me my wonderful childhood.5.当她的朋友们在游泳时,她在做什么?- .Units 78一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.Confidence is an important (条件)if you want to achieve success.2.According to the latest census (人口普查),China has a p of about 1,443.50 million.3.- Whose volleyball is this?-It must b to Carla.She loves volleyball a lot.4.Climbing mountains is a good way to get close to n .5.Some desert plants grow d into the earth to get water.二、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 actual wake include protect weigh1.-How much should I pay?18 yuan in all, the pen you picked out just now.2.Growing vegetables looks easy, but it takes a lot of learning.3.What a pity! Sue lost the game because the of her shoesmade it difficult for her to run fast.4. Wild animals which are now in danger need our .5.It was midnight, but he was still ,thinking about the teaching plan.三、翻译句子。1.快点,否则我们上课要迟到的。- , we will be for class.2.请你看到自己的优势并对每件事情充满自信。(full)Please see your advantages in everything.3.由于环境保护,山越来越绿了。Thanks to environmental protection,the mountains are .4.我们应该思考如何把中国文
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