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2024年度湖南省船舶水手考试考前练习题及答案一单选题(共60题)1、右舵有点慢。() A. Starboard a bit sluggish. B. Port a bit sluggish. C. Port ten. D. Starboard slow. 试题答案:A 2、测深() A. sounding B. visual C. derrick D. bridge 试题答案:A 3、Come along with me.() A. 请这边走。 B. 请跟我来。 C. 请先走。 D. 等一会儿。 试题答案:B 4、Sorry, the ladder is() my reach. A. out B. out off C. out of D. out to 试题答案:C 5、Gangway()with the pilot ladder on my port side . A. is rigged B. is rigged combined C. is put down D. rigging 试题答案:B 6、-Ring off engine!-Ring off engine! () A. Finished with engine! B. Engine rung off! C. Engine stand by! D. Got it. 试题答案:B 7、装货() A. unload B. load C. discharge D. charge 试题答案:B 8、Hell ()for chief officer to meet you in a while. A. arranged B. arrange C. arranging D. arranges 试题答案:B 9、Please swing the derricks ()wharf side. A. to B. in C. at D. for 试题答案:A 10、Stand by engine. () A. Get the engine ready. B. Ring off engine. C. Stop engine. D. Stand on it. 试题答案:A 11、Prepare for ()(弃货) cargo. A. jettisoning B. lowering C. hoisting D. abandoning 试题答案:A 12、safety load() A. 安全负载 B. 安全货物 C. 安全装货 D. 安全性 试题答案:A 13、()(除了) the fire drill, there are also boat drill and emergency drill on board. A. Except B. Although C. In addition to D. But 试题答案:C 14、I was told youd like to take some stores and()(伙食)in this port. A. provisions B. food C. water D. drinking 试题答案:A 15、Im having ()around the ship. A. fire watch B. fire patrol C. fire protection D. fire alarm 试题答案:B 16、下列说法不正确的是哪个选项()。 A. 硝纤纤维溶于醇类、苯类溶剂 B. 环氧树脂可用丙酮调制 C. 油性调和漆可用松节油调制 D. 醇酸树脂的溶剂为二甲苯 试题答案:A 17、S/O() A. 二副 B. 一水 C. 大副 D. 三副 试题答案:A 18、If the freeboard is more than 9 meters, we should rig(). A. gangway B. ladder C. pilot ladder D. gangway combined with pilot ladder 试题答案:D 19、The ()(机舱) is in the hull. A. engine room B. hold C. compartment D. bridge 试题答案:A 20、汽笛长声“”历时:() A. 12秒 B. 46秒 C. 810秒 D. 不限时 试题答案:B 21、The ()(包装货) is loaded and unloaded by cargo sling. A. bagged cargo B. packed cargo C. cased cargo D. deck cargo 试题答案:B 22、保险销() A. safety bolt B. lock pin C. socket D. safe pin 试题答案:B 23、scraper() A. 扳手 B. 刮刀 C. 羊角锤 D. 锤子 试题答案:B 24、The purpose of lookout is to prove the ()(安全) of a ship. A. stern B. safety C. saw D. spanner 试题答案:B 25、DO NOT CRUSH() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿坠落 C. 切勿挤压 D. 切勿受潮 试题答案:C 26、waterline() A. 甲板线 B. 水线 C. 吃水 D. 干线 试题答案:B 27、During loading and discharging, the equipment works with all kinds of cargo sling, net, wire, tray, plate clamp, etc.() A. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 B. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货托盘、吊板夹、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货盘等。 C. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货辅助设备等一起使用。 D. 在卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 试题答案:A 28、Tell your stevedores to handle with care the fragile cargo.() A. 告诉装卸工易燃货要小心轻放。 B. 告诉装卸工要小心装卸易腐蚀货。 C. 告诉装卸工易碎货要小心轻放。 D. 告诉装卸工要小心装卸危险货。 试题答案:C 29、Please close all the hatches.() A. 请把所有的舱关闭 B. 关舱 C. 请打开舱 D. 请把所有的舱打开 试题答案:A 30、消防船() A. rescue boat B. garbage boat C. patrol boat D. fire boat 试题答案:D 31、()(降一点儿)the gangway, please. A. Hoist B. Lower a little C. Steady D. Take down 试题答案:B 32、Ro/Ro ships have doors at the bow or stern.() A. 吊装船在船头船尾有门。 B. 滚装船在船头和船尾有门。 C. 滚装船在船头或船尾有门。 D. 吊装船在船头或船尾有门。 试题答案:C 33、Make fast on ()quarter. A. starboard B. left C. right D. fore 试题答案:A 34、Nothing to port() A. 勿偏左 B. 勿偏右 C. 无舵效 D. 右满舵 试题答案:A 35、安全水域标的标身颜色为:() A. 红黑横纹 B. 黑白横纹 C. 红白直纹 D. 黑白直纹 试题答案:C 36、You should release the ()(重型螺栓)on top of the cover. A. lock in B. heavy bolt C. socket D. heavy cleat 试题答案:B 37、The structures vary in ships types.() A. 有各种各样的船舶结构。 B. 船舶的结构和型号不统一。 C. 船舶结构因船型而异。 D. 船舶大小因船型而异。 试题答案:C 38、尾推停车。() A. Stern thrust stop. B. Stern stop. C. Bow thrust stop. 试题答案:A 39、船员安全守则中规定,值班前()小时不准喝酒,酒后严禁操作。 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 试题答案:B 40、Put all the fire-fighting equipment back in place and ()them away. A. take B. keep C. stow D. let 试题答案:C 41、()(尾) thrust half to part! A. Bow B. Stern C. Tail D. After 试题答案:B 42、船籍港一般刻写在() A. 船首的两侧 B. 船尾部 C. 驾驶台两侧 D. 任意部位 试题答案:B 43、Put on your chipping ()when chipping and scraping. A. goggles B. glasses C. goggle D. hammer 试题答案:A 44、lead block() A. 滑车 B. 导向滑车 C. 千斤索 D. 底脚滑车 试题答案:B 45、关闭防火门() A. open fire do
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