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数词的分类 (一) 基数词在英语中表达数目的词称为基数词。1.基数词的构成(1)1-20 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty(2)21-99先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间加连字符 23twenty-three,34thirty-four,45fortyfive,56fifty-six, 67sixty-seven,78seventy-eight,89eighty-nine,91ninety-one(3)101999先说“几百”,再加and,再加末两位数或末位数; 586five hundred and eighty-six,803eight hundred and three(4)l,000以上,先从右往左数,每三位数加一种“,”,第一种“,”前为thousand.第二个“,”前为million, 第三个“,”前为billion(美式)或thousand ,million(英式),然后一节一节地表达。 1,001one thousand and one 9,785nine thousand, seven hundred and eighty-five 18,423eighteen thousand,four hundred and twenty-three 6,260,309six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine 750,000,000,000seven hundred and fifty, billion(美式) seven hundred and fifty thousand million(英式) (5)月份、星期的单词一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November十二月DecemberMonday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday 2.基数词的用法 (1)作主语 e.g.Four Of them come from Paris. (2)作宾语 e.g.一How many books would you like? 一I would like two. (3)作表语 e.g.Seven minus two is five. (4)作定语 e.g.There are three people in my family (5)作同位语 e.g. You two will go swimming with us. (6)表具体数字时,hundred,thousand,million用单数。 e.g. There are six hundred students in our grade. (7)表不拟定的数字时,数词用复数。若带名词,再加of hundreds of(数百,成百上千的),thousands of(数干,成千上万的),millions of(数百万) e.g,They arrived in two and threes.她们三三两两地来了。 (8)表达“十”的数词的复数可以表达人的岁数或年代。 e.g. He is in his early thirties.她有三十来岁(3134岁): This took place in the 1930s.这事发生在二十世纪三十年代; (9)表达时刻 e.g.I watch CCTV News at seven oclock every evening. (二)序数词在英语中表达顺序、顺序的词称为序数词。 1,序数词的构成 4.序数词有时可与不定冠词连用,表达数量上又,“再一” e.g: He tried a second time.她又试了次. (3)序数词的缩写形式为:阿拉伯数字加上这个词的末尾两个字母。 1st 2nd,3rd,4th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd (三)数词应用 l 4、年代的读法为两位、两位地读。整百的后读hundred,整千的后读thousand,前常加“the year”。1937读作nineteen thirtyseven 或:nineteen hundred and thirtyseven19读作nineteen hundred 19读作nineteen and(或o)five 或:nineteen hundred and five 读作the year two thousandl 5、年、月、日的英语顺序为“月,日,年”。“日”用序数词读和写(写时也可用基数词);“日”读在“月”前时要加读“of”。July 7(th),7月7日读作:July the seventh two thousand and five 或the seventh of July two thousand and five Today is Thursday,September 19th.今天星期四,9月19日。l 6、12小时制时刻的读法分为顺读法和倒读法。顺读法是依次读“点钟数、分钟数”。倒读法中,在前半小时:“分钟数past已过点钟数”;在后半小时:“分钟数to下个钟点数”。半小时用“half”,一刻钟用quarter。6:00读作:six(oclock)7:30顺读:seven thirty 倒读:half past seven9:15顺读:nine fifteen 倒读:a quarter past nine2:45顺读:two fortyfive 倒读:a quarter to three21:50顺读:twentyone fifty倒读:ten to ten in the evening9:50p.m.24:00读作:twentyfour hundred hoursmidnightThe bus usually leaves at 19:15.公共汽车一般在19:15离开。(读作a quarter past seven in the evening 或nineteen fifteen)数词练习( )1. Work must come _. A. first B. at first C. the first D. in first( )2. The Peoples Republic of China was founded _. A. on October the first , 1949 B. in October the first, 1949 C. on October one, 1949 D. on October first one, 1949( )3. There are _ days in a year A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundreds and fifty-six C. three hundreds of sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty-five( )4. There are _ days in February. A. thirty B. thirty-one C. twenty-eight D. twenty-six( )5. The film begins at 4:15 . 4:15 is _. A. four fifth B. fifteen four C. four fifteen D. a quarter to four( )6. _ is seventy-seven. A. Forty and four B. Thirty-seven and forty C. Forty or thirty-seven( )7. It took me _ to finish my homework . A. two and a half hour B. two hour and a half C. two hours and a half D. a half and tow hour( )8. -How many months are there in a year ? -There are _. A. eleven B. twelve C. twenty D. twelfth( )9. At the age of _, he was a worker. A. twenty B. the twenty C. twentieth D. twenty-first( )10. The Changjiang River is _ longest river in China. A. the first B. the second C. first D. one( )11._ of the teachers in the school is 300, and _ of them are women teachers. A. The number ;first fourth B. A number ;ones second C. A number; one second D. The number ;three quarters( )12. Mr Green lives on _ floor. A. seven B. the seven C. the seventh D. seventh(
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