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那一年的雪花飘落梅花开枝头那一年的华清池旁留下太多愁不要说谁是谁非感情错与对只想梦里与你一起再醉一回金雀钗玉搔头是你给我的礼物霓裳羽衣曲几番轮回为你歌舞剑门关是你对我深深地思念马嵬坡下愿为真爱魂断红颜爱恨就在一瞬间举杯对月情似天爱恨两茫茫问君何时恋菊花台倒映明月谁知吾爱心中寒醉在君王怀梦回大唐爱钢铁专业英语词汇Abnormal Steel 反常钢; 非正常钢 Aluminium-steel Cable 钢铝电缆 Aluminized Steel 涂铝钢 Aluminum Nickel Steel 铝镍钢 Anchored Steel Trestle 锚固式钢栈桥 Angle Steel Ruler 钢角尺 Anisotropic Steel 各向异性钢片 Anisotropy Silicon Steel 各向异性硅钢片 Annealed Sheet Steel 退火薄钢板 Annealed Steel 退火钢; 韧钢 Anti-Creeping Angle Steel 防爬角铁 Anticorrosive Aluminium-Coated Steel Wire 防蚀镀铝钢丝 Arc-Furnace Steel 电炉钢 Arc-Welded Steel Pipe 电弧焊接钢管 Area Of Steel 钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积 Area Of Structural Steel 型钢截面积 Armco Aluminized Steel 阿姆柯渗铝钢 Armco Aluminized Steel 表面浸镀铝钢 Armco Stabilized Steel 阿母柯稳定化钢 Armco Steel 阿姆柯软钢 Armco Steel 不硬化钢 Austenilic Ni-Cr Stainless Steel 奥氏体镍铬不锈钢 Austenitic Alloy Steel 奥氏体合金钢 Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel 奥氏体铬-镍钢 Austenitic Clad Steel 奥氏体复合钢 Austenitic Heat-Resistance Steel 奥氏体耐热钢 Austenitic Manganese Steel 奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢 Austenitic Stainless Steel 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic Steel 奥氏体钢 Automatic Steel 易切削钢 Automatic(Al) Steel 易切削钢 Axle Shaft Steel 车轴钢 Axle Steel 车轴钢 Bainitic Steel 贝氏体钢 Balanced Steel 半镇静钢 Ball Bearing Steel Strip 滚珠轴承钢带 Ball Race Steel 滚珠轴承圈钢 Ball-Bearing Steel 滚珠轴承钢 Bamboo Steel 竹节钢筋 Band Steel 带钢 Banding Steel 带钢; 箍钢 Bar Steel 棒钢; 条钢 Basic Bessemer Steel 碱性贝氏转炉钢 Basic Bessemer Steel 碱性转炉钢 Basic Bessemer Steel Converter 碱性转炉钢转炉 Basic Converter Steel 碱性转炉钢 Basic Electric Furnace Steel 碱性电炉钢 Basic Open Hearth Steel 碱性平炉钢 Battened Steel Column 双肢钢柱 Beam Steel Plate 大梁钢板 Beam With Compression Steel 双筋梁 Bearing Quality Steel 滚珠钢 Bearing Steel 轴承钢 Bent Steel 挠曲钢筋 Bessemer Low Carbon Steel 酸性转炉低碳钢 Bessemer Mild Steel 贝色麦钢 Bessemer Steel 贝色麦钢; 酸性钢 Best Plough Steel Wire 铅淬火高强度钢丝 Billet Steel 坯段钢; 钢坯; 短条钢 Binary Steel 二元合金钢 Black Mild Steel Carriage Bolt And Nut 黑铁马车螺丝闩 Black Mild Steel Fish Bolt And Nut 黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩 Black Mild Steel Flat Head Rivet 黑铁扁头铆钉 Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 黑铁号头铆钉 Black Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 黑铁六角螺丝帽 Black Mild Steel Pan Head Rivet 黑铁锥头铆钉 Black Mild Steel Round Head Rivet 黑铁圆头铆钉 Black Mild Steel Square Nut 黑铁四方螺丝帽 Black Steel Pipe 黑钢板 Black Steel