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华北水利水电学院毕业设计Talk about modern book designBooks are essential to life, is the spirit of human knowledge dissemination of grain, accumulation and development are necessary tools. Records of history books only, science, culture, and promote the popularization of human society material civilization and spiritual civilization development. Books are so important, therefore, is installed * books are of vital significance.Book as art design is an important subject in the 20th century, along with the development of modern science and technology culture more professional. Especially since nearly 30 years, science and technology, the rapid development of economy, consumption level, and improve sales and related technology and changing greatly progress, all these materials in the objective of the modern book greatly promoted the rapid development.Modern book design no longer stay picture books or phase, has generally designed to promote overall design , or. Six years of international art exhibition in leipzig books prize for the four books: (1) the standard parts such as the book covers, HuanChen, jacket, page layout, catalogue, and illustrations and font, to achieve aesthetics in harmony. 2) design (form and content of books (3) unified. The highest art. (4) the highest quality (technical quality. These standards will book design is the essence of the content, as well as on the specific design books. Books are complex by various factors, books and show their special design of the system. Therefore, the book design process is comprehensive, the overall design, the design is increasingly wide areas.Human civilization in the various cultural form must always belonged to the root of social economy, economy plays an important role in modern book is directly reflects this point. Modern book design due to the progress of the society, the development of science and technology and the sales of modern consumption, books, and the development of modern technology, material, design for the book has laid a solid foundation. Consumer is installed * design books direct service object. Good liquidity sales is book design objective test. But certain technology/process and material is book design necessary material means. Book design service object, sales, good fluidity and technology development inevitable fundamentally in book design itself. Therefore, the study of modern book design can only stay in shape and color of the cover design of elaboration, font, and shall put the long-term, in recognizing the current situation, there is a kind of advanced design awareness. In modern consumption demand and recognize concept and aesthetic temperament and interest, the modern marketing environment and modern chemical materials, and modern technology is a strategic category, to conduct in-depth research and design of the view. The brief analysis,.The development of modern marketing to book design development. Books are commodities, the answer is yes, but it is the spiritual culture of commodities. Books are a strange in the world market, the products can be as peoples thoughts and desires and fantasy, is the creation of art and technology. Modern marketing environment of space, the area, packaging, advertising, sales buy and displayed quantity and variety of books has entered the stage of history, large-scale sales now some super large bookstores, large bookstores, with great sales force. The super market to the bookstore as readers free choice of books. The exterior decoration conspicuous books can arouse readers to buy dazzing. In order to adapt to the modern marketing strengthen competitiveness, book design must be in relatively sufficient market survey, under the premise of dominated by readers - the reader is god, in the full expression of basic content of book itself apart, do STH unconventional or unorthodox hundreds square to improve the grade of the book design to stimulate the reader to the books.The development of modern consumption in book design development: todays consumers in the material requirements, spiritual needs, economy, culture, psychology, and on a very different. All toward a higher level. Diversity, the fast rhythm of modern life make people more pressing the commendation psychology, conservative visual form no longer welcome. As living level and cultural levels rising, some old ideas instead of a new idea. In the aesthetic demand on the demands of the people, and accept the development level of economy growing in today, the situation of family, as more and more exquisite decoration study, more and more exquisite beauty and comfortable, the decoration of desk, bookcase is more common pursuit. One of the books, a beautiful box of a book design can provide a visual contentment and joy, make people get the edification. On the other hand, people today, high information era is a kind of life rhythm sense of urgency, living in a city of visual and psychological demands. People tend to concise, livel
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