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教学内容: 牛津小学英语四下 Unit 5 Seasons 教学目标:1.语言知识目标:.通过学习,让学生听懂、会说、会读表示季节的单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter表示气候的单词warm,hot,cold,cool以及表示活动的词组go boating, go swimming,go climbing,go skating,have picnics.2语言技能目标(1)通过学习,让学生在课文情境中理解四季的气候特点和常见活动.(2)通过学习,帮学生构建描述季节的综合语言运用能力,使学生能形成一定的阅读策略.3情感目标通过学习,激发学生热爱环境,热爱生活的情感体验.教学重点:1. 学生能够在语境中理解四季的气候变化,以及人们四季中进行的活动。2. 通过学习,学生能够构建描述四季的语言框架,从而运用所学语言描述自己喜爱的季节和活动.教学难点: 能够正确运用所学句型来描述四季以及人们的活动。教学过程:课前循环播放歌曲 The song of seasonsStep 1. Warming-upQ: Whats the song about?S: 学生欣赏歌曲后 回答 Seasons Teach: season sea eat揭题:T:Today well talk about seasons.T: How many seasons are there in a year?S: There are four .T: What are they ?Teach : spring summer autumn winter Step2 Presentation T : There are four seasons in a year , and I have a poem about seasons ,Lets enjoy the poem.1 Watch and say 学生观看整体小诗T: After reading , How do you feel in four seasons? You can choose one season you like to tell. 观看完后 ,教师可以做示范: In spring ,it is _.给出句型:In _, it is _.两人小组讨论并回答。教师在此处渗透天气,In spring, it is warm . In autumn ,it is cool.Teach : warm ,coolPlay a game 教师给图,学生猜季节游戏后出现最后2 幅图, T: What do they do in spring ?teach : fly kites go boating2 Read the poem 1出示关于春天的图文章,教师带领学生进行阅读。学生先跟录音读,然后小组读一读。T: Children fly kites and go boating in spring ,lets enjoy a poem about spring. 请学生两人一组读一读小诗2 学生自主小诗2,3,4,段,并划出 表示活动的词语。T:Children fly kites and go boating in spring,What about other seasons ?Lets read by yourselves.Teach : have picnics go climbing make snowmen3集体读小诗 summer T: In summer ,they eat ice creams and go swimming ,Lets read the poem of summer .(1)学生朗读小诗.(2)教师给出春的小诗对比,请同学找出共同点。 学生四人小组进行讨论,集体进行汇报。 共同点找出后将字体飘红。Teach: 句型In _, it is _ .We _ _ .We go _ing. We like _.4出秋天和冬天的图,请同学预测小诗会说些什么T: Lets look at another two pictures , What will thy say ? Can you guess?Lets try to guess .5教师给出完整句型,请同学们根据句型完整说一说小诗。6 请学生整体朗读小诗,并且标出升调降调,进行指导。7总结规则 Lets summary Q: When we talk about seasons ,What aspects can we talk about ?T: We can talk about weather ,activitiesT: When we talk about weather. What can we talk about ?T: When we talk about activities ,what can we talk about ?教师可以总结并拓展新词; sunny cloudyStep 3 ConsolidationT: Which seasons do you like best ? You can make a new poem 四人小组完成,小组内一人说一个季节小诗。教师寻找图片,制作一首小诗,说说你喜爱的季节 给出需要使用的句型:In_, it is _We _We _We like _6 Home work1 Find some new words and about weather and activities2 Try to make a new rhyme about seasons using the words you find Blackboard Unit 5 Seasons Spring summer warm hot fly kitesAutumn winter cool cold have picnics go skating go climbing make snow men 秦淮区第一中心小学 张颖
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