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2024年度山西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关试题库(有答案)一单选题(共60题)1、计算机的硬件主要包括中央处理器(CPU)、输入设备、输出设备和( )。A.键盘B.鼠标C.存储器D.显示器【答案】 C2、某医院医生甲为患者乙做手术时将一块纱布遗留在乙腹腔,乙因此所受的损害应有()。A.医院承担全部赔偿责任B.甲承担全部赔偿责任C.医院和甲承担连带赔偿责任D.甲承担赔偿责任,医院承担补充责任【答案】 A3、资料:The societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumers short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.Is a firm that satisfies the immediate needs and wants of target markets always doing whats best for consumers in the long run? The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumers and societys well-being.A.generates carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warmingB.produces healthy products with the “green” packagesC.is highly successful because it run against the society long-run interestsD.takes water from pristine lakes and snow-capped mountains【答案】 A4、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是()。A.就如何应对交通不畅导致供需矛盾的问题,公司领导讨论和听取了各车间主任提出的AB和C三套方案,并最终决定执行A方案B.疫情期间,有关部门对部分不遵守隔离措施,蛮横无礼甚至殴打医生、护士的各类事件,进行了严肃的批评教育,对涉及刑事的,也处理得相当快速公正C.峡谷中的土域肥沃,加上昼夜温差较大,较为适宣种植经济作物、柑橘,还适合种植烟草。D.中国哲学讲究阴阳五行,凡事相克相生,饮茶也不例外,什么季节,什么气候、什么体质适合喝什么茶都有一番说道。【答案】 D5、We received the _ indicating the amount of money I had paid.A.quittanceB.refundC.retentionD.progeny【答案】 A6、产出增加、利率不确定是财政政策和货币政策混合使用的哪种方式产生的结果?()A.紧缩性财政政策和扩张性货币政策B.扩张性财政政策和扩张性货币政策C.紧缩性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策D.扩张性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策【答案】 B7、American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign_with their dollar.A.currentedB.currentlyC.currencyD.current【答案】 C8、研究发现,与非复阳患者相比,复阳患者在住院期间表现出更少的症状,更持久的CT成像缓解和更早的RNA转阴,但血浆抗体水平表现与非复阳患者相似。重新入院后,这些复阳患者没有表现出明显的临床症状或疾病进展,CT影像正常以及炎症性细胞因子水平也正常。A.与非复阳患者相比,复阳患者拥有不同的症状表征B.住院期间和重新入院治疗期间,复阳患者的表现前后有所不同C.复阳患者比非复阳患者更难治疗D.在某些症状上,复阳患者比非复阳患者的表现要轻得多【答案】 D9、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugals largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date.A.YesB.NoC.Its up to Portuguese and EU authoritiesD.It depends on whether Fosun is able to appoint at least two of the 20 BCP board members, and up to five members in the event of increasing its stake【答案】 D10、剩余价值().A.在生产领域中产生,可以离开流通领域B.在流通领域中产生,但不能离开生产领域C.在生产领域中产生,通过流通领域来实现D.既在流通领域中产生,也在生产领域中产生【答案】 C11、资料:Zhang Qiaoli uses her spare bedroom for storing her stock of ladies fashion-wear and photo shoots. She is one of more than five million small online stores operating across China, some from small apartments or even college dormitories. She buys dresses and accessories wholesale; at prices under $5, using the website Taobao, she sells them on as the Kitty Lover at prices under $10.A.Slightly criticalB.UnbiasedC.ParadoxicalD.Fully supportive【答案】 D12、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugals largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date.A.TwoB.ThereC.FourD.None of above【答案】 C13、His kingdom was still _ ;the Danes far from subdued.A.precariousB.preferentialC.primalD.prodigal【答案】 A14、Passage3A.the rules for dinner time are not strictB.dinner is always at six in the eveningC.a family offers food only at four in the afternoonD.people usually invite their guests to dinner later in the evening【答案】 A15、Ever since book critic Martja Taynbe praised Reinaldo Da Silvas The Flag Bearer, _ for it has skyrocketed.A.structureB.visionC.demandD.effort【答案】 C16、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.A.help the person understand himself betterB.studying the benefits of dreamsC.trying to make the sleeper dream logicallyD.trying to help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams【答案】 A17、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But lve also learned that if you dont have a strategy for making time for those bi
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