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八年级上册英语Unit4高频易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_易错题方向:1重要句型:not onlybut also就近原则、动名词作主语、It is impssible to do sth、It is easier to do A than to do B2重要语法:dont开头的祈使句、情态动词should+do、a+序数词、祈使句的反义疑问句3重要单词:leave的用法“leave sb/sth doing”、instructions、finished、job与work的区别、scissors“剪刀”的单复数问题、exacly、incorrectly、stick的过去式stuck、hit的过去式还是hit4重要短语:be filled with sth、put开头的短语辨析、instead of doing sth、stand for、advise sb to do sth、sometime相似的几个单词的区分、for example、leave the door open、take a course in、be crazy about doing sth易错题型:1单项选择-38题2单词拼写-9题3翻译句子-5题4动词填空-9题一)、单项选择1The box is too heavy to carryWhats in it?Oh,it is _booksAfilled withBcovered withCused forDasked for2You can_four lights in the flatAput upBput outCput onDput in3Lets go hiking_staying at home,shall we?Good ideaAas well asBin order toCinstead ofDin addition to4Do you know roses_love?Astand for Bbelong to Chear Dkeep on5Please_to return my book by FridayIll use it on SaturdayNo problemIll finish reading it on ThursdayA. dont forgetBnot to forgetCnot forgetDforget not to6To save water, please dont_ the water running when you are not washing thingsAget Bmake Cstop Dleave7Can you tell me how to make the toy truck run?Why not read the_ yourself?My hands are full nowA. story Binstruction Cinformation Dreport8_buy your ticket from a ticket machineThere are lots of people thereANotBNot toCDontDDont to9Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent showI think so He practices_it every dayAplay Bplaying Cto play Dplays10In order to speak English well,we_be afraid of losing face,because the most important thing is to practiceAshould Bshouldnt Chave to Dmay11Mum, can I go to play for a while?Why not?Your homework is almost_A. finishing Bfinishes Cfinished Dfinish12You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure_a pen and some paper with youAbrings Bbringing Cto bring Dnot bring13We advise parents_their children at home alone in order to keep them away from dangerAnot leave Bnot to leave Cleave Dto leave14 Im sorry I made_ mistake But I wont make the same mistake for_ second timeNever mind Nobody is perfectAa;a Ba;the Cthe;the Da;/15_Ms Zhou_Mr Li is humorous They are popular among us studentsA Both;andBNeither;norCEither;orDNot only;but also16Dont feed too much food to the goldfish, _ they may dieA. and B so C or D but17In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, but in _ , knives and forksYou see People around the world have different eating habitsA. others B other C another D all18Dont make so much noise, _?A. will you B wont you C shall we D do you 19What else did the teacher say? He advised us_in the reading roomA. shout B not shout C dont shout D not to shout20DIY is very interesting and it also saves us some money Yes But it also takes _ to do a DIY jobA. some time B sometime C some times D sometimes 21 After making the card, you _leave the tools here and there on the floor OK Ill put them away right nowA. shouldnt B had better C should D must22 We cant enter the room I cant find my key Is it possible that you _it at home?A. left B forget C fixed D designed23In northern cities, people usually _central heating when building houses because of the cold weather in winterA. put up B put in C put on D put out24Vienna(维也纳)is famous for having many great musicians _ , Johann Strauss the Younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music thereA. In fact B For example C As a result D In my opinion25Would you mind if I sing songs here? _ The baby is sleepingA. Youd better not B No, you cant C Yes, please D Of course not26Please tell him to leave the window _ Its too hot todayA. open B opened C is open D opening27If there is _ time, Ill do my homework _ betterA. less; more B much; less C more; much
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