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普陀区普陀区1九九年年级级英英语语学学科科自自适适应应练练习习 2 20 02 23 3.5 5英英语语听听力力文文字字和和答答案案A.根根据据你你听听到到的的内内容容,选选出出相相应应的的图图片片,在在选选择择题题区区域域相相应应的的空空格格内内用用 2B 铅铅笔笔填填涂涂。每每个个句句子子念念两两遍遍。1.Regular exercise does good to your heart.(C)2.Henry learned to play the piano at an early age.(E)3.Ken became a famous director in his forties.(B)4.Sam has booked himself some flights to travel abroad.(A)5.The children climbed through a hole in the fence.(F)B.根根据据你你听听到到的的对对话话和和问问题题,选选出出最最恰恰当当的的答答案案,在在选选择择题题区区域域相相应应的的空空格格内内用用 2B 铅铅笔笔填填涂涂。对对话话和和问问题题都都念念两两遍遍。6.M:Jane,how much time do you need to complete the project,one week or two weeks?W:One week or two weeks?Honestly,I think its impossible.Three weeks may be OK.Q:How much time does Jane need to finish the project?(C)7.W:Frank,what do you think of your new roommate?M:Well,hes a bit untidy.Except that,he is really nice.W:You should be patient then.Q:What does the man think of his new roommate?(B)8.W:Have you finished with the newspaper?M:Almost.Here,you can take the news section and fashion section.Oh,the sportssection is on the tea table.W:I just want to read the film review section.Q:Which section does the woman want to read?(D)9.W:Sam,you dont have to get up so early and do the housework by yourself.Youre so sweet.M:Well.Yesterday in class,Miss Green told us to do something for our moms on MothersDay.W:Oh,thank you,my boy!Your dad and I are so proud of you.Q:Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?(A)10.W:Bruce,have you seen the film,Big sharks?M:Yeah.I thought it was great.The sharks looked real and the scene was exciting.W:I agree.I have to admit it made me jump many times.The modern technology also helped.Q:What are the two speakers talking about?(B)2C.判判断断下下列列句句子子是是否否符符合合你你听听到到的的对对话话内内容容,符符合合的的用用“T”表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用“F”表表示示,在在选选择择题题区区域域相相应应的的空空格格内内用用 2B 铅铅笔笔填填涂涂。对对话话念念两两遍遍。W:David,may I ask some questions about your job?M:Yeah,Tina.Please go ahead.W:Now you are a cook in a big restaurant.Did you receive any training before that?M:I took a two-year training course in a school.And I passed some tests.Then I got this job.W:Wow,you really work hard.And do you work for long in the kitchen?M:Yes.I work 9:00 to 13:00.And I start again at 17:00 and work until 21:00.Five days aweek.I wear white and make sure everything in the kitchen is clean.W:Do you have to work at the weekend?M:Yeah,thats our busiest time.I got Mondays and Tuesdays off.W:Whats hard about the job?M:I stand all the time.When were busy,some customers get angry.But thats normal.W:Well,what are your plans for the future?M:Im working hard to save money because I want to have my own restaurant in the future.W:Oh,that sounds great.11.F12.T13.F14.T15.FD.根根据据你你听听到到的的短短文文,完完成成下下列列句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词。在在非非选选择择题题区区域域相相应应的的空空格格内内用用黑黑墨墨水水钢钢笔笔或或黑黑色色水水笔笔填填写写。短短文文念念两两遍遍。50 years ago,an engineer called Martin Cooper successfully brought the first mobile phoneto the world.But have you or Martin thought about what they meant to our eyes?Mobile phones have developed quickly and become smarter.Its hard to go anywhere withoutthem.Most people spend an average of two hours a day using them.If you look at your phone indark rooms before sleep,it will do harm to your eyes and cause a disease.When you look at thescreen for a long time,it will reduce the amount of tears and make your eyes dry anduncomfortable.Here are some ways to protect your eyes if you dont want to give up using thephone.First,you can hold your phone at least 30 centimeters away from your face.You can alsolook at things 5 meters away from you and then focus on the tip of your nose.Third,take a breakevery hour.These will help you make your eyes comfortable.(16.become smarter17.dark rooms18.some ways19.at least20.focus on)3九九年年级级英英语语学学科科自自适适应应练练习习 2 20 02 23 3.5 5参参考考答答案案Part II.A.1.C2.E3.B4.A5.FB.6.C7.B8.D9.A10.BC.11.F12.T13.F14.T15.FD.16.become smarter17.dark rooms18.some ways19.at least20.focus onPart IIII.21.A22.B23.D24.C25.A26.D27.B28.C29.B30.C31.D32.A33.B34.C35.AIII.36.D37.E38.A39.B40.A41.C42.B43.EIV.44.toys45.ninth46.themselves47.reporter48.national49.widely50.enables/enabled51.disagreeV.52.Does have53.How long54.too.to55.are taken56.how to57.when would58.The summer camp offered us a great chance to make friends.Part IIIVI.(A)59.C60.B61.A62.D63.A64.C(B)65.B66.A67.B68.C69.D70.C(C)71.disasters72.enough73.actually74.characters75.passenger76.save77.Another(D)78.No,he isnt.79.When he was only five.80.The writers father.81.He would only be out of the house when the writer was sleeping.82.Giving the writer his time./Making time to spend withthe writer.83.Putting family first and always feeling hopeful about life are the most important things.84.略
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