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冀教版小学英语三年级上全册教学设计Lesson 1 Hello!教学目的:知识与技能目的:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词hello, hi. 2. 能纯熟运用hello, hi 与别人打招呼。 可以用My name is _. 做自我介绍;并能用Whats your name? 来询问别人的姓名。情感目的: 1. 如何有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。 2. 乐于开口,积极参与。文化意识目的: 了解中西方互致问候时的不同。教学重点: 1. 词汇hello, hi. 2. 句型:My name is _. Whats your name?教学过程:I. Warm upT: Hello! Hi! 教师用 “Hello or Hi”向学生不断地问好 ,使学生自然地明白要用“Hello”或 “Hi”回答。Ss: Hello! Hi!S1: Hello! / Hi!S2: Hello! / Hi! 同桌或前后桌用Hello和Hi互相问好。II. New Concept1. Introduce “ English .T: This term well study a new subject “English”, I hope you all study hard . (呈现一些说英语国家的图片,让学生了解英语的普及限度,为什么学英语,激发学生学英语的兴致和热情)。2. 视频呈现三个人物:Li Ming, Jenny and Danny. (此处教师并不说出三个人的名字) (教师告诉学生这三个人将陪同我们一起度过未来的四年英语学习时光。)Li Ming:Hello .Jenny : Hello . Danny : Hi . 出示China and Canada的地图,Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Jenny is from Canada. They are good friends. They are also our friends. We are good friends. (学生了解到加拿大是一个国家,离中国很远,但他们与我们都是好朋友。)T: Lets say “Hello / Hi” to Li Ming , Jenny and Danny.Ss: Hello ! Hi! (师板书)3. 视频呈现对话,思考:他们说了些什么?看完后,生答:他们在介绍自己的名字。 Watch the second time, think: 如何用英语介绍自己的名字? 指名答: My name is_. (对说出此句子的学生给予肯定与表扬。) T: Can you introduce yourself? S1: My name is _. S2: My name is _. S3: My name is _. S4: My name is _. Watch the third time, think: 如何询问别人的名字? 指名答: Whats your name? (对说出此句子的学生给予肯定与表扬。) T: Whats your name? S: My name is _. (板书:Whats your name? My name is _.) The fourth time: follow to read.III. Practice 1. pair work: S1:Hello, my name is _.Whats your name? S2: My name is _. 2. line work: S1: Hello, my name is _.Whats your name? S2: My name is _. Whats your name? S3: My name is _. Whats your name? S4: My name is _. Whats your name? 3. Listen to the song and sing IV. Production 1. 角色扮演:学生把自己扮演成自己喜欢的人物的名字,与同学对话。 S1: Hello! My name is Cheng Long. Whats your name? S2: My name is Da xiong. 2. Guessing game: 每位学生在纸条上写下自己的个性姓名,投入到一个小盒子里。然后找一名学生从中抽出一个纸条,猜一猜这是谁?看谁用的时间最短,谁就是胜利者。 S1: Hello! Whats your name? S2: My name is _. S1: Sorry. (to S3) Hi! Whats your name? S3: My name is _. S1: Yes!V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: read the book. Ask your parents or friends in English. Sing the song for your family. 板书设计: Lesson 1: Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Hi! My name is _.Lesson 2 Boy, girl and Teacher教学目的:知识与技能目的:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词boy, girl and teacher.2. 能纯熟运用句子This is a _ .对人或物做介绍。 3. 能纯熟运用句型Whats his/her name? 来询问别人的姓名,并能对别人的询问做出对的的回答:His/ Her name is _.情感目的: 乐于开口,积极参与。教学重点: 1. 词汇boy, girl and teacher.2. 句型:This is a _.Whats his/her name? His/ Her name is _.教学难点:区分his 与her 的用法。教学过程:I. Warm upT: Hello! Boys and girls.Ss: Hello! / Hi!T: Hi! Whats your name?S: My name is _.T: A pretty girl. / A lovely boy. (教师询问学生姓名后,自然渗透boy, girl. 为后面的学习做铺垫。)II. New ConceptPart 1: Boy, girl or teacher?出示图片,T:Do you remember who they are? Ss: Li Ming, Jenny. T: Yes. Li Ming is a boy. Jenny is a girl.I am a teacher. (板书: boy, girl, teacher) How can you introduce them? Lets have a look.(观看教学光盘,呈现规范、地道的语音语调。)T:Can you say the sentence? S: This is a _. T: Yes or No? Lets watch again, follow to read.T: Yes. Lets say it. (板书: This is a ) Point to the boys or girls or teacher in the classroom, say it: This is a boy/ girl/ teacher.Part 2: Whats his/ her name?T: I have a good friend. His eyes are big. His fur is white. His face is round. His hands are clean. His head is clever. Guess, Whats his name? Yes. His name is Xi Yang yang. (板书) (教师采用简笔画形式呈现新知,边画边介绍,其中反复出现新词汇his ,最后落脚到Whats his name? His name is _. 同样的方法呈现Whats her name? Her name is _. 这样学生在情境中去反复感知、识记新词,印象更加深刻。)T:Whats his name?S1: His name is _.T: Whats her name?S2: Her name is _.(教师指着教室里的学生,进行师生问答。)T: Can you find the difference between his and her?(在大量的感知、理解和实践后,让学生自己去发现规律, 总结出his 用来指男生,her 用来指女生。)III. Practice 1. Game: Who is faster? (介绍人或物) 教师出示图片,学生分两队,每队依次选代表抢答,看看谁更快? This is a _. 2. Pair work: S1: Whats his/her name? (指着班里的同学问答)S2: His/ Her name is _.IV. Production 1. Ask and answer. 教师出示两组图片,(第一组是大家熟知的人物,第二组有两位是名人,另两位是普通人物,生可以发挥想象,尽情的猜,没有固定答案,充足发展了学生的发散思维)学生之间进行问答练习。 S1: Whats his/her name?S2: His/ Her name is _. 2. Memory game. 记忆力大考验。 找出三个同学到前面来,每位同学说出自己的名字(注意不是真名,而是个性姓名),然后再把你的同伴介绍给大家。 S1: My name is _. S2: My name is _.
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