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2024年度年福建省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考试题库一单选题(共60题)1、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer? Probably not, but it may have shifted into reverse, according to a study by Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, theyve lost one to three months worth of learning.A.Because the community have the librariesB.Because at home the parents will make kids reading moreC.Because in summer vacation kids have more time in readingD.Because community and home give kids more opportunities to read【答案】 D2、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking.A.Banking and Non-banking in the USAB.Banks in the USAC.Bankers in the USAD.Banking in the USA【答案】 B3、绩效薪金制通过报酬与绩效的挂钩强化了对员工的激励,这种做法与()的原理最为吻合。A.领导一成员交换理论B.双因素理论C.期望理论D.DRG理论【答案】 C4、按照中国人民银行的规定,各银行每月日平均拆入资金余额,不得超过其上月末各项存款余额的()。 A.5%B.4%C.6%D.3%【答案】 A5、甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学中有一位同学为地震灾区捐款500元,当老师询问时,他们分别这样回答:A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁【答案】 A6、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.YXrB.Y/rC.r/YD.YX(1 + r)【答案】 B7、You should make choices based on your _ and long-term needs.A.superficialB.fundamentalC.primaryD.immediate【答案】 D8、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours.A.Because they never know what kind of work requests will be asked off hoursB.Because they are required by the company to answer emails off hoursC.Because smart phones and tables keep us connected all the timeD.None of above【答案】 A9、The smog is due( )invisible gases,mostly from automobile exhaust.A.fromB.toC.forD.with【答案】 B10、In sub-Saharan Africa today, for instance, gross investment_for roughly of national income.A.estimatesB.accountsC.constitutesD.makes【答案】 B11、 现金清查中,发现现金短缺500元,经研究决定由出纳人员赔偿300元,余款报损。则批准处理后的会计分录为()。A.借:库存现金500贷:待处理财产损溢500B.借:待处理财产损溢500贷:现金500C.借:其他应收款300营业外支出200贷:待处理财产损溢500D.借:其他应收款300管理费用200贷:待处理财产损溢500【答案】 D12、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses. Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse. says Rubin.A.DevastatingB.DeleteriousC.HarmfulD.Destructive【答案】 B13、省、自治区、直辖市的设立、撤销、更名,须报( )审议决定。A.全国人民代表大会B.国务院C.全国人大常委会D.省级国家权力机关审议决定【答案】 A14、资料:(二)A.The loans are expected to help seniors stay in their homesB.The loans are driving all seniors out of their homesC.The reverse mortgage only welcomes seniorsD.Any senior can apply for reverse mortgages【答案】 A15、The property will be shown by_only in an effort to separate the fans from the serious buyers,because the current owners are looking for buyers who want to keep the house intact。A.interestB.interviewC.applicationD.appointment【答案】 C16、Passage 4A.the lack of support from firmsB.the cultural differencesC.the effect of unemploymentD.the shortage of money【答案】 D17、Responsible parents should show_love to their children and make them grow healthily.A.unrestrictedB.unreservedC.unconditionalD.unlimited【答案】 B18、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有()个。A.0B.1C.2D.3【答案】 C19、The spokesman didnt()any details concerning the disarmament talk.A.exposeB.discloseC.encloseD.impart【答案】 B20、_ and predictable increases in research funding will allow the United States to accomplish a great deal.A.DetainedB.SustainedC.RemainedD.Constrained【答案】 B21、资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large net
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