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2024年度浙江省船舶水手考试精选试题及答案十一单选题(共60题)1、霾的成因主要是由于大气中存在着大量的:() A. 烟屑 B. 尘粒 C. 盐的微粒 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 2、-()(把定)! -Yes ,sir! A. Midship B. Steady C. Head on D. Hard-a-port 试题答案:B 3、The height from water level to deck is called ()(干舷). A. draft B. freeboard C. draught D. port side 试题答案:B 4、That is a ()(救助船). A. dredger B. LASH C. salvage vessel D. barge 试题答案:C 5、救生圈在甲板栏杆上。() A. The lifebuoys are on the main deck. B. The lifebuoys are on the forecastle. C. The lifeboat is on the deck railing. D. The lifebuoys are on the deck railing. 试题答案:D 6、艏尖舱常用做:() A. 压载水舱 B. 仓库水舱 C. 装货 D. 装载燃油 试题答案:A 7、Proceed to your ()(集合地点). A. muster list B. muster C. muster station D. price list 试题答案:C 8、-Midship!-Reply: ()-Report: Wheel midship. A. OK ! B. Yes! C. Midship! D. Got it! 试题答案:C 9、()refers to the height from the waterline to the bottom of the ship. A. Draft B. Freeboard C. Derrick D. Drift 试题答案:A 10、装配() A. rig B. repair C. fit D. mend 试题答案:A 11、引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。() A. The pilot room is next to the chart room. B. The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse . C. The pilot room next to the captains cabin. D. The pilot room next to the wheelhouse . 试题答案:B 12、松出() A. slack away B. take in C. hold on D. let go 试题答案:A 13、There is no power for the ()(起货机). A. winch B. crane C. derrick D. boom 试题答案:A 14、The ()(载驳船) carries loaded lighter on board. A. LASH B. Lo/Lo C. Ro/Ro D. LNG carrier 试题答案:A 15、As a sailor on duty you must know how to adjust derrick.() A. 作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整起货机。 B. 作为一名值班水手你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。 C. 作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整吊杆。 D. 作为一名值班驾驶员你必须懂得如何调整起重机。 试题答案:B 16、Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps.() A. 液体散货是由泵装卸的 B. 干散货是由吊杆装卸的 C. 液体散货是由吊杆装卸的 D. 干散货是由泵装卸的 试题答案:A 17、船舶强度大、功率大、稳性和浮性较好,但船体较小的船舶称为() A. 海洋开发船 B. 拖船 C. 航标船 D. 破冰船 试题答案:B 18、Post two lookouts with binoculars.() A. 安排两名瞭头,带上六分仪。 B. 安排两名瞭头,带上罗盘经。 C. 安排两名瞭头,带上雷达。 D. 安排两名瞭头,带上望远镜。 试题答案:D 19、They will ()out a more detailed inspection. A. carried B. carrying C. to carry D. carry 试题答案:D 20、A ()is used for lifting long heavy cargo. A. derrick B. crane C. jumbo boom D. boom 试题答案:C 21、首推全速向右() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern half to port! C. Bow thrust full to starboard ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:C 22、接待() A. reception B. visit C. require D. return 试题答案:A 23、Four ()are needed to work this heavy derrick. A. winches B. gears C. windlass D. cranes 试题答案:A 24、船用纤维绳按其材料不同可分为:() A. 化纤绳 B. 白棕绳 C. 棉麻绳 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 25、Minor ()to container. A. damage B. damaging C. damaged D. All above. 试题答案:A 26、socket wrench() A. 管子钳 B. 套筒扳手 C. 开口销 D. 贯穿螺栓 试题答案:B 27、All the crew must know the locations as well as the ()of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances. A. operate B. operating C. operations D. operated 试题答案:C 28、bitt() A. 系缆桩 B. 绳索 C. 琵琶头 D. 码头 试题答案:A 29、白天在能见度不良的水域航行时,值班水手() A. 不必开启航行灯 B. 按驾驶员的命令开启航行灯 C. 根据情况决定是否开启航行灯 D. 能见度小于100m时才开启航行灯 试题答案:B 30、Loose paint and scale are removed with a scraper.() A. 用敲锈锤铲去重锈。 B. 用敲锈锤铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。 C. 用刮刀铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。 D. 用刮刀铲去重锈。 试题答案:C 31、广州港水尺标高为:() A. 105.000米 B. 104.414米 C. 103.686米 D. ABC都不是 试题答案:C 32、This cargo wires has more than ten percent () wires. A. damaged B. broken C. missing D. repaired 试题答案:B 33、When we stow nylon rope, we can (). A. stow it in strong sunlight B. cover it with tarpaulins C. keep it on a reel D. keep it by itself 试题答案:B 34、救生设备() A. life-jacket B. lifeboat C. lifebuoy D. life-saving equipment 试题答案:D 35、overside light() A. 探照灯 B. 闪光灯 C. 舷侧照明灯 D. 环照灯 试题答案:C 36、Full speed ahead! () A. 前进三 B. 后退二 C. 后退一 D. 中速后退 试题答案:A 37、() the nails with a claw hammer. A. Take out B. Pull out C. Put out D. Push out 试题答案:B 38、尾推全速向左() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern half to port! C. Stern thrust half to starboard ! D. Stern thrust full to port! 试题答案:D 39、-Starboard 10!-()! A. Wheel starboard ten B. Starboard 10 C. Starboard is10 D. Here it goes 试题答案:B 40、We should give the PSC officers a good impression, or they will carry out a more detailed inspection.() A. 港口国监督检查官员给我们留了个好印象,否则他们将进行更详细的检查。 B. 我们应给港口国监督检查官员留个好印象,否则他们将进行更详细的检查。 C. 港口国监督检查官员将进行更详细的检查,因为我们没给他们留下好印象。 D. 因为我们没给港口国监督检查官员留个好印象,他们将进行更详细的检查。 试题答案:B 41、The varnish is used to
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