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Unit 10词汇复习与巩固 Class:_ Name:_1.n.风俗;习俗_ 2.v&n.鞠躬_在中国,应邀到别人家做客时,带礼物是一种传统习俗。In China, its a _ to bring a gift when you are invited to someones home.在学习不同的文化和习俗的同时,你也会交到很多朋友。While learning about different _, you will also make a lot of friends.新加坡人见面时握手,也经常礼貌性地鞠躬问候对方。Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often _ with a _.3. v&n.亲吻;接吻_ 4.v. 和打招呼;迎接_ 我亲吻大地,品味自然。I _ and tasted nature. 妈妈总是用一个拥抱和亲吻来迎接我们。Mom would always greet us with a _.5.adj.放松的;自在的_ adj.令人放松的_ v.放松_ 汤姆认为打篮球是放松自己的好方法。Tom thinks that playing basketball is a good way _.我一做出最后的决定,就觉得轻松了许多。As soon as I had made the final decision, I felt a lot _.比起露营,我更喜欢钓鱼,因为钓鱼更让人放松。I prefer fishing to camping, because its _.6.v.重视;珍视n.价值_ adj.贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的_ 为了弘扬中国精神、中国价值和中国力量,我们应该多做一些事情。We should do more to spread Chinese spirit,_and Chinese strength.-据报道许多小村庄的孩子负担不起他们的教育。-真的吗?我们应该珍惜学习的机会。-Its reported that many young children in small villages cant afford their education.-Really? We should _ to study. 青春是人生最宝贵的时期。Youth is _ of life. 你的书包里有贵重物品吗?Is there _ in your schoolbag?7.n.首都;国都_ 8.n.正午;中午_ 在正午_ 你能告诉我我们什么时候参观首都博物馆?Can you tell me when we will visit _?维也纳是奥地利的首都,也是欧洲古典音乐的中心。Vienna is _ Austria and the center of European classical music.中午睡20分钟很有用。Taking a 20-minute sleep _ is very useful. 如果有人邀请你中午去见他或她,那么你就应该中午到那里。If someone invites you to meet him or her _, then you are expected to be there _.9.adj.很生气;疯的_ 大动肝火;气愤_ 我从来没有见过爸爸大动肝火或乱发脾气。I have never seen my father _ or lose his temper.我迟到了,她非常生气。She _ me for being late.10. n.努力;尽力_ 作出努力_ 我们亲爱的父母尽一切努力把我们养大,所以当他们老去时,我们应该善待他们。Our dear parents _ to bring us up, so we are supposed to treat them nicely when they become old.当我和朋友见面时,我会努力做到准时。I_ to be on time when I meet my friends.11.n.护照 _ 12. n.粉笔_ 据报道澳大利亚将成为首个使用云护照的国家。It is reported that Australia will be the first country to use the _.他们建议护照要随时带在身边。They advise that a _ should be carried with you at all times.小说的封面选自一副著名的粉笔画。The cover of the novel is taken from a _.我在找一盒彩色的粉笔。Im looking for a box of _.13.n.黑板_ 14. adj.北方的;北部的_ 没有眼镜,我看不清黑板上的字。Without the glasses, he cant see the words _ clearly. 杰克总是主动帮忙擦黑板、擦老师的椅子和桌子。Jack is always volunteering _, the teachers chair and desk. 在中国北方,人们通常在立冬时吃饺子,喝羊肉汤。People in _ usually have dumplings and mutton soup on beginning of winter.15. n.海岸;海滨_ 16.n.季;季节_ 斯坦福大学是位于美国西海岸的一所世界著名的大学。Stanford is a world-famous university_ of the US.每当考试季来临,压力可能就会随之而来。Whenever the _ comes, stress may come along.17.v.敲;击n.敲击;敲击声_ 敲门_ 与相撞_ 停工;中断_ 进办公室之前,你应该先敲门然后等着。Youre supposed to _ and wait before entering the office.18.adj.东方的;东部的_ 19. n.方式;方法(pl)礼貌;礼仪_ 丝绸之路是促进东西方国家发展的桥梁。The Silk Road is a bridge that improves the development of _.“仁”和”礼”是孔子最重要的思想。Being kind and having _ are Confucius most important ideas.20.adj,空的;空洞的_ 21. adj.基本的;基础的_学生应该掌握一些基本的生活技能,包括做饭、洗衣和清洁。Students should have some _, including cooking, washing and cleaning.22.n&v. 交换_ 交换生_作为一名交换生,我在法国学习了两年。As _ I studied in France for two years.研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。The conference is a good place to share information and _.23.adj.十几岁的;青少年 _ 24. n.(外)孙女_ 让我们来看看这些可能改变世界的青少年发明。Lets have a look at these _ that might change the world.奶奶有一个十几岁的孙女,和我差不多大,她人很好。The grandmother has a _ about my age who is really kind.25.v.表现
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