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武汉理工大学毕业设计(论文)摘 要在英国现代文学史上,康拉德是个特殊的人物。他早年热衷于航海事业,直到19世纪90年代,即他投身航海生涯20年之后,才开始从事文学创作。然而他也是一位多产的作家,这些作品为他赢得了世界性的声誉。其代表作有台风,吉姆爷及黑暗之心。 黑暗之心是约瑟夫康拉德的重要小说作品之一。它于1899年以连载的形式在英国的一家杂志首次发表。自从它问世以来,黑暗之心的影响逐年上升。这部小说本身是一部复杂的小说,是冒险故事,心理分析,政治讽喻,黑色幽默,和怀疑主义沉思的杂合体。在这篇论文中,通过使用弗洛伊德心理分析法以及多角度分析的方法,我试图分析出库尔兹在黑暗中闪现出的人性。通过以上方法,我试图使一个完整的库尔兹呈现出来。我的论文可分为五个部分。第一部分是对作者和他的作品黑暗之心的介绍。第二部分在对库尔兹人性的分析中,借用了精神分析学派的“我”的三重划分,指出库尔兹的堕落在于本我的肆意扩张,超我(社会性的道德、规范)失去了约束能力,自我沦丧。在第三部分中,我们可以看到一个迷失,残暴以及贪婪的库尔兹。第四部分指出库尔兹是一个多才多艺的理想主义者,他徘徊于西方文明与非洲文化之间。通过分析库尔兹表现出的人性,我们可以看出人性的神秘性,同时,我们可以把库尔兹整个人生的抗争看成是当时整个社会文明与个体道德的斗争。 关键词: 康拉德;柯兹;人性说明:1、要求用300-500字的篇幅简要叙述论文的主要内容,关键词一般选择3-5个为宜。2、“摘要”下空一行写摘要内容,摘要内容与关键词之间空四行。3、“摘要”用黑体小2号,段前段后1.5,行间距1.5,对齐方式:居中。4、摘要内容用宋体小4号,多倍行距1.25。5、“关键词”用黑体4号,段前段后0.5,多倍行距1.25。6、关键词内容用宋体小4号,段前段后0.5,多倍行距1.25。(见上例)Abstract In English literature, Conrad is a special man. As a young man, he is fond of sailing. He is not engaged in the literature until the 90s in 19th century. However, he writes many novels and gets the world prestige. His representative works are Lord Jim, Nostromo and Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness is one of Joseph Conrads celebrated novels. It was first serialized in Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine in 1899. Since its publication, Heart of Darkness has become progressively more influential during the following decades. Heart of Darkness itself is a complicated novel, since it is a mixture of adventure story, psychological case study, political satire, black humor comedy, and skeptical meditation. In the paper, I try to present Kurtz s nature in the darkness, using Freudian psycho analysis and multi-angles analysis. With those approaches, I try to show an intact Kurtz. My paper can be divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction to Joseph Conrad and his novel Heart of Darkness. In the second part, this thesis borrows the three layers division of I in psycho analytics. This thesis indicates that the degeneration of Kurtz lies in his wantonly expanded ego while as his superego (social moral and regulation) lost binding force and his ego was mined. In the third part, we find a lost, cruel and greedy Kurtz. The fourth part presents a versatile idealist who stands between Western civilization and African culture. By analyzing Kurtz s nature, we can find the mystery of human nature and the conflict of social civilization and individual moral. The fifth part is conclusion. Key Words: Conrad; Kurtz; nature说明:1、外文摘要与中文摘要的内容和篇幅基本一致。2、“Abstract”下空一行写摘要内容,摘要内容与关键词之间空四行。3、“Abstract”用Times New Roman加粗小2号,段前段后1.5,1.5倍行间距,对齐方式:居中。4、Abstract内容用Times New Roman小4号,多倍行距1.25。5、“Key Words”用Times New Roman加粗小4号,段前段后0.5,多倍行距1.25。6、Key Words内容用Times New Roman小4号,段前段后0.5,多倍行距1.25。(见上例)Kurtzs Nature In the DarknessIntroductionJoseph Conrad did not begin to learn English until he was 21 years old. He was born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski on December 3, 1857, in Polish Ukraine. When Conrad was quite young, his father was exiled to Siberia on suspicion of plotting against the Russian government. After the death of the boys mother, Conrads father sent him to his mothers brother in Krakw to be educated, and Conrad never again saw his father. He traveled to Marseilles when he was seventeen and spent the next twenty years as a sailor. He went to an English ship in 1878, and eight years later he became a British subject. In 1889, he began his first novel, Almayers Folly, and began actively searching for a way to fulfill his boyhood dream of traveling to the Congo. He took command of a steamship in the Belgian Congo in 1890, and his experiences in the Congo came to provide the outline for Heart of Darkness. Conrads time in Africa wreaked havoc on his health, however, and he returned to England to recover. He returned to sea twice before finishing Almayers Folly in 1894 and wrote several other books, including one about Marlow called Youth: A Narrative before beginning Heart of Darkness in 1898. He wrote most of his other major worksincluding Lord Jim, which also features Marlow, Nostromo, and The Secret Agent, as well as several collaborations with Ford Madox Fordduring the following two decades. Conrad died in 1924.Heart of Darkness, one of the most famous jungle novels, is created on the basis of Conrads diary in 1890 when he was on the journey to Congo. On a cruising yawl at rest on Thames, the narrator, Marlow is telling his story about his travel along another river and the legend of an agent down in the jungle. He is appointed by a company that gathers ivory in Congo. Even though the journey seems quite arduous and somewhat elusive, Marlow, who has always had a passion for travel and exploration, sets out his adventure. From beginning to end, what he sees and hears are the dark Africa where the trade agents are greedily gathering ivory, seizing and grabbing the natives brutally. Especially when he witnesses the fable about Ku
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