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非谓语专题总结 08.04一、非谓语的组成部分:1、不定式2、动名词3、分词(现在;过去)二、非谓语各个组成部分的作用:成分形式主语宾语宾语补足语表语定语状语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词三、不定式用法要点整理: 一般式:to do 、时态: 进行式:to be doing 完成式:to have done 完成进行式:to have been doing 一般式:to be done、被动语态: 完成式:to have been done3、例句:1、To study English is very necessary.(主语,一般式)2、She pretended not to see me when I passed by.(宾语,一般式) 3、I heard her sing an English song just now.(宾语补足语,一般式)4、His duty is to look after the baby.(表语,一般式)5、*I have much knowledge to learn.(定语,一般式) 6、He sat down to have a rest.(目的状语,一般式)7、My grandma lived to see the New China. (结果状语,一般式)8、To be criticized by others is a shame.(主语,一般式被动)9、Nobody likes to be laughed at in public.(宾语,一般式被动)10、He was heard to sing a song just now.(宾语补足语,一般式被动)11、This suggestion is allowed to be discussed.(表语,一般式被动)12、I have something to be taken to your mum by you.(定语,一般式被动) 13、He did a good deed to be praised by teachers.(目的状语,一般式被动)14、He stole others belongings to be caught at last.(结果状语,一般式被动)15、The boy pretended to be reading when his mum came in.(宾语,进行式)16、I am glad to have worked with you.(宾语,完成式)17、I am happy to have been invited to your party.(宾语,完成式被动)18、He is excited to have been playing with you today.(宾语,完成进行式) 4、不定式充当成分特殊要点整理:不定式作宾语特殊用法要点:下列动词只能用不定式作宾语,请记牢下面的口诀:“决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。主动答应选计划,同意请求帮帮忙。”Decide,determine,learn,want,expect/hope/wish,refuse,manage,care,pretend,offer,promise,choose,plan,agree,ask/beg,help此外,afford,strive等也要用不定式作宾语。动词不定式作动词tell,show,understand,explain,teach,learn,advise,discuss,ask,decide,wonder,find out等词的宾语时,前面常带wh引导词。即how,what,whether,where,when,who等+to do。但why+不带to的不定式.注意:此用法的不定式的逻辑主语需要与主句的主语或宾语保持一致,否则用宾语从句。如:Eg:I dont know what to do=(I dont know what Ill do?) Can you tell me why do it? 动词不定式在介词后面时,如果介词之前面有行为动词do的某种形式,那么介词后的不定式不带to,否则就要带to。另外在cant choose but,cant help but,cant but后面的不定式也要省略to。如:Eg: We could do nothing but/other than wait. We had nothing to do but/other than wait. We have no choice but to wait. I cant choose but laugh.不定式作宾语补足语特殊用法要点:下列动词后跟带to的不定式作状语:Advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,encourage,expect,forbid,force,get,intend, like invite,love,order,persuade,prefer,require,teach,tell,want,warn,wish,think,wait for,call on,depend on等。Eg:The teacher asked us not to make so much noise.下列动词在主动语态中不带to的不定式作状语,但在被动语态中要加上to:它们是“吾看三室两厅一感觉”5看(look at,see,watch,notice,observe);3使(make,let,have);2听(listen to,hear);1感觉(feel)。不定式作定语特殊用法要点:不定式作定语:1、作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面需要有相应的介词。Eg:Please give me a knife to cut with. Here is paper for you to write on.但是,不定式所修饰的名词如果是time,place或way时,不定式后面的介词习惯上省略。Eg:He had no money and no place to live(in)2、当作定语的不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式既可以用主动语态,也可用被动语态,但其含义有所不同。试比较:Have you anything to send?你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者时“你”)Have you anything to be sent?(不定式to be sent的动作执行者是“我”或“别人”)3、不定式作定语的几种情况:Eg:I borrowed some books to read during my holiday.用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no,all,any的功能限定的中心词。Eg:She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olymipic Games. :He was the best man to do the job. 用来修饰的词是抽象名词时,常见的有:ability,chance,idea,Fact,excuse,promise,answer,reply,attempt,belief,way,reason,moment,time等。Eg:Do you have ability to read and write English?不定式作状语特殊用法要点:某些表示喜、怒、哀、乐的形容词作表语,后跟不定式表示原因。Eg:I am glad to see you.在句子中含有enough或too句子里,也常用不定式作状语,表示结果。Eg:He was too excited to say a word. She was old enough to go to school.注意:强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可用in order to(为了)或so as to(以便)+动词原形。So as to 不用于句首。Eg:The bus stopped so as to pick up passengers.用it做形式主语,构成:Its+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.四、动名词用法要点整理:第一部分:知识结构时态:一般式:doing完成式:having done第二部分:例句1、Studying English is very important nowdays.(一般式作主语)2、I began studying English when I was a kid.(一般式作宾语)3、My job is teaching English.(一般式作表语)第三部分:动名词充当成分特殊要点整理动名词作主语用法特殊要点:动名词和不定式都可以在句中作主语,但在下列句型中常用动名词作主语。no use/goodIt is/was not any use/good +doing sth.of little use/gooduselessEg:It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。It is of little good staying up too late every day.动名词作宾语用法特殊要点:1、下列动词只能用动名词作宾语,请记牢下面的口诀:考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。禁止想象才冒险,不仅介意准逃亡。Consider,suggest/advise,look forward to,excuse/pardon;Admit,delay/put off,fancy;Aviod,miss,keep/keep on,practise;Deny,finish,enjoy/appreciate;Forbid,imagine,risk;Cant help,mind,allow/permit,escape.2、动名词的复合结构:Eg: 1、Would you mind turning off the light. 2、Would you mind my turning off the light.例句1中的具体解释是:你帮我关灯,介意吗?例句2中的具体解释是:我关灯你介意吗?我们就会发现这两个句子中动名词的逻辑
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