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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2(IV)教学案 外研版一、学习目标:1.Learning task:1).I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting.Whats it about? Its about animals.2.Ability:Talk about somthing about presents教 具:a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:1.T:Look at Part One,Whats the book about ?S:Its about spaceship. 2.Look at Part Three,there are lots of books.Whats it about?Its about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.三、导学案:Step1.Ss on duty have a report about the presentsOther students listen and answer the questionsStep2.1.Today the teacher should wear a new sweater and say to students :Look! I have got a sweater .Look. Its green.(Here the teacher should ask a question:What color is it?)Its very beautiful. My sister bought it to me .(Here the teacher should let students ask some questions,eg:Who gave it to you? Who bought it for you? Then the teacher answer the questions)2.Write down the sentences3.Let students talk about their presents like this. They can discuss it. If they have any questions ,they can ask the teacher.Let several students stand up and talk about their presents in front of the class.They listen carefully and answer the questions about the talk.E,G:Who gave . the present? What is the present? What color is the present? .Step3.1.If there is a student talked about a book as a gift,the teacher should use the information:T:Whats the book about?2.OPen the SB, turn to page 24.Part One: T:Lookl at Part One,Whats the book about ?S:Its about spaceship. Pay attentiion to how to teach the word.3.Look at Part Three,there are lots of books. Let students answer the questions one by one.Whats it about?Its about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.4.Then let students make a dialogue like this and practise in groups.:A:This book looks interesting.B:Whats it about?A:Its about .5.Let students act in front of the class.Step4.1.Look at Part,Do you know what is Damings Mum saying?S:I bought the book for you.2.T:We know,Daming bought a book about America for his mum,so today his mum bought a book for Daming.T:Whats it about?S:Its about spaceships.T:Do you want to read it?S:Yes.3.T:Look at the three pictures.Picture1: Its a picture of an America spaceship.Picture2:Its a picture of a Russia spaceship.What is in it?Picture3.This is a picture of a spaceship in China.4.Please listen and tell me whats in the book.Play the tape for students ,and let them listen and pay attention to what they say.5,Play th tape again and follow it. 四、课堂检测:I have gat a present. My mum it to me on my birthday .On that day ,many friends to my house , They “Happy birthday” to me.I very happy. gave came said was 五、课后作业:(Talk about somthing about presents)描写一件自己的礼物(present)到家庭作业本上。要求写5句以上。六、板书设计:Module6 Unit 2 Whats it about?1).I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting.Whats it about? Its about animals.附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2(VI)教学案 外研版一、教学目标 1.能够谈论礼物的相关内容。2.能够将谈论与礼物特征相关的知识综合运用。3.学会正确对待赠送礼物,帮助学生形成正确的价值观和人生观。二、 预习学案(一)预习目标1. 培养学生互相合作的精神。2. 复习一些常见的动词的过去式形式。(二)预习内容1写出下列单词过去式buy give take say send 2.在小组内交流一下昨天发生在自己身上的事情。例如:S1: What did you do yesterday? S2: I.三、导学案(一) 学习目标能够谈论礼物的相关内容。(二)师生共同学习课文。1. 教师将学生的听写任务板书到黑板上:(1)What did his mum buy for him? His mum bought him .(2)Whats it about? Its about .(3) The American spaceship took into space.(4)Russians sent a man into space, too.2.将学生分成四人学习小组学习,理解听写任务。3.教师第一次播放课文录音,学生整体感知录音内容。4.教师第二次播放课文录音,学生开始完成听音任务。5.教师第三次播放课文录音,学生检查自己听音任务的完成情况。6.全班交流听音任务的完成情况,教师可以请部分同学到黑板前板书任务的内容,也可以请部分同学口述内容,有教师自己板书。7.请学生将黑板上完成的听音任务的答案连成一段小短文写在课堂作业本上。8.请全班学生将短文齐读一次。(三)积累提高1.教师引入:T:Is Daming interested in this book?S1: Yes.T: Yes, because he is going to read all about it.教师提问请一名学生回答。2.教师将刚才提出的问题写在黑板上,将学生分成四组要求学生按照黑板上的内容对同学的礼物进行谈论。提问可以由组内学生轮流来,教师注意巡视指导。3.教师请学生拿出自己的课堂作业本,以“My Present”为题写一篇英语小短文。四、课堂检测I have got a present. My mum it to me on my birthday. OnThat day, many friends to my house. They “Happy birthday” to me. I very happy.gave came said was五、课后作业描写一件自己的礼物到家庭作业本上。要求写句以上。语句通顺,层次清楚,鼓励谈论礼物的其他方面。六、板书设计nit2 Whats it about?(1) What did his mum buy for him? His mum bought him .(2) Whats it about? Its about .(3) The American spaceship took into spece.(4) Russians sent the first into space.(5) sent a man into space, too.七、教学反思
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