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2024届高考英语专题复习:续写动词及动词短语荟萃知识清单续写动词及动词短语荟萃第 2 页 共 3 页1. 朝.跑去ran towards2. 慢慢走向. headed slowly towards3. 沉浸在.;专心致志于.be absorbed in.4. 排列着be lined with.5. 开车送某人去医院drove sb to the hospital6. 意味着上班迟到mean being late for work7. 匆忙从办公室回到办公室hurried back to the office from the hospital8. 看到某人caught sight of sb9. 接到一个来自.的电话received a call/phone from.10. 最后证明it turns out to be11. 匆忙前往医院rushed to the hospital12. 基于.的描述based on the description of sb.13. 无私地帮助某人selflessly aided sb 14. 承认某人的错误 acknowledged ones mistakes15. 向发出邀请extended an invitation to sb 16. 屏住呼吸held the breath17. 帮忙给玫瑰除草helped weed the roses18. 惊恐地看着对方looked at each other in horror19. 注重;看重这些玫瑰 be particular about these roses20. 使某人想起某物reminded sb of sth.21. 某人跪在地上be down on ones knees22. 把花园变成了桥梁turned the garden into bridge23. 把音乐会搞砸messed the concert up24. 感到心跳加快,手掌冒汗felt my heart beating heavily and palms sweating25. 到我上台的时候了it was the time for me to go on the stage26. 爆发雷鸣般的掌声thunderous applause broke out 27. 将成功的表现归于对梦想的坚持owe my successful performance to the persistence of my dream.28. 花费在音乐的时间最后获得回报the time spent on music paid off eventually29. 一眨眼的功夫 within a blink of an eye30. 努力恢复我没有电的电池tried to revive my dead battery31. 立即开始行动jumped into action32. 坚持对他们的宝贵帮助给予补偿insist on compensating them for their invaluable help33. 往事如潮水般涌上心头memories of.came flooding back34. 走上舞台stepped onto the stage 35. 战胜困难conquered my fears36. 轻轻地回答“.”“.”came a soft reply37. 直视某人的眼睛looked directly into ones eyes38. 不知不觉三个小时过去了three hours unconsciously passed39. 往后退 took a step back40. 映入眼帘sth/sb came into sight 41. 绊倒sb was tripped over by.42. 失足,然后倒了missed a step and fell43. 打翻某物/打晕某人knocked over44. 鼓起勇气做某事gather up ones courage45. 把手伸进口袋,拿出一个钱包reachedintothe pocket and pulled out a wallet46. 假装做某事pretended to do47. 弯腰去捡.bent down and picked up48. 跳起来jumped/sprang to ones feet49. 倒塌fell down50. 敲门/砰地关上门knocked at/slam the door51. 夺门而出stormed out of the door52. 上车/下车/从车上跳下来got on/off/ jumped off the bus53. 把车停在路边pulled over(to the side of the road)54. 按喇叭pressed the button of the horn55. 踩刹车set the brake56. 碰撞crashed into57. 徘徊wandered around58. 来回踱步paced back and forth59. 溜进slid/sneaked into60. crawled爬/crept蹑手蹑脚地走/slipped滑到61. 蹦蹦跳跳bounced into62. 夺门而出stormed out of63. 经过passed by64. 走进/走出stepped into/out of65. 挽起某人的胳膊took ones arms66. 抓住;掌握got hold of.67. 流下骄傲/后悔/感激/开心/兴奋/绝望shed tears of pride/ regret/gratitude/joy/excitement/despair68. 站在原地不动stood rooted to the spot/stood still69. 一脸茫然with a blank expression on ones face70. 鼓掌clapped ones hands/applaud 71. in a low/high voice/sorrowful voice/ determined/firm voice/ doubtful voice/an angry voice72. with a short pause,./with everybodys joint efforts/without slightest hesitation,73. shout,scream,yell,roar,cry,whisper,murmur,interrupt,add,continue,remark,comment,predict, suggest, advise,imply, recommend, propose, repeat, guess,encourage74. ask,wonder,doubt, answer, reply, respond, return,said in response75. refuse,agree,admit,complain,urge,comfort,apologize,explain,promise,order,request,require,compromise, warn,sigh, beg朝.跑去76. 慢慢走向. 沉浸在.;专心致志于.77. 排列着78. 开车送某人去医院79. 意味着上班迟到80. 匆忙从办公室回到办公室81. 看到某人82. 接到一个来自.的电话83. 最后证明84. 匆忙前往医院85. 基于.的描述86. 无私地帮助某人87. 承认某人的错误88. 向出邀请第 3 页 共 3 页
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