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2024年度山西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题(三)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、“某甲是有罪的”与“某甲是无罪的”这两个性质判断之间是( )。A.反对关系B.矛盾关系C.差等关系D.下反对关系【答案】 B2、Passage2A.the uses of life preserversB.the design of life preserversC.the materials for life preserversD.the buoyancy of life preservers【答案】 B3、下列有关国内生产总值的表述,正确的是( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B4、Passage 5A.brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the westB.attracted many visitors to the construction sitesC.attracted laborers from EuropeD.encouraged people to travel all over the country【答案】 A5、 我国刑法对于空间效力的规定,采取的是()。A.属地原则B.属人原则C.保护原则D.以属地原则为主,兼采属人原则、保护原则和普遍原则【答案】 D6、企业进行市场定位的核心内容是()。A.设计和塑造产品特色或个性B.明确竞争对手和竞争目标C.不断降低产品的成本D.弄清消费者的需求差异【答案】 A7、资料:Native ads - or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them - are taking over digital advertising.A.An overall native forecastB.Ad frequency and scalability issuesC.The forecasts for how revenues from these formats will grow over the next five yearsD.The illustrations of what factors are driving up spending on each of these ad units【答案】 A8、Passage 5A.To make a transition to a new topicB.To work as a hook to the following paragraphsC.To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphsD.To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraph【答案】 D9、In modern clinical practice, doctors personally assess patients in order to _, treat, and prevent disease using clinical judgment.A.remedyB.diagnoseC.infectD.judge【答案】 B10、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company.A.on the letterheads and packagesB.in the social media platformC.advertisements on TVD.All of above【答案】 D11、随着生产和生活垃圾的急剧增加,垃圾处理已成为一个重要的社会和经济问题。而有关专家却说垃圾是放错了地方的资源。”将垃圾看成是“放错了地方的资源”这段话( )。A.坚持了联系的观点,世界上一切事物都是相互联系的B.混渚了矛盾主次方面,看不到矛盾主要方面决定事物性质C.坚持了矛盾的分析方法,看到矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化D.违背了矛盾普遍性和特殊性辩证关系,看不到矛盾的普遍性【答案】 C12、一个完整的计算机系统包括()。A.计算机及其外部设备B.主机、键盘、显示器C.系统软件和应用软件D.硬件系统和软件系统【答案】 D13、当前公司A信贷购入了2325元人民币的原材料于生产,在30天后支付了这笔应付账款,又过了30天后客户B以3000元的价钱买入这笔原材料,客户将于30天后支付这笔应收账款,则公司的现金周期为()天。A.75B.90C.60D.30【答案】 B14、社会主义市场经济中宏观调控主要运用()。A.经济手段和法律手段B.行政手段和计划手段C.经济手段和行政手段D.法律手段和行政手段【答案】 A15、下面是中国古典文学四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是()。A.鲁智深倒拔垂杨柳B.孙悟空大闹天宫C.诸葛亮三顾茅庐D.刘姥姥进大观园【答案】 C16、“Is there()here?”A.anybodyB.everybodyC.somebodyD.nobody【答案】 B17、He has made a discovery, _ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.A.which I think it isB.which I think isC.think which isD.of which I think it is【答案】 B18、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC) to be held on Thursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has been selected as the host city. This annual event will take place at the Delta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walking distance of the Old City. You will be charmed by the unique character of the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec. For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combine business and pleasure by attending the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th and continue for the next 10 days.A.The innovative potential of clinical operations is yet to be realizedB.Collaborative care should be viewed from a strategic perspectiveC.Clinical operations shouldnt conform to postmodern societal modelD.None of the above【答案】 B19、Passage 6A.a dramatic reduction of its scaleB.its wrongly-directed implementationC.the governments reluctance to back itD.an unreasonable price for enrollment【答案】 D20、 生产者的法定免责事由不包括()。A.未将产品投入流通的B.产品投入流通时,引起损害的缺陷尚不存在的C.将产品投入流通时,当时的科技水平尚不能发现缺陷存在的D.产品投入流通时,虽明知有缺陷,但无法避免的【答案】 D21、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors, disrupted flightsA.it has not done any inspections beforeB.its airplanes are far too old to fly any moreC.it has not met the FAA maintenance standardD.the fatality rate has doubled in the last 15 years【答案】 B22、On the next birthday,Ann()married for twenty years.A.isB.has beenC.will beD.will have been【答案】 D23、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券B.到期一次还本付息债券C.分期还本到期一次付息债券D.分期付息债券【答案】 A24、 If you want to take photographs, you wi
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