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七年级上册英语Unit4高频易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_易错题方向:1重要句型:would like to do提问的两种回答、It is time to do sth、how to do sth、It take sb some time to do sh、spend time doing sth 2重要语法:make a fire to do sth表示目的、人称顺序的单数排列:第二人称-第三人称-第一人称、hope sb+从句和hope to do sth、some和any的区别、不定代词和else的先后位置问题3重要单词:open和be open的区别、bring和take的区别、hear和listen to的区别、exercise的中文含义以及单复数问题4重要短语:too much和much too的区别、the answer to、get ready to do sth、be ready for sth 、ask sb (not) to do sth易错题型:1单项选择-33题2单词拼写-10题3动词填空-10题4书面表达-1题一)、单项选择1Would you like to go shopping with me? _ AYes, Id like to BYes, I like itCNo, Im not DYes, I love it2 _? He is a doctorAWhat does he like? BHow does he like?CWhat is he like? DWhat is he?3 It is_cold today and there is _rainA too much;too much B much too;much too C too much;much too Dmuch too;too much4The shop _from 9 am to 9 pm But it _at 8 pm on SundaysAis open, open Bopen, opensCis open, opens Dis opened, open 5 He makes a fire_himself _warm on cold days Ato make;keep Bto make;to keep Cmake;to keep Dmake;keep6 Let_look after grandma at home,pleaseAmy sister and I BI and my sister Cme and my sister Dmy sister and me7They_ the Palace Museum next weekA hope me to visit B hope visiting C hoped themselves to visit D hope to visit8Please _ away this cup of tea And _ me some coffeeAtake, bring Btake, take Cbring, take Dbring, bring9 Can I have_more food? Sorry Theres_in the fridge A some; anything else Bsome; nothing elseCany; anything else Dany; nothing else10In spring,you will _the whisper (低语)of the breeze(清风), if you_carefullyAhear,listen to Blisten,hearChear,listen Dlisten to,hear11 - _ do you have a football match? - Three times a yearA How often B How long C When D How soon12 - _will he come back ? - In a weekA How many times B How often C How soon D Where13 Its time _A for school B to school C to go to school D A and C14 The boy is too young, so he _ go to schoolA can B arent C cannot D dont15 Tom always eats _ meatA too much B too many C much too D many too16 My sister likes to play _violin and my brother prefer to play _football before supperA the; the B /; the C the; / D /; /17 Would you like _ a film with me? I like _movie very much A to see, watching B seeing, watch C to look ,watch D looking at, watching18 I dont know how _A make a model plane B to make a model planeC making a model plane D makes a model plane19 We can find _ on the InternetA a lot of information B lots of information C much information D all the above20 Do you know the answer _ the question? A to B of C at D in21 There is _”u” and _”s” in the word busA an, aB an, anC a, anD a, a22 - Tom, why do you like _ so much?- Because I like different colorsA readingB writingC drawingD singing23 - _ do you go to the park, Tom? - Three times a weekA How long B When C How manyD How often24 -_ do you go to school every day? - I go to school _A How, on footB When, on footC How, by foot D When, by foot25 _ go shopping every Friday?A My brother and meB I and my brotherC My brother with me D My brother and I 26 Millie_ free She cant play with me todayA has B isntC doesnt have D is27What can I get my father for Fathers Day?-_getting her a tie?A. Why not B How about C Why dont you D Can you28Millie enjoys _ interesting books It makes her _A. to read;sad B reading; happy C to read;happy D reading; sad29-We do eye at school -Thats great Its good youA exercises; at Bexercises; forC exercise;atD. exercise; to30 The engineer early every morning to catch the first busA gets upB stands upC looks upD gives up31-What are you doing,Daniel? -Im getting ready lunc
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