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从2009年08月考完后,海事局开始加入更新的X题库,X题库不外卖,而是直接合并到海事局考试系统里面,阅读新的比较多,单选新的不多。09年03月出现的光盘版是销售用的,其实里面的资料跟1890差不多。本题库为2009年01月大连海事大学的甲类三副英语题库内部使用,不是用来销售的,白皮书版,非光盘版。考试用。本题库重点在于翻译,所以我只打了单选题,阅读题未打,大部分都是前人已经翻译好的,由于本人也要考英语,所以会把没翻译过的也全都翻掉,前面有800题来自网络上的桃花岛主,欢迎大家访问他的航院在线论坛绿色来自1890,蓝色来自2750,紫色来自154,红色来自700,黑色来自6050,若干题为手打。WWW.CCCHH.COM1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations? A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operations B. Emergency shutdown operation C. Removing booms from stowage D. All of the above 起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的 D2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision? A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vessel B. Systematic observation of objects detected by radar C. Long-range radar scanning D. All of the above 哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的D3.A mooring line leading 45to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a _. A. spring line B. warp line C. bow line D. breast line 一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆A4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶A5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _A. on the downwind side B. on the upwind side C. inside the boat D. at the stern 当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。A6 Aboard damaged vessels,the MOST important consideration is preserving _. A. bilge pumping capacity B. reserve buoyancy C. level attitude D. instability 登上破损船舶,最重要考虑的是保留储备浮力B7In complying with the Rules,of what must the mariner take due regard? _. A. Limited backing power of his vessel B. Radar information about nearby vessels C. The occupation of the other vessel,if known D. All of the above 遵行条款,海员必须应该注意什么?D8. What is the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones, tropical storms and hurricanes in theNorthern Hemisphere ?_A. Clockwise and outward B. Counterclockwise and inwardC. Counterclockwise and outward D. Clockwise and inward在北半球,热带气旋,热带风暴,飓风的旋转方向是什么?逆时针向内B9Before loading bulk grain,bilge wells must be covered to _. A. add strength to the bilge well strainer B. permit rapid flow of water to the bilge wells C. prevent cargo sifting into the bilge wells D. prevent oil,water,or other liquid from reaching the cargo 在装散装谷物以前,污水井必须被盖住以防止滤过污水井C10.Holes in the bulwark,which allow deck water to drain into the sea,are _. A. doggers B. fidleys C. freeing ports D. swash ports 舷墙上允许甲板水排入海里的洞是排水孔C11. When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead, by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelights, _ shall be deemed to exist.A. Head-on situation.B. End-situation.C. Crossing situation.D. Close-quarters situation.当一船在前方或接近前方看到另一船,在夜间他能够看到他船的桅灯成一线或接近成一线或两盏舷灯,应认为存在对遇局面。A 12.Which of the following statements is FALSE, concerning the regulations pertaining to thecylinder room of a fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system?_A. The compartment must be properly ventilated.B. The temperature of the room should never exceed 130FC. The door must be kept unlocked. D. The compartment shall be clearly marked and identifiable关于与固定二氧化碳灭火系统有关的房间下面哪个陈述是错误的?门必须保持非锁紧。C13.For any given pedestal crane,when the boom is lengthened,the lifting capacity is _. A. unchanged B. increased C. eliminated D. decreased 对于任何给定的起重机,当吊臂生长,起吊能力减少D14.Radar is not only to obtain _,but also to measure their distance away from you A. brightness of objects B. color of targets C. shape of targets D. bearing of objects 雷达不仅获取物标方位,而且同样能测物标离你的距离D15 The ship should reduce speed in _.A. The poor visibility.B. The good night.C. The fast speed.D. The good sight.在不良的能见度中船舶应减速。A16.The tr.opical cyclone at 15.8N, 132.4E has yesterday afternoon _ into a tropical storm with winds 70 knots near center.A. Upgraded. B. Decreased. C. Become. D. Changed.在15.8N, 132.4E处的热带气旋已于昨天下午升级为近中心风速70节的热带风暴。A17. They decided to discharge the *heavy lifts* soon.A. Heavy cargo. B. Heavy weather. C. Cranes. D. Derricks.他们已决定立刻卸重(大)件货物。A18 To become an officer on board you must obtain _A. The officers license.B. The officers identity card.C. The seamans book.D. The marines handbook.在船上要成为一个驾驶员必须获得驾驶员证书(适任证书)。A19 You have sent a visual signal to an aircraft. The aircraft then flies over your position on a straight course and level altitude. What should you do?_A. Repeat your signal. B. Send any more signals
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