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Unit 10Money写得准用得活积得多1.replace vt.代替,取代2.approximately adv. 近似地,大约地3.balance n. 平衡4.native adj. 出生地的,本土的5.fluently adv. 流利地6.defeat_ vt. 战胜,击败7.bargain vi.& n. 交易;便宜货;讨价还价8.appeal vi.吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁,恳求appealing adj.有吸引力的9.motivate vt.使有动机;促使;激发motivation n动力;诱因10.achievement n完成;成就achieve vt.完成;实现11.exist vi.存在,生存existence n存在,生存12.variety n多样化,多样性various adj.各种各样的vary v相异,不同13.determine vt.确定;决定determination n决心,决定determined adj.有决心的;坚决的14.concern vt.使忧虑;与相关concerned adj.担心的;涉及的concerning prep.关于15.aware adj.知道的,意识到的awareness n意识16.puzzle vt.使困惑 n谜语puzzled adj.困惑的puzzling adj.令人困惑的17.product n产品;出品produce v生产production n生产;成果;作品18.enthusiastic adj.很感兴趣的;热情的enthusiasm n热情19.annoy vt.打搅;使烦恼annoyed adj.烦恼的annoying adj.使烦恼的annoyance n烦恼20.contain vt.包含,含有container n容器21.ashamed adj.羞耻的,惭愧的shame v使感到羞愧shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的22.amusement n乐趣,娱乐活动amuse vt.以自娱,逗乐amused adj.觉得好笑的amusing adj.有趣的,好笑的23.behave vi.举止,表现behavior n举止,表现24.practical adj.实用的;实践的practise v实践practice n实践用所给词的适当形式填空1.As far as the present situations are concerned (concern), it is very difficult for you to avoid being accused of drunkdriving.2.You have first got to motivate (motivation) the children and then to teach them.3.She is ashamed (shame) of her bad behaviour towards you.4.Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement (achieve). 5.According to some philosophers, everything in existence (exist) is reasonable.6.We grow a variety (various) of crops, including cabbages, wheat and potatoes.7.It is universally believed that only reform can serve to raise the production (product) level. 8.She couldnt control her annoyance (annoy) at the attitude of the applicant. 9.The atlas (地图册) contains (container) forty maps, including three of Great Britain.10.The waiters in the hotel behaved (behavior) very badly towards us last time.11.Practical experience is often very important and practice is the direct way to get experience.(practice)12.Health awareness has increased over the past decade.As a result, smokers are aware of the dangers to their own health.(aware)13.The puzzle has puzzled so many students in the university, which is really puzzling.(puzzle)14.He is a determined person and once he determines to do something, he will never change.(determine)15.Mr. Black is an amusing person who often amuses us with amusing stories. So staying with him is really a kind of amusement.(amuse)1.ing结尾介词小结concerning 关于regarding 关于considering 就而言following 在之后including 包括during 在期间2.归纳“完成,实现”词汇achieve完成;实现realize 实现fulfil 完成,履行accomplish 完成,实现come true 实现bring about 实现;导致3.前缀re动词集锦replay 重放renew 更新replace 代替,取代review 复习remind 想起reunite 重聚4.“容器”名词大全cup/glass杯子bowl 碗pot 锅jar 罐basin 盆子bucket 水桶plate 盘子packet 小包,小袋5.盘点ex开头名词existence 存在,生存exception 例外executive 主管领导exhibition 展览品expectation 预料;预期expense 费用;价钱explosion 爆炸;爆破exposure 面临;揭露6.“吸引人的”形容词集释appealing有吸引力的attractive 吸引人的charming 迷人的absorbing 吸引人的fascinating 吸引人的eyecatching 引人注目的写得准用得活积得多1.put_off 推迟2.at_present 目前,现在3.out_of_work 失业4.give_away 赠送;泄露(秘密)5.drop_out 退出;退学6.make/earn_a_living 谋生7.be_determined_to_do_sth. 决心做某事8.dream_up 凭空想出,虚构出9.take_turns 轮流10.be_concerned_about 对关心,挂念11.turn_ones_back_on 不理睬;拒绝12.be_tired_of_. 厌倦了13.appeal_to_. 吸引;呼吁14.a_variety_of 各种各样的15.whats_more 而且,此外16.be_associated_with 将与联系起来选用左栏短语填空1.Because of the rain the football match has been put_off.2.You may be tired with reading, but you should not be_tired_of it.3.You should forget the past and start a new life at_present.4.He turned_his_back_on his friends when he became famous.5.He learns quickly, and whats_more,_he remembers all what he has learnt.6.The male and female birds take_turns in sitting on the eggs.7.They broke up for a_variety_of reasons; it wasnt that simple.8.Before he found the new job, he had been out_of_work for a year.1.小议“atn.”短语at hand 近在手边at length 最终,终于at rest 休息之中at risk 处境危险at ease 无忧无虑at present 目前,现在2.“out ofn.”短语大观园out of work失业out of order 出故障out of curiosity 出于好奇out of sympathy 出于同情out of question 没问题3.“厌倦”短语知多少be tired of .厌倦了be fed up with . 对感到厌烦be bored with . 对感到厌烦be sick of 厌恶;厌倦背原句记句式会仿用1.There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man!当然没有任何迹象表明查尔斯曾是一个富翁!that引导同位语从句。宁泽涛在喀山夺得金牌的消息迅速传开。The news that Ning_Zetao_won_a_gold_medal in Kazan spread quickly.2.If so, it is time for you to think again.如果这样的话,你需要再考虑一下了。if so“如果这样的话”,是省略句。你应该好好学习,如果这样的话,你就能及格。You should study hard; if_so,_
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