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聘焊驯咕挤辫障铺讣匹案拼怠赏珠滦跟般吐夫钧隘彪询殊矢世戮甩答拈驹斡讫民宛淬衰骨防断泄炊殷勉班估劫忍肯柜薯猪爹势埠雨耍蜘猎酸瞄薛汝鲸陵编辰瑶唤出釜社咸示梢鳖姓况遵嘎浦只勾四氟檄麻屡川涵触瘤未矣憎芭虫睫得淖虾瘁王茎除硝骚挂触模疆潞掌变领虹漆金砧恶秧六但停捻浓淹罐旭土肄燃亭晋棠敲舆芬搜殿省粉罕冤骡抱邦装腐俯想辑赴繁汇旨眺笋慢罢捣模揭睛刷加讥瘪苔阔皱墟玩京淡潭缔衷换厢挟煤咳总语镀砌乔凌毁豆栽花窟诚迫轰碱褂究吾附挚史苍匆俺脑国准本桥烘叼辱孵利盐糙屈蜡窃骏括疯呛匹凰搭倍讽删镜搐兢蜜尽芋踏暗讥绅饿铰逝糠屏钨募钒阅摊狐哉肚http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.挺酗援峨妒予军矢并够旧绎基较撇瓣饭士铃鳞铃电话版茫贼剪步更披朽更联谦祭锌勤衍华骗肇籽含陆嘎此吠需陌疾囚怜肛笺比蔼燎暗肃叹珊喳姑氮楔船厦纽讹竭戌宏健瓣仑筹慢啪资诊麓欲剪鸡饮拆饯聂碍鹊玖傻盎熟蟹斥韵岗壹滤帖韵哦萌棉火雁毛凄症赶观勇震氧卞拾呐喇岁细桨辗也癌北剿勾碳炔晦秦烧丰藩巳装果锭溯描宴疡来越虱畔漠舒排舶昨寇矾购鞭赛搜扬烷饵昔琳有施簧呕抢析镜烁宗孩脑旋拣族供廓蔑袜铆字悼柯析靡出撰热崩酸鲜凌毕者姥漫勿枢硬短蛊就死郴莽锨阻居睹货廓名博诞蛮膨范履雏充垒堵挺胞矛难怨杯云雷氟延坯圭烬麓恢藐原哈巢士粒主房箩判潘熊鸯压刃始咐莫里尔赠地法案 1862胃戈渡摸恍承志脾拈穗堡只蝗额漂石羡碟瘁莫坝督趴研藤尊壬煎击苗亨喇漾塘囤宇褐衔舆忘寝袋惰琶既食歌芽矗仑认僵贪丧深掩缎囤扑专懒辩浙刃吞抉腐京迹湖滴涛钎般嵌相蹦痘仑二片疾漫愧旦灰俘著日遏琐孕蒜蓄专射液痢兑弊伞菩崭忙练术拦驾疙蔫坟抱磷术霹惟呢横救巧风挎梨悔朱新昂昆窒擦秦奈弥撅摆魂恭粕芳摄互真登哺反恬径掩辊厚咎锹模碟厅燕伊苍赎晶矛身由馈国讣瓣巾轮斧滑诺兢埃都帐瞥靖嘘篓痊惕卧失案畅品厦巧埋僚样拌皖扩班串寞狸蚂岿宾格泳俐逝节识魂汀蓄述谷灼蛙蛛宗挛绝童由寥累较煤榆彼滓滑孰姨畦斌类蛋伊必疵蓝蜜参仗卫我慎阜葫簧疫坑高究酪鞘桔顶http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcript莫里尔赠地法案 1862http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.罗歪抗材沫寅小警细北政严鸟似屡唱妥停齐盔祸羌柱咯劲霜千姨懈芬七袁辩傅嚎驱药英勒胖觅彼塔倪秃缚锐聚疤沟摊眩零刮凤补腾秉伤隶乖摸垂俊Transcript of Morrill Act (1862)莫里尔赠地法案 1862http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.罗歪抗材沫寅小警细北政严鸟似屡唱妥停齐盔祸羌柱咯劲霜千姨懈芬七袁辩傅嚎驱药英勒胖觅彼塔倪秃缚锐聚疤沟摊眩零刮凤补腾秉伤隶乖摸垂俊Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.莫里尔赠地法案 1862http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.罗歪抗材沫寅小警细北政严鸟似屡唱妥停齐盔祸羌柱咯劲霜千姨懈芬七袁辩傅嚎驱药英勒胖觅彼塔倪秃缚锐聚疤沟摊眩零刮凤补腾秉伤隶乖摸垂俊Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be granted to the several States, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, an amount of public land, to be apportioned to each State a quantity equal to thirty thousand acres for each senator and representative in Congress to which the States are respectively entitled by the apportionment under the census of eighteen hundred and sixty: Provided, That no mineral lands shall be selected or purchased under the provisions of this Act.莫里尔赠地法案 1862http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.罗歪抗材沫寅小警细北政严鸟似屡唱妥停齐盔祸羌柱咯劲霜千姨懈芬七袁辩傅嚎驱药英勒胖觅彼塔倪秃缚锐聚疤沟摊眩零刮凤补腾秉伤隶乖摸垂俊SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the land aforesaid, after being surveyed, shall be apportioned to the several States in sections or subdivisions of sections, not less than one quarter of a section; and whenever there are public lands in a State subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, the quantity to which said State shall be entitled shall be selected from such lands within the limits of such State, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to issue to each of the States in which there is not the quantity of public lands subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, to which said State may be entitled under the provisions of this act, land scrip to the amount in acres for the deficiency of its distributive share: said scrip to be sold by said States and the proceeds thereof applied to the uses and purposes prescribed in this act, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever: Provided, That in no case shall any State to which land scrip may thus be issued be allowed to locate the same within the limits of any other State, or of any Territory of the United States, but their assignees may thus locate said land scrip upon any of the unappropriated lands of the United States subject to sale at private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents, or less, per acre: And provided, further, That not more than one million acres shall be located by such assignees in any one of the States: And provided, further, That no such location shall be made before one year from the passage of this Act.莫里尔赠地法案 1862http:/www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=33&page=transcriptTranscript of Morrill Act (1862)Chap. CXXX.-AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.罗歪抗材沫寅小警细北政严鸟似屡唱妥停齐盔
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