Sheet 黑钢皮 Black Tin Steel 黑钢板 Blister Steel 泡钢; 泡面钢 Abnormal Structure Steel 反常组织钢 Abrasion-Resistant Steel 耐磨钢 Blue Steel 蓝钢 Bluing Of Steel 钢加蓝 Boiler Steel 锅炉钢; 锅炉钢板 Boiler Steel Plate 锅炉钢板 Boiling Steel 沸腾钢 Bolting Steel 螺栓钢 Blue Planished Steel 发蓝薄钢板 Bloom Steel 初轧钢; 钢坯 Boron Steel 硼钢 Brass Fitting Of Steel Window 钢窗铜配件 Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Bead Wood Screw 镀黄铜圆头软钢木螺丝 Brass-Plated Mild Steel Round Head Machine Screw 镀黄铜圆头软钢机器螺丝 Brass-Plated Steel Wire 镀黄铜钢丝 Brearley Steel 布里阿雷不锈钢; 布氏高铬钢 Bridge Steel 桥梁钢 Bright And Black Mild Steel Flat Head Tinmen Rivet 号头铆钉 Bright Mild Steel Cotter Pin 光亮软钢开尾销 Bright Mild Steel Countersunk Head Wood Screw 光亮软钢平头木螺丝 Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nut 光亮软钢六角螺丝帽 Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Nuts 六角光螺帽; 六角螺丝帽 Bright Mild Steel Hexagonal Pressed Nut 光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝帽 Bright Mild Steel Round Head Wood Screw 光亮软钢圆头木螺丝 Bright-Drawn Free Cutting Steel 光拉自由切削钢 Bright-Drawn Steel 光亮拉拔钢材 Bright-Finished Steel 光亮精整钢 Bristol Steel Belt Lacing 布瑞斯涛钢带接头 Bronze Steel 镀青铜钢 Building Of Steel Frame Construction 钢框架房屋 Bulb Steel 球扁钢 Bulb-Rail Steel 球头丁字钢 Burned Steel 过烧钢 Calorized Steel 涂铝钢; 渗化钢 Calorizing Steel 铝化钢 Capped Steel 加盖钢; 半镇静钢 Carbon And Low-Alloy Steel Vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器 Carbon Content Of Steel 钢含碳量 Carbon Molybdenum Steel 钼碳钢 Carbon Steel 碳钢; 碳素钢 Carbon Steel Covered Electrode 碳钢焊条 Carbon Steel Plate 碳素钢板; 碳素钢板和型材 Carbon Tool Steel 碳工具钢; 碳素工具钢 Carbon-Containing Alloy Steel 含碳合金钢 Carbon-Free Stainless Steel 无碳不锈钢 Carbon-Free Steel 无碳钢 Carburizing Steel 碳钢 Case-Hardened Steel 表面渗碳硬化钢; 渗碳钢 Bolts & Nuts For Steel Slotted 角钢螺丝 Cast Alloy Steel Piston 合金铸钢活塞 Cast Iron Electrode With Steel Core 钢芯铸铁焊条 Cast Stainless Steel 铸造不锈钢 Cast Steel 铸钢件 Cast Steel Plate 铸钢板 Cast(Carbon) Steel 铸钢 Cast-In Steel Bush 铸入钢套 Casement Section Steel 窗框钢 Cast-Steel 铸钢 Cast-Steel Crossing 铸钢辙叉 Cast-Steel Pipe 铸钢管 Cast-Steel Separator 铸钢隔板; 铸钢横梁 Cast-Steel Shot 钢砂 Cast-Steel Yoke 铸钢轭 Cellular Steel Floor 格型钢楼板 Cement-And-Grouted Steel Bolt 钢筋砂浆锚杆 Cemented Steel 表面硬化钢 Cemented Templet Steel 渗碳样板钢 Centra Steel 球状石墨铸钢 Centrifugal Steel 离心铸钢 Centrifuge(D) Steel 离心铸造钢 Channel Steel 槽钢 Channel-Section Steel 槽形钢 Channeled-Steel Wheel Rim 槽钢制轮辋 Checkered Steel Plate 花纹钢板 Chemical Capped
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