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我国商业银行消费信贷问题研究摘要本文以消费信贷的发展理论和现状为出发点,对当今我国商业银行的消费信贷体系的发展历史和现状存在的问题进行了系统性的研究,分析总结出了目前我国消费信贷体系所面临的瓶颈问题,揭示了该体系在在当前的发展过程中所需要解决的问题。在此基础上,提出了优化发展消费信贷业务的措施和策略。分析讨论得出:消费信贷业务在我国近几年已得到了快速发展,其仍存在巨大发展潜力,政府相关部门应为消费信贷业务的进一步发展创造宽松的环境,同时,我国商业银行的发展应当积极借鉴其他国家的成功案例,全力解决信贷业务发展过程中遇到的种种问题,提高自身的市场竞争力。其次商业银行需要明确的指导思想来引导消费信贷业务的发展:准确掌握信贷业务发展的阶段;以客户为本,快速反应市场发展;突出信贷业务发展的重点,加强风险防范措施的实施,追求成本效益。再者商业银行要注重优化消费信贷业务的经营管理策略,其包括:建立专业的经营管理机构,实现消费贷款证券化,树立现代经营理念,将消费贷款业务与保险业务相结合;建立风险管理模式,完善信贷风险管理,严格掌控风险贷款;建立公平公正的激励约束机制,培养消费信贷发展需要的管理人才;采用先进的信息管理技术,实现系统的统一管理。还有信贷业务营销策略的优化,其包括:结合现状以经济发达地区为业务发展重点,实现市场拓展的目标;加强中等收入的客户拓展;重视交叉营销;加强业务宣传力度。最后是国家政策和法律法规策略的优化,包括:建立和完善个人信用制度;完善消费贷款的担保制度;政府加大对消费信贷的支持力度;实行浮动贷款利率和提前偿还罚息制度。关键词:商业银行;消费信贷;经营管理;市场营销;发展策略Abstract窗体顶端In this paper, we carry on a systematic study on the problems of the history and current situation of the development of consumer credit system in nowadays China commercial banks from the development of the theory of consumer credit and the status quo. Through analyzing sum up the bottleneck problem faced by the consumer credit system and reveal the need to solve the problem of the system in the current development process. On this basis, Put forward the proposed measures and strategies to optimize the development of the consumer credit business. Reach conclusion by analysis and discussions: the consumer credit business in China has been developed rapidly in recent years, there is still a huge potential for development, and the relevant government departments should create a relaxed environment for the further development of the consumer credit business, at the same time, the development of Chinas commercial banks should be actively learn from the success stories of other countries, effort to solve the problems encountered in the credit business development process, In order to improve their market competitiveness. Secondly the commercial banks need to clear the guiding ideology to guide the development of the consumer credit business: Grasp exactly of the development stage of the credit business; Customer-oriented, response to market development rapidly; outstanding the emphasis of credit business, and focus to strengthen the implementation of risk prevention measures, pursuit the cost benefits. Furthermore, commercial banks should focus on the optimize consumer credit business management strategies, including: the establishment of professional management agencies, securitization of consumer loans, and establish a modern business philosophy, combine the consumer loan business and insurance business; the establishment of a risk management model, improve credit risk management, and control risk loans strictly; establish the fair and equitable mechanisms of incentive and restraint, and train management persons required by the development of consumer credit; the use of advanced information management technologies, Achieve unified management of system. Optimization of the credit business marketing strategy, including: enhance innovation, outstanding the characteristics of credit products; develop the expansion of personal automobile consumption credit market actively stabilizing personal housing loan market; combined with the status quo , focus on the economically developed areas for business development, achieve the goal of marketing; strengthen the middle-income customers to expand; emphasis on the cross-marketing; strengthen the business propaganda. Finally, the optimization of the strategy of national policies、laws and regulations, including: establish and improve the system of personal credit; improve the consumer loan guarantee system; the government need increasing efforts to support consumer credit; the implementation of floating loan rates and early repayment penalty system.Keywords: Commercial Banks; Consumption Credit; Operation and Management; Marketing; Development Strategy目录摘要4第1章 绪论81.1选题背景与意义81.1.1选题背景81.1.2选题意义91.2 国内外研究现状101.2.1国内研究现状101.2.2国外研究现状111.3论文的结构与安排12第2章 我国商业银行消费信贷现状及问题122.1消费信贷体系的功能122.2 我国商业银行消费信贷现状142.2.1我国商业银行消费信贷的结构分析142.2.2我国商业银行消费信贷的总量分析172.2.3我国商业银行消费信贷的风险现状182.3 我国商业银行消费信贷存在的问题192.3.1消费信贷地区之间发展不平衡且城乡差距大202.3.2我国的个人信用制度不完善202.3.3商业银行的发展观念存在问题212.3.4运营和管理机制不完善212.3.5缺乏有效的风险转移和风险防范制度222.3.6法律法规及制度的制约23第3章 提高我国商业银行消费信贷体系的对策分析243.1提高我国商业银行消费信贷对策243.1.1改变消费者的传统消费观念243.1.2建立和完善个人信用制度243.1.3转变观念提高商业银行的积极性253.1.4增加消费信贷产品种类263.1.5建立合理有效的风险管理模式,设置违约反馈系统263.1.6引入信贷的专业人才273.2完善我国商业银行消费信贷体系的具体策略建议28 3.2.1商业银行体制建设方面的应对策略28 3.2.2商业银行发展的外部应对策略31 3.2.3商业银行发展的内部应对策略33第4章 结论34致谢35个人简历及在学期间研究成果36参考文献37第1章 绪论消费信贷是在银行信用和商业信用的基础上发展起来的,在西方国家历经百年发展,已日趋成熟,然而我国消费信贷体系因起步晚,虽发展速度较快,但仍不臻完善。在我国,消费信贷的主要提供者为商业银行,作为最早的消费信贷领域的介入者,一直把消费信贷业务作为新增长点来大力培育。但随着我国市场经济的快速发展和企业融资渠道的多元化,商业银行已不再是市场资金来源的唯一提供者。与此同时,同行之间竞争日益激烈,在经济市场中消费信贷业务的经营成本日渐增大,市场规模逐步缩小,同时市场收益日趋减小,这促使商业银行
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