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广东2022年中银香港社会招聘历年高频考点试题库答案解析(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共20题)1.“分享经济”也叫“协同消费”,是指资源所有者将自己闲置的资源拿出来,供那些需要的人有偿使用。对于传统消费理念与消费方式的改造与颠覆,是分享经济正向作用的一个重要表现。在分享经济环境中,人们不再是通过购买所有权的方式而是通过取得使用权的方式进行消费,关注的不再是自己占有多少价值而是能够获得多大的使用价值。这种节约型绿色消费理念和方式反映出的是人类文明的进步。这段文字意在强调:()。A.消费理念是影响消费方式的深层原因B.分享经济使人的消费理念与生活方式发生改变C.分享经济开辟了充分利用资源的新渠道D.分享经济已成为当今主流的消费方式答案:B 本题解析:第一步,本题考查意图判断,并选择正确项。第二步,文段首句引出话题“分享经济”。第二句和第三句具体围绕“分享经济”这一话题具体说明了其作用,最后一句是作者自己对分享经济的评价,认为“这种节约型绿色消费理念和方式反映出是人类的进步”。所以文段的主要内容是说明:分享经济使人的消费消费理念和方式有所进步。因此,选择B项。A项:主体不符,文中“分享经济”,A项为“消费理念”;C项:“充分利用资源的新渠道”,只是分享经济的其中具体的作用,而文段的重点,是这一具体作用所反映出来的是人类消费理念和方式的进步;D项:“分享经济成为当今的主流”,文中并无此意,更不是主题句的内容。2.What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review? ()A.He specializes in articles focusing on historyB.He agrees with the ideas presented in the bookC.He hopes technology will become less important to businessD.He is training to work in corporate mergers答案:B 本题解析:由原文的最后一段:”MsNarazakis ideas persuasiveThe view that business cannot survive without keeping up with new technology has become todays corporate reality“可以推断出“John Giniam”对该“Reviews”中提及的观点是表示赞同的。所以本题的正确答案为B。3.A growing number of countries want to phase out coal entirely, a transition eased by cheap natural gas and cost of wind and solar power. That is good news. Coal has been the largest engine of change to date, accounting for nearly a third of the rise in average temperatures since the Industrial Revolution. Any pressure on it therefore counts as progress.Asia accounts for 75% of the worlds coal demand. The Chinese goverment has taken steps to limit pollution and support renewables. Yet coal consumption there rose in 2018, as it did the year before. In India coal demand grew by 9% last year. In Vietnam it swelld by altmost a quarter.To keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.59C relative to pre-industrial times, climatologists insist that almost all coal plants must shut by 2050, which mcans starting to act now.Todays trends would keep the last coal plant open until 2079, cstimates UBS, a bank. Asias coal-fired power regiment has a sprightly avcrage age of 15, compared with a creaky 40 years in America, close to retirement.There are several reasons for this, but one stand out govemment I support. In India state-owned companies invest more than $6bn in coal mining and coal-fired power each year,statebacked banks provide some $10.6bn in financing. Indoncsia doles out more than S2bn annually for consumption of coalfired power. Japan and South Korca finance coal projccts outside their borders.Govermment support is hardly surprising. State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs. W ind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up. Gas is pumelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive.Neverheless, govermments betting on coal face three big risks. One is environmental.Emissions from coal plants that are already built- -let alone new ones- will ensure that the world exceeds the level of carbon-dioside emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more tham 1.5%C.There is an cconomio risk, too. Public-sector zeal for coal is matched only by private-sector distaste. Banks, including Asian ones, have increasingly said they will stop funding new coal plants. Wind and solar farms make coal look increasingly expensive. A study has found that private banks provided thre-quarters of loans to Indian renewables projects last year, state-backed banks doled out two-thirds of those for coal.And then there is politics. Voters do not like breathing soot. More of them are concemed about elimnate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, foods and droughts.Coal may cause the following problems except ( ),A.Rising temperature on carthB.Air pollutionC.Unpredictable seasonsD.Bankruptey of state-owned companies答案:D 本题解析:由第五段第二句话“-nsure that the world exeeds the level of carbon-dioxide emissions likely to push global temperatures up by more than 1.59C.”可知A项正确。由最后一-段第二旬话“Voters do not like breathingsoot.”可知B项正确。由最后一段第三句话“More. of them are concerned about climate change, too, as they face unpredictable growing seasons, floods and droughts.可知C项正确。D选项不符合,所以答案选D.4.What happened to Reagan after this encounter?_A.He rejected Bouviers offer and took the shop jobB.He was allowed to take the local bus one year for freeC.The shop where he was interviewed doubled his salaryD.He returned to high school to continue his schooling答案:B 本题解析:根据文章最后一段“gave Reagan a free oneyear pass可知选B。5.Questions 102-104 refer to the following notice.ATTENTION! PARK VISITORSAs
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