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监利一中2016-2017学年高二英语导学案 编号 6 使用时间:2016-12-1 编制人:匡萃华 审核人:夏新平 组长:潘经辉 包科领导 王瑞志 班级: 小组: 姓名: 评价 Book 6 Unit 3 A Healthy LifeText 2: HIV/AIDS Are you at risk?Knowledge and skillsTo enable the students to know something about what is HIV/AIDS,how it is contacted and how to protect oneself from getting the disease.Process and methodsReading for specific information,summarizing,discussing and practicing.Emotion,attitude and value来源:Z。xx。k.Com1To arouse students awareness of the harm caused by HIV/AIDS.2To help students not to put themselves at risk out of ignorance and take a sympathetic attitude towards those who already suffer from the disease instead of looking down upon them.【使用说明与学法指导】自学:10分钟课前自学,严格按照要求充分预习课文。要求:15分钟迅速默读文章一遍, 把握文章主旨大意,并分析篇章结构深入透彻理解课文,并对重难点进行勾画与标注完成完成【课前预习】。10分钟【课内探究】。15分钟对课文重难点短语及句子进行勾画与分析,完成【博观约取】。【背景链接 激活思维】It is now commonly known that AIDS is a deadly disease.It does damage to human beings immune system,weakening resistance to diseases and leading to death due to utter weakness.To this day,there are no existing drugs that can kill the AIDS virus.It is a deadly battle between science and AIDS.This is only one side of the story.Although it can not be cured,AIDS is preventable.For those who have not caught the disease,the knowledge of preventive measures seems to be the most powerful weapon at hand.Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985,the number of HIV carriers is on an alarming rise in China and statistics show that young people are the more likely victims of AIDS.Nationwide there are 214 million people between the ages of 13 and 22,most of whom are students.If no measures are taken to protect these young people,it is almost certain that the threat of AIDS will be very real to them.There has been a great deal of misinformation concerning the transmission of AIDS.One of the most misleading myths is that AIDS can be transmitted by casual physical contact such as kissing,shaking hands or sharing food container.Surveys and investigations conducted in some universities and colleges show that half of those people questioned are not clear about how AIDS is transmitted,not to mention how it is prevented.【课前预习 自主阅读】Fast ReadingThis passage can be divided into three sections. Scan the text and find out whats the main idea of each section.Section 1: Ways to protect yourself.Section 2: To make some false beliefs disappear.Section 3: Background information about what the disease is【课内探究 共同成长】Task1 Careful Reading1Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.Information about HIVWeaken a persons (1)_Spread through (2)_ or the fluid made during sex.Ways to protect yourselfDont share your (3)_ with anyone else.Use a condom if you have sex with a male or a female.Some wrong statementsYou can tell by (4)_ someone whether or not they have HIV.If you hug,(5)_ someone with AIDS or visit them in their home you will get HIV/AIDS.2.Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F)(1)You can only get HIV from injecting drugs.(2)It is very likely that you will die if you get infected with HIV.(3)If you look healthy,you cannot have HIV.(4)It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom.(5)Taking food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will give you HIV too.(6)If you have HIV,you will always get AIDS eventually.Suggested answers:1(1)immune system(2)blood(3)needle(4)looking at(5)touch or kiss 2FTFTFT 3Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.(1)You can get HIV through _Ahaving meals with the patients with AIDSBkissing someone with AIDSCinjecting drugs using the same needleDtouching someone infected with HIV答案:C(2)We can infer from the passage that _AHIV is the same as AIDSBHIV is different from AIDSCHIV weakens a persons immune systemDyou can have HIV in your blood for quite a long time答案:B(3)In order to stay safe, you _Ashould not use the needle someone else has usedBhave to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugsCshould use a condom if you have sex with another personDall of the above 答案:D(4)The passage tells us about _Asome common understanding of HIV/AIDSBwhat HIV/AIDS is and the way of transmittingCways to protect ourselvesDthe definition of HIV/AIDS and the warning to us答案:D【博观约取 厚积薄发】Task Analyze and translate the difficult sentences1. For a person to become infected,blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus,has to get inside the body through broken skin,or injection. 携带病毒的血液或体液必须通过皮肤上的创口或通过注射才能进入人体,使人受感染。句中有一个that引导的_从句, 修饰_;to become infected是不定式短语作_, 修饰_。22It_is_only_when_the_disease_has_progressed_to_AIDS_that a person begins to
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