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The sun is shining英语课件 The sun is shining英语课件1Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can use use the structure “be+doing” to describe things that are happening now.Ability aims:Students will understand the letter and they can answer some questions through reading process.Students can use the structure “be+doing” to make some sentences.Emotional aims:Students will become more motivated in studying English and have a basic conscious of English grammar.Teaching key points and difficult points:Key points:Students will know the meaning of the structure “be+doing” and can make some sentences by themselves.Difficult Points:Students can apply the structure “be+doing” into the real situation correctly in their daily life.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inGreet students and sing the chant in part 1.(Justification: the chant will build a nice atmosphere of an English class, and the students interest will also be aroused.)Step 2 Pre-readingShow some sentences which contain “be+doing” and let students find out the similarities of those sentences.Teach students the meaning and the function of “be+doing”, and encourage them to make some sentences.If students make mistakes, teacher will point them out and correct them.(Justification: students will learn the new knowledge and their ability of discovery will be improve.)Step 3 While-reading1.Fast readingRead part 2 for the first time and then answer the question:Whats the main idea of the letter?(Justification: students will have a basic understanding of the letter.)2.Detailed readingRead part 2 for the second time and then answer the questions:(1) When did Daming have a picnic?(2) What does Daming send in the letter?(3) Does Daming miss everyone in China?(Justification: these questions can help students have a thorough understanding of the letter and their reading ability can be improved.)Step 4 Post-readingPractice the chant in part 1 and let them read after the tape.Four students in a group, make a dialogue by using “be+doing”.5minutes will be given to them.After that, several groups will be invited to perform their dialogues in front of the class.(Justification: this activity can help students improve their speaking ability, and can provide them a chance to memorize the content that they have learned in this class.)Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Invite one student to summarize what we have learned today.Homework: apply the structure “be+doing” into proper situation after class.The sun is shining英语课件2教学目标:1.能识别单词shine,cry, everyone.并能书写sun, cry, sing.2.学习语句: The sun is shining.The birds are singing in the trees.3.能口头运用:现在进行时Be+V-ing说明图片内容。教学重难点:运用 Be +V-ing 形式说明图片内容。教具准备:图片,CAI, 单词卡片教学步骤:Step 1.warm-up1.Greeting and having Ss into the four groups.2.sing the song (Im listening to music)3.Game - 记忆超人教师用CAI呈现一些学过的动词短语及图片, 如:running, swimming, singing给学生一分钟时间记忆,然后教师提问: What is Daming doing? 并引导学生回答:“He is running.” 说出句子最多的可以为本组赢得1分。Step 2.Presentation1.Listen and find1) 教师呈现单词:sun, shine, everyone, sing”以及教学图片2) 播放录音,要求学生一边听音,一边勾出单词。2.Teach the new words1)教师整体呈现课文2)教授新单词T: Where is “shine”?Ss point and say: “ It is there.”T: Good, it is “shine” please fellow me, shine, shine.(教师一边说,一边做动作)T: The sun is shining.(学生一边做动作,一边重复单词)Ss: shining, shining,shining.T: Well done! Where is “ everyone”Ss: point and say: “ It is there.”T 教授单词 everyone.接着教师以同样的方式呈现其他两个单词。3.pactice.听音并给单词排序,并抄写下来。1)教师将新单词呈现在黑板上: shine, everyone, sun, singing.2)教师将黑板的四个单词编成句子读出来,如:The sun is shining, everyone is singing.3)要求学生听句子,并将黑板上的单词按句子中的循序排列出来,如Sun, shine, eveyone, sing4)评价并给做的好的组加分。4.Teach the sentences1)教师呈现课文中的三幅图片,并引导学生用V-ing句子描述,图片中的内容。并将主要句子板书出来The sun is shining。The birds are singing in the trees.The ducks are eating.然后让学生观察,找出这些句子的共同点,并得出结论: Be + V-ing2)教师做动作,并让学生用Be + V-ing结构造句。接着让学生从老师准备的单词卡中抽取一张,并做动作。教师问:“ What is she/ he doing?” 其他学生回答: “ She / he is V-ing.”Step 3.Pactice1.对号入座1)教师用CAI呈现五福图片2)先由教师做示范描述一幅图片的内容,如: In this photo, its raining.The ducks are swimming in the water.然后让学生说出被描述图片的号码。答对的可为本组赢得1份3)其他几幅图片,分别由各组代表来描述,然后其他学生抢答号码。2.给图片配说明教师呈现一些生活中的图片,要求学生根据图片上的信息,用V-ing的句子来描述图片,为了公平,每幅图片都由教师来开始,再接下来的句子,就可采用抢答的形式来进行,但句子不能重复。每说对一个句子可为本组赢得一个图标。最后累计获得图标最多的小组,可加2分。Step 4.Listen and say.1.教师在次呈现课文内容,并要求学生跟读。2.解释课文中不要求掌握的句子,如: have a fun day - have a good day/ have a happy day.3.让学生对比中英文书信的不同格式。4.表演并朗读课文。方法:书信部分由教师读,然后每组请几位同学,做行为艺术,再现照片中的情景,其他学生读出文中的句子。Step 5.Finish-task1)教师分给各组一些Lingling的生活图片,小组共同运用所学知识给图片配说明。2)教师和学生一起帮助lingling给Daming写一封回信。Step 6.Conclusion总结本课的知识重难点。
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