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中医常用名词术语英译与中医保健知识(宣传)CommonlyUsedTerminologiesof Chinese Medicine&Health Preservationof Chinese Medicine(Pamphlet)杭州市外文学会编印浙江中医药大学外国语学院ByHangzhouAssociation of ForeignLanguages and Literaturesand College of Foreign Languages,Zhejiang Chinese Medical University2010.10上次保存者:微软用户内容CONTENTS中医常用名词术语英译2-12页Commonly Used Terminologiesof Chinese MedicinePage 2-12中医的四季养生13-19页Health Preservation in FourSeasons Based on Chinese MedicinePage 13-19一天里的“四季”养生20页Health Preservationin Four-Season a DayPage 20杭州市外文学会& 浙江中医药大学外国语学院联合编制Compiled by Hangzhou Association of Foreign Languages and Literatures And College of ForeignLanguages, Zhejiang Chinese-1- Medical University- 1 -上次保存者:微软用户中医常用名词术语英译中文英文阴yin阳yang阳气yang qi阴气yin qi五行the five phases木wood火fire土earth金metal水water五行相生the generation cycle of the five phases木生火wood generates fire火生土fire generates earth土生金earth generates metal金生水metal generates water水生木water generates wood五行相克the restriction cycle of the five phases木克土wood restricts earth火克金fire restricts metal土克水earth restricts water金克木metal restricts wood水克火water restricts fire天人相应correspondence between heaven and humankind神形合一the unity of spirit and form辨证论治pattern differentiationand treatment; treatment according topattern differentiation脏腑zang-fu organs; viscera and bowels脏象visceral manifestation五脏the five zang organs; the five viscera心the heart肺the lung; lungs脾the spleen肝the liver肾kidney (Western medicine or anatomy: kidneys)杭州市外文学会& 浙江中医药大学外国语学院联合编制Compiled by Hangzhou Association of Foreign Languages and Literatures And College of ForeignLanguages, Zhejiang Chinese-2- Medical University- 2 -上次保存者:微软用户命门mng mn (gate of vitality,命门 )六腑the six fu organs; the six bowels胆gallbladder胃stomach小肠small intestine大肠large intestine膀胱bladder三焦sanjiao胃口appetite气qi正气healthy qi真气true qi元气original qi宗气pectoral qi中气center qi ( zhng q, 中气 )卫气wei qi ( wi q ,卫气 )营气ying qi血blood津液body fluids (composedof thinand thick fluids, i.e., liquid andhumor)精气essential qi神 spirit vitality mental activity精神 spirit;mind;consciousness (mental) vigor经络channels and collaterals经气channel qi十二经脉twelve channels手太阴肺经the handtaiyin lung channel手阳明大肠经the handtaiyanglarge intestine channel足阳明胃经the footyangming stomach channel足太阴脾经the foottaiyin spleen channel手少阴心经the handshaoyin heart channel手太阳小肠经the handtaiyangsmall intestine channel足太阳膀胱经the foottaiyang bladder channel足少阴肾经the footshaoyin kidney channel手厥阴心包经the handjueyin pericardium channel手少阳三焦经the handshaoyang san jiao channel足少阳胆经the footshaoyang gallbladder channel足厥阴肝经the footjueyin liver channel奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels杭州市外文学会& 浙江中医药大学外国语学院联合编制Compiled by Hangzhou Association of Foreign Languages and Literatures And College of ForeignLanguages, Zhejiang Chinese-3- Medical University- 3 -上次保存者:微软用户督脉du mai任脉ren mai冲脉chong mai带脉dai mai阴跷脉yinqiao mai阳跷脉yangqiao mai阴维脉yinwei mai阳维脉yangwei mai体质constitution病因etiology; cause of disease邪气pathogenic qi外感external contraction; externally contracted风wind外风external wind寒cold外寒 external cold external cold manifestation风寒wind-cold湿热damp-heat寒湿cold-damp风湿wind-damp外燥external dryness风燥wind-dryness火邪fire pathogen热毒heat toxin内伤internal damage七情 the sevenemotions theseven relations of medicinalcompatibility内伤七情internal damage caused by the seven emotions恐伤肾fear damages the kidney忧伤肺grief damages the lung思伤脾excessive thinking damages the spleen喜伤心excessive joy damages the heart怒伤肝anger damages the liver五味偏嗜flavor predilection劳倦exhaustion-fatigue (fatigue from overstrain)痰phlegm; sputum风痰wind-phlegm饮 rheum; fluid retention drink decoction痰湿phlegm-damp杭州市外文学会& 浙江中医药大学外国语学院联合编制Compiled by Hangzhou Association of Foreign Language
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