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Unit 10 综合水平测试 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1 分 , 共计 15 分)(B)21.Dont worry.I have idea for you.A a B an C the D / (B)22. Whats five and five ? Can you tell me the ? Its ten.A question B answer C road D way (A)23. Can I help you? I want to order a large bowl of noodles tomatoes.A with B of C for D in (D)24. Whats your ? Im thirteen years old.A name B address C job D age (D)25.Your teacher will not be happy you dont finish your homework on time.A so B but C and D if (B)26.What would you like , small or medium?A book B size C movie D color (D)27. Lucy and her sister Millie look . Yeah! Lucy is tall and thin.Millie is short and heavy. A young B tidy C friendly D different (B)28.Sorry , there isnt porridge.Would you like dumplings?A some; any B any; some C some; some D any; any (B)29.Youre really to find a job.A popular B lucky C special D good (B)30.Peter may come with us tonight , but he isnt sure .A again B yet C often D soon (B)31.The number of candles on the table 13 .A am B is C are D be (A)32.You can eat some if you like.A fish and chicken B fishes and chicken C fish and chickens D fishes and chickens (C)33.I make a wish and all the candles in one go.A get up B cut up C blow out D go out (A)34. Would you like a hamburger , Jack? .And please get one for Amy.A Yes, please B No , thanks C Yes, I do D No , I dont (B)35. ? Yes, I want some tomato noodles.A How do you do B May I take your order C What would you like D How much is it 六、完形填空。(每小题1 分 , 共计 10 分)What kind of dumplings would you like ? In our restaurant , there are many differentdnos aiqejaBaA g seipoouod v ,japjo ueo 叫s ue却!ip so刈 Aoni eo)saipoou)|jod q saipoou paq o saipoou qsij g saipoou 3|qea6aA , v, lea ueo eqs 01 X sei| epun sHv)8991 -zzzva8991-SCSI9898ksesia8991-Seei, Vlieo ueo 叫 pue saipoou ue却!ip aiuos japjo oj sjubm luoi zHo) LUd 00: ZIV aLUe 00 : 2IV9luB00: 61V lud 00 : 61V, V乙uedo juejnejsej 叫j seop eiui; jeq/v9Ho)0L X dnog eiqejaBeA01 天 dnog ojeiuoi gi,天 dnog ueoiiioOS X peies linJd92 天 peies eseeiio OS 天 peies uapjeg8 X seipooN eiqejeBeA0 L 天 seipooN uexjiio 乙 L 天 seipooN qsij乙 L 天 seipooN 甲。6 G L 天 seipooN jeeg8991-SCSI :H1 00 :12-00 -L :ewLLuedouejnesa poojs.aBjoao(o144洋7;乙酷W与)。搦前里阿。耳- a pioa eoju gpeqvgHa)Anq , q exeiuo 呻, gU!pvw7(v)seipueo , a se|qe;a6eA ,9呻 LU - gsBBeveHa)出人- a ooj, 9 OS|B gA|uov 讯v)uo aoj 9 3 ,a uivlHo)siuooj , q sexoq c)sdno -gS|/voqvoHv)jo a 甲卬i 0 joj apuev6(O)eAij , q jno)9 。叫 1 , a0MW8(a)snopnep a injRneeq 9 eiqujej g j|noij4!pvz(a)spupi , a seoud gsazis gsjoioov9e(a)jAepo s6ui|diunp jnoA Aofua pue aiuoo aseaid -st - lie si aoinfuiairwisai jno uinoA 41 puyoinTjo spui)| |e 3Aeq 孙 l-PP - o)6uiq13iuos。训 noA p|no/vuenA l isnoj|Moq neius e jo uenA 0L J04 |Moq a6je| e 3Aeq ueo noAs6ui|diunp 66a pue jojjbog leioads jno Ai ueo noA 而s6ui|diunp Aue 3)| 1,uop noAjiuenA zv aiu Aeqi,s6u!|diunp叫 jo s|Moq lunipaiu 3Aeq -ZP - 3Ms6ui|diunp aBeqqeo pue jeeqsi 乙 leioadsuenA g J04 |Moq neius e jo uenA zv 一五一|Moq uinipaiu e 4uenA gi,joj |Moq a6je| e 3Aeq ueo nox, -oF- neius pue uinipaiu a6je| 3Aeq 3/vSOJjeo _6 - s6ui|diunp uonniusi l leioadsSieioads 侬16 -g3Aeq 3M Aepoi -ZgAjoa |e aue Aaqi sBuiidiunp 40 9-C. chicken noodles or soup D. chicken salad(B )50.Jim orders a bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of garden salad.How much does he pay?A. 45. B. 35. C. 30. D. 38.BJack gets a call from his grandma on a Saturday morning. Please come to visit me.Bring a cabbage with you,“ says Grandma , “ Why do you want me to bring a cabbage? ” Jack asks. You will see,“ says Grandma.There are many kinds of vegetables in Jacks garden(花园).He gets a cabbage from there.Then he goes to Grandmas house.When Jack arrives , he sees all his cousins are there too.They also get vegetables from their gardens.Alan opens his bag.He puts some potatoes on the table.Jane puts some carrots and onions on the table.Sam and Pat have some tomatoes.Jack plays happily (高兴地)with his cousins in Grandmas house.Grandma washes the vegetables and cuts them into small pieces.She makes delicious pizza(披萨)with them. Does anyone want some pizza? ” Grandma says. Me, Me ! ” all children say happily.(B )51.Grandma asks Jack to.A . make pizza for dinner B. visit herC. visit his cousins D. buy some potatoes(C )52.Jack has cousins.A. two B. three C. four D. five(A )53.Alan takes some to Grandmas house.A. potatoes B. tomatoes C. carrots D . onions(D )54.Which of the following is TRUE?A . Jack lives with his grandma.B. Jacks cousins are good at cooking.C. Jack doesnt want pizza.D. Jack gets a cabbage from his garden.(C)55.What is the best titl
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