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三年级英语上册 unit5 第五课时教案 北师大版一、设计理念 本课力图体现新课标对学生综合语言运用能力的培养,并本着以学生发展为本的核心:1、为学生提供较大的活动空间,通过flash展示故事,激发学生的学习兴趣,学生通过讲故事培养运用语言做事情的能力。2、通过在教学过程中引入真实情景,利用课件展示学生所熟悉的各学科老师,为学生营造真实场景,引导学生综合运用语言,培养学生通过熟悉的事物与所学语言建立联系的学习策略。3、通过扮演故事中的角色等小组活动增加学生之间的交流培养学生的合作精神,在交流中促进学生英语表达能力的发展。二、教学活动内容简介本课是北师大版3A教材 Unit 5 Our School 的第五课时。在已经掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型的情况下,通过在教师设计的真实情景中复习本单元学过的Chinese, math, music, art, P.E., playground, office, classroom这些与学校生活息息相关的词,并在老师的引导下运用Are these our/your/their teachers?及回答Yes, they are. No, they arent.进行交流。本课重难点是在教学中通过对本单元句型的操练与扩展,物主代词的运用,表达某物是谁的,学生会使用本单元的词汇进行替换,能够运本用单元所学的their, our, your 讲故事,进行交流。本单元也可看作是本册教材Unit 3 Whose CDs are these?中重点句型They are (Johns).这个知识点的延伸。三、教学活动目标1、通过在真实和模拟的情境中的练习,学生可运用本单元的词汇和句型讲故事,培养学生的语言表达能力和主动说英语的意识。2、通过复习帮助学生熟练掌握本单元单词,在练习中使学生可以使用our, their, your 这三个物主代词及本单元句型明确表达事物的所属。3、通过课堂组织的活动来调动学生参与学习的积极性,在小组合作中培养学生的合作意识。通过展示学生熟悉的校内环境和学生喜爱的老师,培养学生的爱校与尊师的情感。四、教学准备1、录音 2、Unit 5 的课件 3、自制课件4、测验卷子五、教学过程环节教师活动教具学生活动目的时间1、Lets chant and sing “Everybody, lets chant to warm up. Are you ready?”Ok, here we go.“Do you want to sing a song? ”“Ok, lets sing.”课件 lets chant lets sing 部分“Yes!”Chant with the tape one timeYes!Warm up to attract the concentration of the students.Chant练习的是单数,sing练习的是复数3 分钟2、Review the words and the sentences“Ok, look here, I have some pictures of our teachers.”展示课件中的相片(1)第一张:学校引出本单元课题 our school引导学生看图片说出This is our school.课件先展示出This is 这两个词,学生看图说出our school或school. 教师纠正学生 引导学生说出our school. 老师做出我们的手势来提示学生“Do you like your school?”(2)第二张:office, classroom, playground的图片“This is ”引导学生说出 Our playground. Teachers office. Our classroom(3)“Now, we play a game. Guess who is she or he.”展示陈丽老师的相片“Who is she?” “Is she your English teacher?”引导学生说出Is she your Chinese teacher?(如果学生说不出She is our Chinese teacher. 可用问句引导 Which subject does she teach?)“How to spell Chinese?” (评价学生good, very good, great, excellent, perfect)分别展示体育、美术、数学、音乐老师的相片“Now, please tell your classmates who is she. And then I will choose a student to tell us.”评价学生good, very good, great, excellent, perfect“Ok, who would like to answer me which class do you like best?”(4)三年级组老师的相片“Who are they?” 利用课件展示出句子,引导学生说出后They are our teachers“Yes, good!”在这里学生可能出现单复数混淆的问题,教师要注意纠正学生在回答问题中单复数部分的错误,提醒学生注意到相片中的多位老师。自制课件(任课教师的相片)看图片 能说出our school 在老师的引导下能说出整句 This is our school.Yes, I do!Our playground.Teachers office. Our classroom.Miss Chen!No, she isnt!Yes, she/he is.She is our Chinese teacher.C-h-i-n-e-s-e请同学自己来介绍不同学科的老师Work in pairs.同学之间互用英语交流。起来展示学生能够主动运用所学过的知识向老师展示。I like music best!I like art.I like P.E. .主动与老师进行语言交流。Teachers!They are our teachers.通过猜照片复习本单元学过的表示学科的词汇通过展示学生熟悉的校内环境,学生能主动运用英语与老师进行交流。与学生进行交流,培养学生爱校的情感。学生能主动用Do you like? 的句型进行交流用三4班学生最熟悉的老师开始用班级顾问陈丽的相片引入对本单元词汇的复习检查学生的拼写此部分展示学生熟悉的和喜欢的不同学科的老师,在帮助学生复习math, Chinese, art, music, P.E.等词的同时,为学生营造了真实的情景,帮助他们搭设了一个平台,学生能够更加积极主动地运用语言涉及复数的练习7分钟3、Uncle Bookys Story time“Well, I have other cartoon pictures. Do you want to see them?Ok, look at the screen.”What can you see from these pictures?Whos volunteer?(做出举手的动作示意学生)“Good!”“Now, do you know what happened?”We can image.Who can answer me, what are they doing?(出示两只猴子的图片)What are they talking about? “Ok, lets see what they are talking about.”展示第一幅flash, 然后暂停。出示第二幅图“Who would like to tell us what is the monkey saying? ”(出示Are these给学生,作为提示。并且把母鸡回答的no也展示出来)注意,要引导学生说出整句话,作为母鸡回答的时候,要说出These are my eggs.“Well done! Lets see.” 播放第二幅flash,然后暂停。出示第三幅图“Who wants to say sth about this picture?” (做举手的动作)“Ok, lets see what they will say.”播放第三幅flash,然后暂停。出示第四幅图“What are the monkeys talking about?”可多找几个学生来回答播放flash附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit5(6)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语3A第五单元 第一教时:A learn to say教学目标:1能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其四种应答语。2会唱歌曲Hello ! How are you ?教学重点、难点:能学会使用问候语How are you ?及其四种应答语:Fine ,thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? Im fine ,too /Not bad ,thank you /Not so good .教具准备:录音机,卡片,磁带,挂图。教学过程: Step1. Warming up 1.Greetings the Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,class? Glad to see you !2.Revision : Show me your English book ,Show me your rubber , What colour is it?3.Now ,lets sing ,Ok ?(“Hi, Nancy”.“Colour song”)Step2. Presentation A.Lets talk .(1)Lets make a dialogue :T: (show a toy )Look ,This is my friend Peter, He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ?T:(Toy Peter) Hello ,Im Peter, Nice to meet you .SS:Hello, Peter.Sa : Hello , Peter, Im .Sb: Good morning ,Peter ,Im ,This is my friend .Sc: Nice to meet you ,Peter.T :Nice to meet you ,too .(2) Lets listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions :a. How many kids do you know ?
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