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2022年高中英语 Module One 教案 人教新目标必修4New words:1. alternative 1) n(二者当中)选一个;供选择的东西;have no alternative but to do =have no choice but to do2) adj.(二者当中)选其一的;非此即彼的;无比较级形式alternative energy替代性能源alternative ways可供选择的方法3)alternatively adv.两者挑一地I had no money,so I had no alternative but to stay at home.因为我没有钱,所以除了待在家里别无选择。Do you have an alternative solution to the problem?你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题?The road was blocked,so we went by an alternative road.这条路被封锁了,因此我们走了另一条路。We could take the train or alternatively go by car.2. prediction n. CU预言;预报, 预告make a prediction / make predictions 作预测v. predict 预言某事将发生,预报Forecasters predict thunder storms in London for Royal Wedding.adj. predictable 可预言的,可预报的 The earthquake has been predicted several months before. Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat? I knew youd say that-you are so predictable. risky adj.risk n./v.risk doing sth.冒危险;明知也要做at risk (of) 处于危险之中The World Food Program ( WFP) warned that Libya is at risk of a full-blown food security crisis within the next 45 to 60 days.put ones life at risk冒生命危险at the risk of losing ones life 冒危险takerun a risk 冒危险a risky undertaking 一份风险大的事业 There is no/not much risk of her failing. We mustnt risk getting caught in a storm. 4.load 1) n负荷;重担;装载量;工作量;负载量;重任;a load of/loads of很多;许多bear a load on ones shoulders挑起重担take a load off ones mind解除某人的思想负担Dont worry;there is loads of time.不用担心,时间很充裕。The good news have take a load off my mind. 听了这个好消息我就放心了2) vt.装载;使担负;vi.装货;装料load with. 把某物装上/进物体中load a truck/ a ship/ a train with goods给卡车/轮船/火车装货链接:fill with equip with fit with cover with linewithload sth. into把装入(某设备)Her recovery took a load off my mind. 她恢复了健康,使我卸下了心中重担。The truck was loaded with bananas.那卡车装载着香蕉。He helped me load my furniture onto the truck.他帮我把家具装上卡车。Please load the new film into the camera.请把新胶卷装进照相机里。5.arrest vt.逮捕,扣留,阻止;吸引; arrest sb.for sth. 因某事而逮捕某人be/get arrested 被逮捕Six children, two wives of Bin Laden were arrested along with his four close friends.arrest ones attention 引起某人的注意 n.逮捕be under arrest. 被逮捕, 被拘留place/put sb. under arrest., 成为囚犯)You could get arrested for doing that.干那种事可能要遭逮捕。)The policeman arrested the man for speeding. 警察以超速的罪名逮捕了那个人。3)The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease.该新药阻止了疾病的蔓延。4) An unusual painting arrested his attention.一幅不寻常的油画吸引了他的注意。5)She was under arrest on suspicion of murder. 她因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕。6.limit 1)n界限,限制set strict limits作了严格的限制within limits适度地,节制地without limits无限地2) vt.限制,限定limit.to把限制内3)limited adj. 有限的Theres a limit to what I can do for you.我能为你做的事有限(不能什么事都为你做)。The task is too much for me.I know my limits.那工作对我来说太吃力了。我知道自己能力有限。His patience reached its limit. 他的忍耐已经到了极限。You must limit your speech to half an hour.你必须把演讲限制在半小时内。We are doing our best with the limited resources available.我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大努力。7mand 1) n. U,C 命令,指挥;U 控制;have/take mand of指挥;控制;do sth.at/by ones mand奉某人之命做某事be at ones mand 听某人吩咐have a good mand of 对掌握得好;精通=have a good knowlege ofin/under the mand of sb.由某人统率(1)The police arrived and took mand of the situation.警察到达后就控制了局势。(2)The army is under the kings mand. 军队由国王直接统领。(3)Applicants will be expected to have a good mand of English.申请人必须精通英语。(4)He has a good mand/ knowledge of the English language. 2)v.命令,指挥;掌握;拥有mand sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事mand that. (should) do 命令做同义词:order普通用法 mand 用于军事上的意义(5)The captain manded the soldiers to fire.上校命令士兵开火。(6)He manded that we (should) cross the river at once.他命令我们立即过河。 (7)The officer manded his men to fire. (8)The teacher ordered that he (should) go out of the classroom.8.charge 1) n费用,价钱;主管,掌管free of chargefor free/ for nothing免费Whats the charge for? 收费多少?in charge (of)主管;负责;照顾in the charge ofin ones charge由某人负责,由某人管理under the charge of在负责之下take charge of掌管;负责,看管2) v.控诉;收费;充电charge sb. with sth.因某事控告某人=accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事charge sb.(money) for sth.向某人索取的费用charge a battery将电池充电charge a gun 给枪装弹What is the charge for using the hall? 大厅的使用费是多少?He was in charge of the shop while the manager was away.经理不在时,他负责这个商店。The shop was in the charge of him while the manager was away.经理不在时,这个商店由他负责。He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.父亲去世后,他掌管了农场They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.他们一杯咖啡向我要价5美元。The man was charged with theft.这个人被控告盗窃罪。9.attach 1)vt.系,贴,附上;连接,参加;使附属,使隶属attach .to . 把系到; 连接到上attach a label to the bottle 贴标签于瓶上attach oneself to sb./sth.依附于某人/参加某事He attached his horse to a tree. 他将马栓在树上。2)attached adj.(作表语)依恋的;附属于be attached to sb./sth.依恋,留恋,爱慕某人/某事物;隶属于 I attached myself to a group of tourists entering the museum.我随着一队游客进入了博物馆。Do you attach any im
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