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2024年度广东省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识全真模拟考试试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、一个功能完善、运行顺利的金融系统通过风险的分散和分担与提供不同风险等级的资产,可以把总体的金融风险贴水减少到()。A.零B.正数C.负数D.无穷小【答案】 A2、2020年2月初,武汉市开始连夜建设三所“()”,用于专门收治确诊的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎轻症患者。A.火神山医院B.雷神山医院C.小汤山医院D.方舱医院【答案】 D3、资料:Human resource professionals act as mediators between an organizations management and its workers. This requires wearing many hats Its an HR administrators job to make sure that employees are working in a safe environment that disputes are settled, and that benefits are understood and administered properly. At the same time, HR is charged with recruiting new employees who will not only fit in personally and professionally but also help the company achieve its business goals. They also represent management when negotiating for benefits with companies administering these benefits and when implementing companywide policies that will ultimately lower costs or boost profits. The needs of HR cover a wide range of tasks and,therefore, require individuals who are good with people in addition to being organized, analytical, business-minded, and heroic multitaskers.A.Because the economy as a whole is growing nowadaysB.Because job opportunities in HR grow faster than the averageC.Because transferred or retired workers need to be replaced in timeD.Because companies begin to recruit HR functions from the outside【答案】 A4、_ATA-100, each page is identified by a three element number and a page number.A.According withB.In accordance withC.ToD.In according to【答案】 B5、下列叙述正确的是( )。A.字长为16位表示这台计算机最大能计算一个16位的十进制数B.字长为16位表示这台计算机的CPU一次能处理16位二进制数C.运算器只能进行算术运算D.SRAM的集成度高于DRAM【答案】 B6、资料:最后,大家谈论了中国在绿色经济方面做出的杰出贡献,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.More experience exchange and business developmentB.More passion towards this historical initiationC.More active attitude towards tacking climate changeD.More green investment chances【答案】 B7、Many of those that are prosecuted and sentenced and end_in a jail are subsequently freed or simply walk out the door as there are prisons in Congo that simply do not have doors.A.downB.offC.upD.beyond【答案】 C8、 以现金购入的长期股权投资,按()作为长期股权投资初始投资成本。A.被投资单位的所有者权益账面价值的份额B.换出资产的账面价值加上应支付的相关税费C.应收债权的账面价值D.实际支付的全部价款(包括支付的税金、手续费等相关费用)【答案】 D9、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, youd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.Because all people prefer the shortest route to their destinationB.Because airlines take advantage of peoples preference for direct flightsC.Because connecting flights may cause some inconvenienceD.Because airlines charge customers different prices for the same product【答案】 B10、2020年4月14日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)发布最新一期世界经济展望报告称,受新冠肺炎疫情冲击,2020年全球经济预计萎缩3%,为()以来最严重的经济衰退。A.二战时期B.20世纪30年代大萧条C.21世纪初世界经济危机D.1987年黑色星期一【答案】 B11、The _ of the international community was encouraged in solving the problems.A.requirementB.settlementC.managementD.involvement【答案】 D12、Even though medicine can take you back to health if you fall ill,_is recommended to avoid side effects.A.moderationB.considerationC.reflectionD.speculation【答案】 A13、( )is believing.A.SeeingB.SeenC.To be seeingD.To see【答案】 A14、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet.A.the telecoms system employed by Singapore Airlines on board each plane is the best of the breedB.Singapore Airlines has a self-contained telecoms system which enables it to set high international roaming ratesC.the calls will be charged at international roaming rates which are normally highD.it will be a privilege to a small【答案】 B15、Mr. Backus simply replaced the original equation with his own _ for a dream date, which included the percentage of women likely to find him attractive, and the number of girls aged 24 to 34 in London.A.designationB.measuresC.criteriaD.legislation【答案】 C16、研究发现,睡眠存在障碍与很多疾病有着难以_的联系。有时候通过改善睡眠状态,可连带对另一种疾病的治疗起到_的功效。A.割裂一石二鸟B.分割正本清源C.确认投石问路D.区分釜底抽薪【答案】 A17、 在我国银行实务中,将()的存款称为储蓄。A.个人B.公众C.企事业单位D.城镇居民【答案】 B18、When Monte broke the glass,he tried to put the()back together.A.fragmentsB.piecesC.bitsD.slices【答案】 A19、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses. Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as
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