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你是否思考过,为什么你在工作上能够和其它设计师很好地合作?也许你们志同道合,不过使你们不那么投机也同样可以很好地在一起。在Kaleidoscope(pavdow附:一家美国设计公司,原文作者现在工作的地方 :/ kascope /),包括我在内一些设计师善于分析和理性思考,而另外一些则是思想奔放喜欢感性的思考。我们是如何相处共存的呢?理性地分析让我明白不同设计师之间如何互补,最终让我意识到一个成功的设计团队需要有4种关键的成员。布道者(千万不要理解成喋喋不休的唐僧,而是类似于我们所谓的“精神领袖”类的人物,往往在更大和更高的层面上讲述和思考博爱啊家庭啊人类啊之类的话题)设计团队没有一个具有远见的领袖,就像一个教堂里没有牧师。他在最高层面关注设计,发展策略和推动设计与商业一体化进程。直觉思维使他知道如何把设计自然而然地融合到庞大的商业计划里面。他是从“狂想者”成长起来,所以他热衷把他带领负责的产品和项目覆盖范围尽量扩大,并探索更多的可能方向。“布道者”绝不会去做技术能手,甚至会领导一些在常人眼里看来不可完成的任务。尽管肩负众多挑战,但往往最终他不但完成了而且达到了他所期望的真正价值高度。在优秀的“布道者”带领下,团队往往是具有前瞻性,突破性和高创意价值。乐团指挥(乐团指挥语义上指的是亲历亲为,脚踏实地的实干型领导)作为“布道者”珠联璧合的补充,设计团队需要一个脚踏实地指导完成具体项目的领导,条理化的思维帮助她确保任何细节都不会出现偏差。就像指挥一个乐团,她把各种不同小节有条不紊地融合贯穿成协调的乐章,确保每个音符都经得起推敲,绝没有任何的偏离。她高标准严要求,以确保每个项目都是最高质量。一些团队往往项目进行到95%时已精疲力尽或就此结束,而“乐团指挥”则扮演了推动项目最终顺利完成的重要角色。在更多时候,她指导项目进入生产,并确保很多容易被人忽视的关键细节的到位。她也许希望自己还是个设计师,努力做到精益求精或者更多的份外工作。她发挥稳定,是切实工作和带来利益的关键。狂想者(思维活跃,思想没有国界)当设计思想与是设计约束自相矛盾时,狂想者会抛弃所有这些因素,转而提供一个令人惊讶的全新的意见。他避免了项目的技术边界来支持实验内容。一个优秀的设计团队会在必须天马行空的头脑风暴时期部署狂想者的加入并且当最终的产品必须进入分类边界或者创造全新的产品则会让他们全程参与。当不允许他们进行幻想的时候他们很容易变得很沮丧,所以不要期盼他来处理细节方面的工作或者其他有很多技术要求限制的工作。它提供的广泛的想法并不总能成为最终产品的一部分,但是狂想者在创新阶段是必须的,同时也给寻求新奇的设计管理者提供娱乐价值。手术师(类似于唠唠叨叨的阿嬷?)不管是不是因为美学或者人机工程学的发展,许多优秀的设计都关注于细节。一个优秀的设计团队需要手术师-分析师,能故消减和剖析设计问题以找到最佳的解决方案。根据定义,他打破产品到组成部分,考虑设计的各个因素,最后把他们纳入统一的整体。手术者并不总是最好的决策者因为她会因为一个项目不明确而停止思考或者沮丧。当需要将复杂的设计问题明确化,手术者是最好的选择,她能够确保没有任何遗漏的地方。多面手 每个小组的设计师具有不同的技能组合,但多面手可能是你办公室最有才华的人,因为他确实可以做任何事情。他领导了一系列项目,解决了棘手的问题,以及提出创新性的想法。刚毕业的学生成为“少年杰克” ,因为当他们积累经验的时候可以提高各个领域的水平更加意识到自己的巨大优势。不要将真正的杰克和某人并不流行或者模棱两可的优势混淆。在现实中,罕见的多面手可能不是必须有,但会觉得任何团队有必要拥有一个。?我希望这有助于你更好地了解你如何和你周围的人融入一个设计组织。你知道如何作为设计师融入这个圈子?怎么让团队更强大?在未来的职位,我会研究如何对这些不同的组合的五名成员协助执行不同的战略来为设计企业使用。Four Essential Members of a Great Design TeamHave you ever wondered why you can successfully collaborate with another designer in your office? Maybe you share similar ideas, but theres also a good chance youre nothing alike. At Kaleidoscope, some of the designers (including me) are organized and analytical. Others think freely and contextually. How can we coexist? My analytical thinking pushed me to break down and understand how these differences can be complementary. What I ultimately realized is that a successfully diverse design team requires four key members.The EvangelistA design team without a visionary leader is like a church without a preacher. The Evangelist focuses on design at the highest level, developing strategies and processes that push the limits of design and business as a whole. Contextual thinking helps him understand how design fits into a larger business plan. As a former Dreamer, he loves to push the boundaries and question assumptions of the products and categories he leads. The Evangelist wont ever be an operations specialist, and may even lead activities that feel counterproductive to more analytical thinkers. Although possibly his greatest challenge, he will come through in the end and prove that his dreaming offers real business value. With a great Evangelist leading the charge, firms can be proactive, trendsetting, and highly valued for their ideas.The ConductorTo complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conductors analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered. Like directing an orchestra, she brings together all the little details into harmony, making sure everything has been figured out and nothing taken for granted. She probably has the highest standards of any designer in the office and ensures that every project is top quality. Often the team doing the first 95% of the work is exhausted or checked out by the end, and the Conductor plays a key role in making the final push to finish the project right. In more corporate roles, she shepherds projects through to production and defends key design details that might otherwise be lost. The Conductor may wish she was still a designer, struggling to find the appropriate level of feedback or adding unnecessary work for her team. At her best, the Conductor is the key to creating consistently solid work that will have clients or consumers coming back for more.The DreamerWhen analytical minds struggle with paradoxical design constraints, the Dreamer cuts through it all to offer a surprisingly fresh attitude. He avoids the technical boundaries of a project in favor of contextual experimentation. A great design team deploys Dreamers to brainstorms where blue sky thinking is necessary, and keeps them involved when the end product must push category boundaries or create brand new ones. The Dreamer becomes easily frustrated when not allowed to exercise fantasies, so dont expect him to handle detail-oriented work or anything that is heavily constrained by technical requirements. The wild ideas he contributes wont always become part of the final product, but the Dreamer is essential in setting the stage for innovation as well as offering an entertainment value to novelty-seeking design managers.The SurgeonWhether
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