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湖南省多校联考2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Whether you plan to head out to the theatre, or sit on the couch, our critics have gathered together their favourite films of this year. You can search by genre(体裁) and where you can see it. Have at it!Three Minutes: A LengtheningBianca Stigters documentary turns three minutes of pre-World War vacation video into a 69-minute detective story. Its fascinating and completebut never tiring. The film becomes a story of discovery, an exploration of memory and a reflection on loss and cinema.Genre: History, DocumentaryMoonage DaydreamAs a committed music documentary watcher, I was completely unprepared for the confusing IMAX world building that director Brett Morgen brought to his authorized biography(传记) of David Bowie. Morgen made a film that both celebrates Bowies music and conveys the intellectual, philosophical and spiritual currents of a splendid life.Genre: Music and Musicals, Documentary, BiographyRetrogradeFilmmaker Matthew Heinemen stayed in Afghanistan as American forces left and the result isa fascinating portrait of a tragedy in real timethe abandoned bases and villages, the fall of Kabul back into Taliban hands as refugees(难民) hurried to an airport in chaos(混乱). Retrograde is war cinema coming from reality, powered by the responsibility to bear witness.Genre: History, DocumentaryAll the Beauty and the BloodshedLaura Poitras documentary interweaves(交织) the origin story of photographer Nan Goldin with her mission to hold the Sackler family accountable for the drug addiction crisis caused by its company, Pu rdue Pharma. Goldin attacks major museums, forces the Sacklers to listen to the stories of their victims and removes the Sackler name from museum walls.Genre: Biography, History, Documentary1、Which film turns a short video into a detective story?A. Three Minutes: A Lengthening.B. Retrograde.C. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed.D. Moonage Daydream.2、What do Moonage Daydream and All the Beauty and the Bloodshed have in common?A. Theyre related to wars.B. They focus on music.C. They tell stories about refugees.D. They are about a persons life.3、In what section of a newspaper can we see the text?A. History.B. Education.C. Fashion.D. Entertainment.It was a beautiful spring day. The Earth was finally awakening from her winter sleep. New life was everywhere. The sky was clear and blue. The air smelled sweet. The sun was kissing the world with its warmth.I was driving to pick my so n up from the sheltered workshop. On my drive I saw the flowers opening in peoples yards. The fields were full of yellow dandelions(蒲公英) with some already turning into little white balls of seeds. The trees were starting to awaken too. The flowers on them were white, purple, and pink. The songs of the birds were in the air as well. I was feeling the love from the creation all around me. I longed to be a part of it and share my love as well.I pulled into the driveway of the sheltered workshop and parked my car. As I got out, I saw a lost little caterpillar(毛虫) crawling the wrong way towards the sidewalk. He was just about to go under my tire(轮胎) when I reached down and picked him up. I held him gently in my hand and walked over to the grassy hillside on the other side of the parking lot. I sat him down and said, “You will never become a butterfly if you get run over, my friend. Please stay in the grass.” Then I walked off with a smile on my face and a happiness filling my heart.A friend once wrote me and asked what he could do to make a difference in this world. I wrote him back and said, “Everything!” Everything we do makes a difference in this world. Everything we do can help all the creation in the world. Every act of kindness, every shared smile, every moment of love makes a difference. Even saving a single butterfly is priceless.4、What can we infer about the author?A. He preferred winter to spring.B. He saw people planting flowers in the yards.C. He went to the workshop together with his son.D. He appreciated new life and desired to share his love.5、What happened to the caterpillar?A. It went the wrong way and was nearly injured by a car.B. It was discovered by the author in the grass.C. It was taken away by the author to his car.D. It would soon become a butterfly.6、Which word can best describe the author?A. Caring.B. Calm.C. Confident.D. Indifferent.7、What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?A. Explain his views on nature.B. Give some advice to his friend.C. Show his opinion on making a difference.D. Stress the importance of saving a caterpillar.When you travel to the Arctic, the Arctic is in charge. Weather and conditions can be unpredictable, so give yourself extra days either side of your booked tour and pack your spirit of luck. On the Arctic ice floe(浮冰) edge in Canadas furthest and iciest northern r
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