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河北2023年唐山银行第二批社会招聘初面历年高频考点试题库答案解析(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共20题)1.-2,10,62,218,()。A.514B.341C.510D.512答案:C 本题解析:本题为立方修正数列。一2=032,10=23+2,62=432,218=63+2。底数是公差为2的等差数列,所以下一项应为832=510,故本题答案为C。2.2011年5月1日深夜,奥巴马在白宫发表电视讲话说,当天早些时候,美军在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡附近的阿伯塔巴德将_击毙。A.米洛舍维奇B.萨达姆C.本 拉丹D.卡扎菲答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析3.1,3,2,7,5,(),(),31,23。A.6,7B.15,11C.10,11D.7,9答案:B 本题解析:奇数项为1,3,7,( ),31,两两相减有2,4,8,16,是等比数列,则原数列奇数空缺项为15;偶数项为,2,5,( ),23,两两相减有1.5,3,6,12,是等比数列,则原数列偶数空缺项为11。B选项正确,A、C、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选B。4.桌上有一杯液体。甲说“这不是白水,也不是糖水”,乙说“这不是白水,而是盐水”,丙说“这不是盐水,而是白水”。丁尝了一下,说:“你们三个人中,有一个人全说错了,有一个人对了一半错了一半,只有一个人全说对了。”那么,这杯液体是( )。A.糖水B.盐水C.白水D.不确定答案:C 本题解析:最大信息优先原则,白水提到次数最多,可假设这杯液体是白水,则甲半错半对,乙全错,丙全队,符合题干要求,可知假设正确。故本题选C。5.下列句子没有语病的一句是()。A.作为一名杰出的政治家和诗人,于谦为人正直,不畏强暴,他短暂而壮烈的一生,是他那四句自勉诗的真实写照。B.新调来的刘老师不辞辛劳,走宿舍,跑饭堂,组织同学打扫教室,从清早,一直干到很晚才休息。C.传统的画竹采用直幅,因为这样能较好地体现篁竹的挺拔、气势与高洁。D.刘晓庆在北京的房产总共有5处20余套,是她在不同时期分别买下的,其中渗透了她的发家、婚变以及偷税漏税的过程。答案:B 本题解析:A项主客倒置,应改为“他那四旬自勉诗,是他短暂而壮烈一生的真实写照”;C项“画竹”应改为“竹画”:D项应为“分别在不同时期”。6.Question 51-52refer to the following information.The bad news about a slow-but-steady recovery is clear: lingering long-term unemployment, stagnant wages, and a housing recovery that is leaving many middle-income families behind. But one interesting side-effect of the boring recovery is that it puts to rest (for now) the popular fears of an AI/robot revolution taking all of our jobs. In that brave neo-industrial world, one thing you would expect to see is GDP growth rapidly outstripping employment, as robots did a bunch of work while Americans sat around waiting for federal welfare checks. Quite the opposite, in the last few years, GDP-per-worker has all but stopped growing.What is authors attitude toward slow-but-steady recovery?A.PositiveB.IndifferentC.NegativeD.Objective答案:D 本题解析:态度题。作者在该段开始主要介绍了缓慢而稳定的复苏带来的一些负面效应:比如长期失业、工资停止增长等。接下来,作者话锋一转,又指出了这种复苏带来的一种非常有趣的副作用,其实是在说明复苏带来的比较好的方面。因此作者只是很客观地在阐述复苏这种现象带来的利与弊。7.财政是伴随着( )的产生而产生的。A.商品经济B.市场经济C.国家预算D.国家答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析8. Helen had to shout_above the$Ollrld of the music A.making herselfB.to make herself hearC.making herself heardD.to make herself heard答案:D 本题解析:tomake表示目的,故排除A、C。make oneself heard意为“使某人自己被听到”。9.Where did the noise come from? _A.From the small houseB.From Mrs.JanesC.From the tyresD.From the engine答案:B 本题解析:第二段“She Was singing some of her highest and most difficult tones at that time and as thecar passed”可推知司机昕到的声音是MrsJanes练高音符发出的声音。故答案为B。10.To: All Griffin Corporation EmployeesFrom: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee RelationsRe: Employee Fitness CenterSent: Thursday, November 1, 9:46 AM.Dear Colleagues:As you know, Griffin Corporation recognizes the importance of having an excellent exercise facility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to improve the employee fitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begun offering Welcome Aboard! , a safety training course.Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Based on our recommendations, changes are planning for the fitness center. They will take effort on December 1. First of all, as requested, the fitness center will stay open three extra hours Monday through Thursday. Also, a new series of classes-most of them suggested by you-will begin. Finally,those of you who have been using the center will be pleased to hear that popular personal trainer Joseph Santiago will be promoted to manager of the fitness center.We encourage more employees to take advantage of all the fitness center has to offer.Membership will continue to be subsidized and will remain at $15 per month. In addition, and for a limited time only, we are now offering a special rate for new members, members who sign up before December 1 will only be charged $10 per month for the next six months. Please contact Joseph Santiago to sign up at this new reduced rate.Best Regards,Sally KleinmanGRIFFIN EMPLOYEE FITNESS CENTER:NEW SCHEDULE(as of December 1)Hours of Operation Group ClassesMonday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.MondayWeight lifting12:00-1:00 P.M.Tuesday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. TuesdayAerobic workout 6:00-7:00 P.M.Wednesday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Wednesday Kickboxing 12:00-1:00 P.M.Thursday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. ThursdayStep aerobics6:00-7:00 P.M.Friday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Friday Yoga7:00-$:30 AM.Saturday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.SaturdayCross training9:00-1:30 AM.SundayCLOSED AL
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