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2024年度云南省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲刺模拟试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、近年来,中国人民银行加强了对利率工具的运用。利率调整逐年频繁,利率调整方式更为灵活,调控机制日趋完善,利率作为重要的经济杠杆,在国家宏观调控体系中将发挥更加重要的作用。A.制定相关政策对各类利率结构和档次进行调整B.发放政府发行的中、长期国库券C.调整金融机构法定存贷款利率D.制定金融机构存贷利率的浮动范围【答案】 B2、能量守恒与转化定律又称为热力学第()定律。A.B.二C.三D.四【答案】 A3、下列用于判断收入分配公平程度的经济指标是()。A.赤字率B.基尼系数C.恩格尔系数D.生产者物价指数【答案】 B4、资料:(一)A.such risks are very expensiveB.such risks cannot be estimated preciselyC.such risks are too highD.the premium would be too high【答案】 B5、下列各项中不属于新巴塞尔资本协议中“三大支柱”的是()。A.最低资本要求B.市场约束C.综合监管D.监管当局的监督检查【答案】 C6、我国专门为退市后的上市公司股份提供的继续流通场所为( )。A.二级市场B.银行柜台市场C.三板市场D.中小企业板市场【答案】 C7、“Well done,Cassandra.”Crook said.She blushed,but accepted the ( )with good grace.A.commenceB.compromiseC.compensateD.compliment【答案】 D8、Hawass said the collection of workers tombs, some of _ were found in the 1990s, were among the most significant findings in the 20th and 21st centuries.A.themB.whomC.whichD.who【答案】 C9、“东施效颦”原比喻不根据具体条件,盲目模仿别人,结果适得其反。现泛指模仿者的愚蠢和可笑。这一成语出自()。A.孟子B.庄子C.论语D.红楼梦【答案】 B10、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her countrys withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the countrys exit.A.The two sides have not reached an agreement on conditions of Britains orderly exitB.Britain refuses to fill the financial bole of the EUC.British People are divided on the issue of BrexitD.EU does not want Britain to exit from it【答案】 A11、Mr.Gonzalesr who has been a()member of the country club for over 25 year,has recently been appointed president.A.firstB.valuedC.strongD.durable【答案】 B12、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的Q条例规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20世纪60年代,美国市场利率上涨,高于Q条例规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流入金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。A.存款业务B.贴现业务C.贷款业务D.证券业务【答案】 A13、资料:Italys next government, a coalition between the populistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League, is giving investors plenty to worry about. Leaked plans, hastily abandoned, suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask the European Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn) of Italian debt. But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italian banks, and in particular for their biggest burden: non-performing loans(NPLs). Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of 2017, the most for any country in the European Union. (1)A.They compete with each other in a smooth wayB.They form partnership with each otherC.They have a superior-subordinate relationshipD.They are opponents and fight against each other【答案】 B14、In May of 1826, the fair-haired youth with the azure blue eyes ( ) for Europe to turn himself into a scholar and a linguist.A.set aboutB.set downC.set outD.set up【答案】 C15、美国历史上首位华裔驻华大使是( )。A.赵小兰B.张之香C.骆家辉D.朱棣文【答案】 C16、营业利润不包括以下哪项内容?()A.营业外收入B.营业收入C.投资收益D.其他业务收入【答案】 A17、关于债券收益率的说法错误的是( )。A.易被赎回的债券的名义收益率比较高B.享受税收优惠的债券的收益率比较低C.流动性低的债券收益率较高D.违约风险髙的债券收益率比较低【答案】 D18、Passage 2A.It was challenged by some climate and risk expertsB.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circlesC.It was warmly received by environmentalistsD.It caused a big stir in developing countries【答案】 A19、资料:To:Sherry LintonA.Getting the approval from the Manchester officeB.Passing the order to Christine HantkeC.Using the petty cash accountD.Completing a purchase order【答案】 C20、Passage 5A.brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the westB.attracted many visitors to the construction sitesC.attracted laborers from EuropeD.encouraged people to travel all over the country【答案】 A21、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But lve also learned that if you dont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, theyll simply never get done. And that means you wont make the progress thats really going to move your business forward.A.When you are most focusedB.When there is no discussionsC.Last at nightD.Bright and early in the morning【答案】 A22、 下列各项属于长期负债的有()。A.应收账款B.应付账款C.其他应付款D.应付债券【答案】 D23、资料:Anything that affects the smooth flow of information is known as noise. Th
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