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2024年度广东省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关提分题库(考点梳理)一单选题(共60题)1、 If you want to take photographs, you will need to apply for a_.A.permissibleB.permissionC.permittingD.permit【答案】 D2、She got her degree successfully as her university _was on Marina Tsvetaeva, a poet then in deep official disfavor.A.conclusionB.hypothesisC.dissertationD.paradox【答案】 C3、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturers claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help. at the store of purchase. In most cases,this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.A.Demonstrate the problem specificallyB.Do it politely but firmlyC.Do it in personD.Make general statements first【答案】 D4、当看跌期权的履约价格髙于相关期货价格时,该期权被称为( )。A.实值期权B.虚值期权C.两平斯权D.欧式期权【答案】 A5、2月6日,我国自主研发建造的全球首座十万吨级深水半潜式生产储油平台()能源站,抵达海南陵水海域。A.“天海一号”B.“深海一号”C.“深鲸一号”D.“白鲨一号”【答案】 B6、在双本位制的货币体系下,()两种货币按法定比价流通,在一定程度上克服了平行本位制下混乱局面。A.金锡B.银铜C.金铜D.金银【答案】 D7、Your selection will arrive in seven to ten days and will be followed by()deliveries every six weeks.A.additionalB.momentaryC.mutualD.thorough【答案】 A8、系统软件的功能是( )。A.充分发挥硬件资源的效益,为用户使用计算机提供方便B.解决输入输出的问题C.清除病毒,维护计算机系统正常运行D.用于程序设计【答案】 A9、资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios.A.To reduce the risk of global warming, more should be invested on low-emissions energy sourcesB.Climate change is not only a climate issue, but also a business issueC.Its more difficult to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions on the Dakota Access than Keystone XLD.US and China will work together to cope with climate change【答案】 D10、 Whenever I try to_up what innovation looks like, the same slideshow of images clicks across my mind.A.comeB.figureC.conjureD.set【答案】 C11、Passage 7A.When they take decision shortcutsB.When they help others to make decisionsC.When they have major decisions to makeD.When they have advisers to turn to【答案】 B12、对高、中、低层管理人员的技能要求是有所区别的,按三种技能在其技能组成中的比重从大到小排列,对低层管理人员的技能要求应该是()。A.技术技能、人际技能、概念技能B.人际技能、概念技能、技术技能C.概念技能、人际技能、技术技能D.概念技能、技术技能、人际技能【答案】 A13、某融资公司以经营不善为由拖欠张某的工资长达半年,根据商业银行法规定,若张某要求该公司的开户银行对该公司的存款进行()的操作时,开户银行有权拒绝张某。A.查询B.冻结C.他选项全部D.扣划【答案】 C14、资料:For nearly a century, Hilton Worldwide has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value.A.Travelling opportunitiesB.A decent jobC.Various experiences, knowledge and chancesD.High income【答案】 C15、 由于()的存在,才产生了本期和其他期间的差异,从而出现了权责发生制和收付实现制。A.持续经营B.会计主体C.会计分期D.货币计量【答案】 C16、Passage2A.the uses of life preserversB.the design of life preserversC.the materials for life preserversD.the buoyancy of life preservers【答案】 B17、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.the rapid increase in the number of abandoned childrenB.the high percentage of single-parent familyC.the gradual decrease of father-child contactD.the negative impact of family split on children【答案】 C18、资料:From: Iris WuA.graphic designerB.marketing directorC.An appliance technicianD.An administrative assistant【答案】 B19、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是()。A.通过识别声音就可以判断出一个人是否感染了病毒,这听起来像是东方夜谭,但这也是事实。B.一把椅子,加上“人体工学”四个字,就能卖三四千,甚至是八九千元,一万多元左右的超级高价也不鲜见。C.一百多个科研单位的技术骨干云集会场,就不同领域的问题展开了热烈的讨论。D.金医生归来后,护士们蜂拥而至,热情地在办公室里向他问候。【答案】 A20、生产者的短期成本一定()长期成本。A.高于B.低于C.等于D.都有可能【答案】 A21、资料:From:prornoA.Instructions for entering a competitionB.chance to try a new productC.An apology for an errorD.Thanks for completing a customer survey【答案】 B22、()是收文办理的中心环节。A.批办B.拟办
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