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2024年度山西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题(九)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、Passage 2A.A toy trainB.A bottle of whiskeyC.A cameraD.A cellular phone【答案】 A2、This chapter gives an overview of three-dimensional (3D) textiles in sports and leisure clothing_manufacturing processes and product requirements.A.in connection withB.in common withC.regardless ofD.with respect to【答案】 D3、我国农村信用社改革采取成立( )三种模式。A.村镇银行、农村合作银行、以县市为单位统一法人B.农村商业银行、贷款公司、农村合作基金会C.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、小额贷款公司D.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、以县市为单位统一法人【答案】 D4、国家卫健委日前明确,持核酸检测阴性证明返乡从2021年1月28日春运开始后实施,至()春运结束后截止。A.3月8日B.3月1日C.2月28日D.3月6日【答案】 A5、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.introduce a new course to studentsB.help students learn about investmentC.teach how to apply for a credit cardD.encourage studentspersonal savings【答案】 B6、下列历史事件按时间排序正确的一组是()A.百家争鸣独尊儒术新文化运动B.大泽乡起义太平天国运动安史之乱C.王安石变法商鞅变法戊戌变法D.贞观之治文景之治康乾盛世【答案】 A7、2月6日,我国自主研发建造的全球首座十万吨级深水半潜式生产储油平台()能源站,抵达海南陵水海域。A.“天海一号”B.“深海一号”C.“深鲸一号”D.“白鲨一号”【答案】 B8、某班有50人,其中有42人会打乒乓球,40人会打篮球,38人会打排球,35人会打羽毛球,则这个班至少有多少人这四项球类都会打?()A.2B.3C.4D.5【答案】 D9、激光器通常由( )组成。A.工作物质、谐振腔、激光源B.工作物质、谐振腔、光源C.工作物质、激光源、发射器D.谐振腔、激光源、发射器【答案】 C10、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But Ive also learned that if you dont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, theyll simply never get done. And that means you wont make the progress thats really going to move your business forward.A.How to manage your time wellB.How to overcome different challenges in the officeC.How to win competitions and get promotionsD.How to prevent distractions and focus on big issues【答案】 D11、_Newton started to do experiments, he forgot about the time.A.IfB.AsC.OnceD.When【答案】 C12、2012年是中国银行成立( )周年。A.90B.100C.110D.80【答案】 B13、下列属于产品成本的是()。A.厂房管理人员工资B.车间人员工资C.董事会人员工资D.专设销售部门人员工资【答案】 B14、不属于资产管理理论基础的是()。A.商业性贷款B.转移理论C.预期收入理论D.经营管理理论【答案】 D15、历时19年,由北宋司马光主编的多卷本编年体史书是()。A.史记B.资治通鉴C.汉纪D.二十四史【答案】 B16、下列属于消费信用的是()。A.赊账B.银团投资C.直接投资D.出口信贷【答案】 A17、下面关于金融工具和金融市场叙述错误的是()。A.贷款属于间接融资工具,其所在市场属于间接融资市场B.股票属于直接融资工具,其发行、交易的市场属于直接融资市场C.银行间同业拆借市场属于货币市场,同业拆借是其中的一种短期金融工具D.银行间债券市场属于资本市场,债券回购是其中的一种长期金融工具【答案】 D18、同时同地,一根长1米的标杆的影长0.6米,一名修理工要爬至48米高的电视塔上修理设备,他竖直方向爬行的速度为0.4米/秒,则此人的影子移动的速度为()米每秒。A.0.56B.0.24C.0.48D.0.36【答案】 B19、Fewer than 14000 people perished in US airline accidents between the _ of public aviation and the yar 2000.A.endB.startC.middleD.terminal【答案】 B20、It was about 100 years ago_this beautiful clock was madeA.NeitherB.sinceC.thenD.when【答案】 A21、在下列字符中,其ASCII码值最小的一个是()。A.控制符B.9C.AD.a【答案】 A22、Highly emotional,lacking in self-confidence,he knocked about in_jobs as a young man before settling on the study of art.A.variousB.overallC.modifiedD.peculiar【答案】 A23、The manager made it clear that he intended to_down some new rules to enforce workplace discipline.A.layingB.layC.lieD.lying【答案】 B24、And they must be swifter to embrace new technology, from the excitement of the Internet to the _of the telephone.A.dullnessB.tensionC.pressureD.restrictions【答案】 A25、 Apple remains so high in market value for so long but so small in profit that_company in history can match with it.A.no anotherB.no otherC.any othersD.no others【答案】 B26、营业利润不包括以下哪项内容?()A.营业外收入B.营业收入C.投资收益D.其他业务收入【答案】 A27、资料:From: Peter Manx pmanxbettertraining.co.auA.business relationship with ISB InternationalB.Assistance with an advertising campaignC.Revisions of a company brochureD.Technical support for Better Training staff【答案】 A28、银行机构财务监管的内容不包括( )。A.收入的来源与结构B.支出的去向与结构
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