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2024年度安徽省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识真题练习试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、The river is already _its banks because of the excessive rainfall;and the city is threatened with a likely flood.A.parallel toB.level inC.flat onD.flush with【答案】 D2、 关于股票和公司债券的公开行为,以下说法正确的是()。A.股票发行实行核准制,公司债券实行审批制B.股票和公司债券均实行审批制C.股票和公司债券均实行核准制D.股票发行实行审批制,公司债券发行实行核准制【答案】 C3、Most of these resources are _ towards paper-writing and research projects.A.hatchedB.gearedC.encouragedD.motivated【答案】 B4、属于我国二级重点保护动物的是()。A.金丝猴B.长臂猿C.小熊猫D.大熊猫【答案】 C5、12-23+34-45+56+20112012-20122013=()A.-2B.-2012C.-1013044D.-2026084【答案】 D6、根据企业会计准则,短期投资一般使用()进行核算。A.成本法B.权益法C.合同法D.收益法【答案】 A7、小明手里有2枚5分钱硬币,7枚2分钱硬币和5枚1分钱硬币,如想组合成1角1分钱,共有()种组合方式。A.11B.7C.8D.10【答案】 B8、资本市场的融资期限一般为( )。A.3个月到半年B.半年到1年C.3个月以下D.1年以上【答案】 D9、根据数字使用规范,下列公文中的数字写法正确的是( )。A.初步估计共需三十七、八万元B.一篇讲话稿长达5千200字C.“文件”二字可采用2号字体D.该村直到95年才修通公路【答案】 C10、 下列记账错误中,不能通过试算平衡检查发现的是()。A.某一账户的借方发生额600元,误写成6 000元B.某一账户的借贷方向写反C.借方的金额误记到贷方D.误记了借方的发生额【答案】 B11、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBCs History Wall, a striking art installation at the banks London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca -colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers often trust old-aged companies more【答案】 D12、系统软件的功能是( )。A.充分发挥硬件资源的效益,为用户使用计算机提供方便B.解决输入输出的问题C.清除病毒,维护计算机系统正常运行D.用于程序设计【答案】 A13、 “长期准备金”属于银行的( )类科目。A.资产B.所有者权益C.损益D.负债【答案】 D14、假设银行系统:(1)原始存款为900万元;(2)法定存款准备金率6%;(3)为现金漏损率为15%;(4)超额准备率为3%。此时银行系统的派生存款总额为()万元。A.3750B.4286C.5000D.10000【答案】 A15、On Thursday, lawmakers introduced a bill to _ harsher penalties for sexual assault in the military.A.integrateB.invadeC.imposeD.impair【答案】 C16、 留于以后年度分配的利润或待分配的利润是( )。A.实收资本B.盈余公积C.资本公积D.未分配利润【答案】 D17、IBM now has incentive to_or fire employees before that Dec.15 date.A.lay downB.lay offC.lay asideD.lay out【答案】 B18、关于管理幅度与管理层次的说法,正确的是()。A.管理幅度指的是组织结构的纵向复杂程度B.管理层次与管理幅度在数量上成正比关系C.管理层次的多少代表组织结构的横向复杂程度D.管理幅度与管理层次是相互制约的【答案】 D19、最广义的投资银行定义是指( )。A.任何经营华尔街金融业务的银行B.指经营一部分或者全部资本市场业务的金融机构C.投资银行是指经营资本市场某些业务的金融机构D.在一级市场上承销证券筹集资本和在二级【答案】 A20、They could give you a nationally_qualification and the experience you need to get the job.A.recognizedB.viewedC.regardedD.realized【答案】 A21、下列公文处理程序中属于发文办理的是()。A.拟办B.复核C.传阅D.签收【答案】 B22、资料:From: Peter Manx pmanxbettertraining.co.auA.business relationship with ISB InternationalB.Assistance with an advertising campaignC.Revisions of a company brochureD.Technical support for Better Training staff【答案】 A23、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can be collected by computer programs that track how people use Facebook has been revealed by an extensive academic study.A.The efficiency of computer programs in data analysisB.The result of a study can be predictable by computersC.Usefulness of some personal information in marketingD.Personal Information could be collected and analyzed online【答案】 D24、下面没有语病的句子是()。A.路是人走出来的,但是走过的地方都不一定成为了路B.一条小船很难度众生,必须是众人建造的大船才能同舟共济C.相信科学的人们决不会让封建迷信影响他的思想D.大路的向天边延伸很远很远直到遥远的看不到天际【答案】 D25、Passage 6A.DoubtfulB.ApprovingC.WelcomingD.Optimistic【答案】 A26、资料:October 20,2013A.He was impressed with its menuB.The hotel is located close to the companyC.He has special ties with the hotel staffD.It has become a tradition of the company【答案】 A27、金融创新就是( )。A.在金融市场开展金融业务B.金融体系与金融结构的变化C.在金融领域内,各种要素实行新的组合D.金融市场监管与金融发展关系的确定【答案】 C28、资料:In a survey,people were asked to choose between treatments to save 600 people from dying a disease.A.The participantsB.The wordingC.The backgroundD.The contents【答案】 B29、投资一笔国债,5年期,平价发行,票面利率为12. 22%,单利计息,到期一次还本付息, 则该债券的到期收益率是()。A.9%B.11 %C.10%D.12 %【答案】 C30、The world population is expected to rise to more than nine billion by 2050,one-third of all people_expected to live in cities。A.has beenB.areC.have beenD.have succeeded in【答案】 B31、The number of the disabled Americans went up for so long that the trend of fallin
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