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仁爱版初中英语九年级上第一单元Topic_1课文清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供Unit1 The Developing WorldTopic1 China has developed rapidly in recent years.Section A1a Look, listen and say ( In the classroom after class)Kangkang: Hi, Sally. Did you have a good summer holiday?Sally: Yes. What about you?Kangkang: Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?Rita: I went to many places near my home in India. In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss. I felt sorry for them. Where have you been, Jane?Jane: I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. Its a beautiful place. But there were so many people there that I couldnt find a good place to take photos. And where have you been, kangkang?Kangkang: I have been to an English training school to improve my English. Listen! There goes the bell.1b work alone : Fill out the form according to 1a.NameWhere has he/she been?What did he/she see or do?RitaJaneKangkang1c Pair work: Where have you been and what did you do during the summer holiday? Make up a similar dialog with your partner according to the following example.Example:A: where have you been? B: Ive been to A: what did you do? B: I 2a Listen read and sayKangkang: Hi, Ann! Have you ever taken part in any activities during this summer holiday?Ann: Yes, I have helped in a disabled childrens home.Kangkang: have you spent the whole holiday working there? Ann: Yesm I have And I have done a lot of things there. I cleaned rooms for the diabled children, told them stories and even fed them.Kangkang: what a wonderful experience!Ann: Yes, it was. I have learnt a lot from it. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy this holiday!SectionB1a Listen, read and sayRita: Kangkang, Id like to write an article about teenagers around the world. Could you please tell me something about Chinese teenagers?Kangkang: sure. My granny told me that most children had a hard life in the past.Rita: Is that so? Can you describe it in detail?Kangkang: Of course. In the past, many families were big and poor. Parents couldnt afford education for their children. Most children had no chance to go to school. Whats more, some of them had to work and make money to help support their families. Life was very hard for these child laborers.Rita: what about teenagers nowadays?Kangkang: Our country has developed rapidly. Now our government gives support to poor families. So children in cities and villages can get a good education.Rita: oh, theyre lucky. By the way, wheres Jane?Kangkang: she has gone to the library?Rita: Its a great pity! I want to learn something about Canadian teenagers,too.Kangkang: Why not go and search the Internet for some information?Rita: Great! Lets go.1b: Work alone : compare the Chinese teenagers lives in the past with those nowadays, and then write two passages.In the past nowadays1C Work alone : Make a survey. Ask your parents about their lives as teenagers and compare them with your life nowadays.3. Pair work: Make a survey. Complete the questionnaire for your father mother. And make a dialog with your partner.Example: A: Has he / she ever? B: Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she has never done that.A: When did he/she ?ActivityYes(/)/ No()WhenSleep in the open air/a few years agoStudy abroadEnter/win/lose a competitionRead a book by LuXunWrite a letterEnjoy Beijing OperaLose keysSection C1a Read and understandA true story about Kangkangs Granny(Kangkangs granny is telling a true story about herself) I used to be a child laborer. Some other children and I slept in a large room with some cows. When it rained outside, the rain came in. Every morning, I got up at sunrise and went to the fields with the other children. Our job was to grow cotton. We often went hungry because the boss didnt give us enough food to eat. When we talked to others, he shouted at us. He hit us when he thought we were working slowly. He was very angry when we fell ill and couldnt work. I had to divide my money into two parts. One part was used to help support my family, the other, to help send my elder brother to school. Life was cruel for us at that time. Now, childrens lives are much better. Kangkang, you should feel satisfied with your life now.1b Work alone: Mark the following sentences(T) for True or (F) False according to 1a.( )1. Kangkangs granny used to be a child laborer.( )2. Kangkangs granny had to get up when it was still dark every morning.( )3. The cruel boss didnt give the children enough food to eat.( )4. Now, childrens lives are much better than before.1C Group work: Make a survey. Ask your grandparents to tell you some stories about themselves when they were teenagers. Then share them with your classma
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