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Unit 4 Welcome to our partyPeriod 2 Dialogue B一、 教材分析这节课的教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的基础模块1 Unit 4 的第二课时,Dialogue B。上节课主要是掌握了在派对中谈论天气的方式,本节课在此基础上,进一步学习在派对中关于主人招待客人的语句。 二、 学情分析我校高一专业班的学生英语基础普遍较差,尤其是在口头表达能力方面,由于成绩差很多学生都不敢或者不愿开口说英语,因此要创设一种轻松愉悦的课堂环境,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,另外教学上要深入浅出,循循善诱,帮助学生打下扎实的基础,通过操练等方式让学生熟练掌握重要的词汇和句式。三、 教学重点和难点重点:让学生掌握在派对中主人招待客人的基本词汇和句式难点:让学生用所学的知识完成一个完整的对话四、 教学目标语言目标:学生能够掌握以下重要的基本短语和句式,有 host and guest Would you like something to drink? , please. With or without ? Please help yourself.技能目标:提高学生在招待方面的英语口头表达能力情感目标:引导学生善于把所学的知识应用于实际生活中去,进一步了解学习英语的目的在于应用和交流五、 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inAsk some students to show their findings about the differences in a party between China and England. And then the teacher will draw a conclusion, mainly about the food and the chatting topic.T: In a western party, people usually talk about the weather, rather than the personal conditions. In a party, what kind of relationship is there?Ss: Friends.T: Yes, besides host and guest.Show two pictures about host and guest to help students learn new words.设计意图:课堂检查学生作业完成情况的同时,课外知识进行了交流,拓展了学生的见识,并且从第一课时自然过渡到第二课时,引出本节课的话题。Step 2 Listening 1. the first listeningT: Now we will listen to a short dialogue, and you have to make out who the host is and who the guest is.Play the radio and then ask a student to answer.the host Li Xiaonian the guest Mrs. Smith2. the second listeningT: Imagine there are two cups of coffee in front of me, and I will taste both. This cup of coffee is without sugar. The teachers facial looking is bitter. “without” That cup of coffee is with sugar. The teachers facial looking is sweet. “with”设计意图:通过表情动作让学生在真实语境中辨别with和without两个单词的释义,可以加深学生的理解和记忆,并为下面的听力题目做好铺垫。T: Listen to the tape again, and then judge the following sentences true or false.( F ) 1) Mrs. Smith wants to drink coke without sugar.( F ) 2) Mrs. Smith wants to drink coke with sugar.( F ) 3) Mrs. Smith wants to drink coffee without sugar.( T ) 4) Mrs. Smith wants to drink coffee with sugar.3. the third listeningT: Next we will listen to this dialogue once more. While listening, you should fill the words into the blanks.Li Xiaonian: Hello, Mrs. Smith! _ to our party!Mrs. Smith: _, Xiaonian!Li Xiaonian: Would you _ something to drink, Mrs. Smith?Mrs. Smith: Uh, coffee, _.Li Xiaonian: With or without sugar?Mrs. Smith: _ sugar, please.Li Xiaonian: _ your coffee, Mrs. Smith.Mrs. Smith: Thanks.Li Xiaonian: Youre welcome. Please _ yourself.Key words: welcome, hello, like, please, with, heres, help设计意图:由于学生的英语基础比较差,因此我对录音材料就进行三次处理,每播放一次录音后提出的问题比上一次难,形成梯度,帮助学生更好地理解听力材料,并且在一定程度上可以促进学生听力技能的提高。Step 3 SummaryT: Lets together pick out the sentences about the serve in a party.the host Would you like something to drink? With or without sugar? Heres your coffee. Please help yourself.the guest Coffee, please. With sugar. Thanks.设计意图:第三次完成听力练习后,呈现出一个完成的对话,对有关主人招待客人的语句进行小结,明确提出了本堂课的重点,并且为下面的对话教学作好铺垫,帮助学生减轻了下一个教学环节中的学习困难度。Step 4 Dialogue B1. read and underlineT: Look at the dialogue on Page 56 and read it by yourselves. While reading, please underline the sentences about the serve. the host Would you like something to drink? With or without milk? Heres your tea. Please help yourself.the guest Tea, please. Without milk, please. Thanks.2. pair workAsk two students a group, one playing the role as Li Xiaonian, and the other as Mr. Smith. Practice three minutes, and then invite some pairs to show the dialogue.设计意图:两人操练对话,主要是让学生熟练掌握所学的语句,为下面知识的扩展作好准备。3. added knowledge英美国家的人在别人家做客时,对于吃什么、喝什么往往比较直率。比如: Would you like some coffee? Yes, please.或者 What would you like? Coffee, please.如果不想要,可说: No, thanks.这时候主人也不会继续劝客人。设计意图:这里的对话教学,主要是为了让学生完成从关键语句到完成对话的掌握过程,英语的最终目的是用于交流,而交流以对话为主,因此学生光是掌握有关招待的语句还不够,要会使用所学的句式编造一个完成的对话,本堂课的难点得以体现。Step 5 ConclusionT: In a party, the host serving the guests we can use the following sentences.the host Would you like ? / What would you like, or ? / What about ? With or without ? Here you are. Youre welcome.the guest Id like , please. , please. Yes, please. / No, thanks. Thank you. / Thanks.设计意图:对本堂课的重点教学内容进行总结,并且清晰明确的展示给学生,为下面的小组活动做好准备工作。Step 6 Group workT: Use the sentences we have concluded to take a role play. Imagine one of you is holding a birthday party at home, and three friends come to celebrate your birthday. Now your friends are out of the door. According to this situation, four students a group make up a dialogue about the host serving the guests. Here are some food words to help you.coffee milk water oran
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