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0年1月大学英语四级真题 卷Pr Secton A seningComrehenson (2 mint) Drecon: Int seio, you wll ea 10 shor converaton.At the ndfeac onver-atn, a questi ib skedout wat aid. Bohenversaion nd theuton willbe soken only oce. Aft ch questin thee wilbe a pase.During he paus, you mustrea the four hoices marked A),), ) an D), d decde whichis teestnse. Thnmarkthe corponin etter on th swer Seet ih a inlie throughe centre. Exml: Youwl a: You il read. A)Atthe ofie ) In thwitingroom C) Atth airport.) In arestaat rom teonverainwe k tath two wer tg ao some w thy had to iish in e evening.Thi veratinis most liky o ean plae t the ofie. Theefoe,A)Ateoffc ithe best answe Yo shou choose on the nswerShetand mak itwiha single lie through e enre. ampleAnsr AB C D .A) Theman live fa fresubwy B) Theman njy avelingby car)The man uedto own ca.D) Th mn is ood at drivi. 2 ) h can meTony soarly in th monn.)ony an choose nther cience coue ) heapproves Toys deison. D) Toy ould coiu akng tecose. . A) She has to udy or the exam. B) Shes egr to watthe n pla.C) hei rtiua nereste in lys. D)he cn en hrnte o the man. 4)The llattt fewer ids as on-le eduction expas. B) Thewill ontinuo exist aong wih o-ne eucion. C) Theywill lmi thirteahin to eain subets only D)They ll be repaceby o-lineucationsooneror lter. 5. ) Most studtsdnt want jobs adverie n thespapers. B) Mst studnt wou like oor oanespe. C)Mt sudnts fi a jb by raing vrtsements. D) Mstudets fin it hart ge a jb after thy raduate. 6. A) Fish hassignen. ) Repairth asing machineC) ur he aseent into aworksop. D) e the wsing acieto te baseet 7.A) Theofssor harought exracopsofhis assignt ) Som studnts at the bac an hrte pesorC) So o thesuentareno n the profssos list D) herfesor as canged his adinassinmen. 8. A) She doesntwantto lkabot the cotst. B) Shsspe twoyeas stuynglish n na. C) Ss vy proudofhe succss the speech contest.D)he modtaou hersucn theconts. 9. A) dng neaprs. B) Tlkig abuspsC) ritngup lcalws. D) Puttinupadvertimnts 10.A) heyd beterchangehe mid. B)e ouldn hane theirpa C)ethe forecaa ot eliable. D) Te tengame wntlast long etinB Compund Dcaon Dtios:n this seton,you will hearapsge hree mes. Wn te passag is red orth fittme, ou shouldlstncarefulyfor its genea dea Wentepassae irad for thsecondtie, yu are quired to ill the baks nuered ro S t S7 wththeeact words you have ust e r blankumbered rm S8 toIO youaerequied t fili hemissing informaton. Yo can eher etheexa wrs you havut erd orwrit on t inpoint in yurnwds. Finll; when theassgisread for th thi time, oushould check t you have wrtn hreare alo ofgood cameras aaae a the moment-mstof hese are mde i Japa but thee a also god (S1)_modl fomGemany and he USehve (S)_rangefdiffeen moel t se whch ithe best (S)_money. Afera numer of dffer tsts and neviewswithpeopleare (S4)_asesed, ur rserers (S)_ith tedffrentcmeras eing theOlmpicBYodel as theest autoous cameraavailabe at the mnt. t cts$200ltough ou ay wel wnt to pendore-(S6)_mchas aotr $-n buying (7)_lenean oh pmen. It s a ood Jpanese cme,easy to use. S8)_ wrs the mericanersins r osiderbymoexpensive The ympic BY mol weihs y 20 rms wch s quie a bi les than terca of imilr tpe. needneothe themodeswe lokedt weiheamsttwia mc (S9)_. ALL th pol we intrviee expresedalost totalstsfacti ith it (Sl)_art eadingComrehensin(35 inute) Direcins:There ae 4 psages n hisprt. Ech pasag i olodbyeuesions or fnishd saemes. r eh o
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