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2024年度吉林省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模拟预测参考题库及答案一单选题(共60题)1、三废(废气、废水、废渣),对社会产生的效应属于()。A.消费的正外部性B.生产的正外部性C.生产的负外部性D.消费的负外部性【答案】 C2、Computer cannot remember who has used it;it simply does what().A.it is toldB.it was toldC.it has toldD.it told【答案】 A3、中央银行降低再贴现率的结果是银行准备金( )。A.增加B.减少C.不变D.皆有可能【答案】 A4、I am content with this job_salary, but it still has some defects.A.in spite ofB.in need ofC.by means ofD.in terms of【答案】 D5、从( )起北美自由贸易区开始运转。A.1998年5月1日B.1989年1月1日C.1992年12月7日D.1994年1月1日【答案】 D6、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.The conceptions of globalization varyB.The disciplines in the social sciences varyC.There are less conceptions of globalizationD.There are many disciplines in the social sciences【答案】 C7、.对于注销的应收账款,会计部门应在( )中予以登记,同时进行追踪控制,以防随后收 回时被内部人员贪污。A.备査账簿B.销售发票C.明细账D.销售合同【答案】 A8、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the banks president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.A.Britains exit from European Union will have an impact on its membership in the bankB.United States and Japan will join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank soonC.More countries are interested in the membership in the bankD.Germany and France will join the bank soon【答案】 C9、某银行向一家小微企业发放一笔期限为5年、额度为100万元人民币的贷款年利率为6%。那么,若以单利法计算,5年后该银行应得的本利总和是()万元。A.120B.118C.138D.130【答案】 D10、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( )A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6,日利率为3D.年利率为8%,月利率为3,日利率为0. 33【答案】 D11、资料:MemoA.At Wayland BooksB.At Greenhouse PublishingC.At Senyth PublishersD.At Brownback Guides【答案】 B12、提出“复杂人”假设的是()。A.哈罗德孔茨B.亨利法约尔C.埃德加沙因D.弗雷德里克泰勒【答案】 C13、I could speak_ Japanese_ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English. A.not only; but alsoB.both; andC.neither; norD.either; or【答案】 C14、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.UrbanizationB.Young peopleC.BothD.Unknown【答案】 C15、 ( )要求企业应当以实际发生的交易或者事项为依据进行确认、计量和报告,如实反映符合确认和计量要求的各项会计要素及其他相关信息。A.可靠性B.可理解性C.实质重于形式D.重要性【答案】 A16、 下列选项中属于完全物权的是()。A.抵押权B.质权C.所有权D.留置权【答案】 C17、在确定的借贷周期内,按复利的()越多,其收入比值越高。A.本金B.计息次数C.利率D.本息和【答案】 B18、Maltreated infants and young children are substantially more likely than older maltreated children to be seriously harmed or killed as a result of_or neglect。A.abandonB.misuseC.abuseD.curse【答案】 A19、民法调整( )的人身关系和财产关系。A.平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间B.法人之间C.公民和法人之间D.公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间【答案】 A20、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”A.Customers distrust of productsB.A financial lossC.Unhappy workersD.Loss on sales and market share【答案】 A21、资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. Its up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.As new industries arise, the popularity of different careers also changeB.Nowadays people dont know what they really want to doC.Because changing careers is becoming more popularD.Because one could have as many as nine careers in his professional lifetime【答案】 A22、 下列各项中不属于会计核算一般要求的是()。A.各单位必须根据实际发生的经济业务事项进行会计核算。编制会计报表B.各单位必须按照国家统一的会计制度的要求设置会计科目和账户、复式记账、填制会计凭证、登记会计账簿、进行成本计算、财产清查和编制财务报表C.使用电子计算机进行会计核算的,其软件及其生成的会计凭证、会计账簿、财务报告和其他会计资辩.也必须符合国家统一的会计制度的规定D.各单位对经济业务事项进行会计核算时必须使用人民币【答案】 D23、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensive luxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmering surface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the low oil price,currently around $40 a barrel.Growth is slowing and unemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t” word until recently taboo:tax.A.Dubai used to heavily rely on oil revenueB.Gulf States use
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