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2023年如何把简单句变成复杂句实用 人的记忆力会随着岁月的消逝而衰退,写作可以弥补记忆的不足,将曾经的人生经验和感悟记录下来,也便于保存一份美妙的回忆。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?以下是我为大家搜集的优质范文,仅供参考,一起来看看吧 如何把简洁句变成困难句篇一 一般在教学过程中,老师强调让学生多写单句,单句写好了,困难句也会写。这个教学方法基于一个简洁的道理:雅思索官不好蒙骗。你一个困难句假如写的不对,考官立刻可以看出来,分数立刻就会降低。因此,踏实写好简洁句,分数更加简单提高。 只有当你熟识单句后,才可以将句子连接起来。 举例:children are not sensitive to prices and parents prefer to satisfy their needs. 一般来说,if 和when引导条件状语从句(也有肯定因果关系,只是不那么强) 举 例:if advertising campaigns directed at children are regulated, children will not pester their parents to buy many goods for them. since, as, because, so等引导缘由或者结果状语从句,表示比较强的因果关系 举例:some children like fast food since they are overwhelmed by fast food advertisements every day. 有许多连接词because of this, as a result of this, consequently, as a consequence 等,都是表示因果关系。 举 例:some children are addicted to violent video games, and because of this, they can show aggression and bully their peers at school. 举 例:children are increasingly temperamental due to their addiction to violent electronic games. these games are normally promoted by advertising firms. 可 以改成:children are increasingly temperamental due to their addiction to violent electronic games, which are normally promoted by advertising firms. 举例:advertisements have given a lot of information about products. this enables parents to make well-informed buying decisions. 可 以改成:advertisements have given a lot of information about products, which can help parents to make well-informed buying decisions. 简而言之,不要嫌弃简洁句,简洁句写熟了,困难句很简单写了。 s(content_relate);
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